How many of you are thinking of quitting?
I'm 57, never been to 60 much less 70.. but I don't know why I keep playing. I guess the massive world filled with people keeps me hooked.
Still it seems like the whole game is based around how much time you can sit pressing 1, 2, 3, 4 over and over to rep grind/item grind/level grind/gold grind your way to epic armor that will allow you to sit in Stormwind (or on the Org bank) and stare at lowbies.
Is there anything worth getting to @ 70?
You should quit. I'm not trying to be mean.
And if you think that playing WoW is only about pressing 4 buttons over and over, just quit now.
Um, leveling kind of is hitting the same sequence of buttons over and over again though...
With some minor variations here and there.
WoW made me realize that I can't play traditional MMO's anymore, not really. I just can't enjoy them like I used to.
But that's really more my issue than that of any game.
There you go.
Yeah, it's true to a degree. But in WoW, atleast when grinding, you have to respond very little to the actions your opponents take. You don't need to make any sort of re-active button presses, so it can become very repetitive.
Once you're fully epiced, you can choose one of three factions: Casual, Raider, PvPer, and then spend the rest of your time accusing the other 2 factions of ruining the game.
Usually comments like this are annoying but I seriously laughed out loud.
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.
Sometimes the truth hurts, and sometimes while it's hurting, it's also really funny.
Very true, although almost all bosses at least do something besides standing there and taking it while you pour on DPS.
You almost have to level up in a group so you can do instances to avoid going crazy. Not necessarily a bad thing, but there it is.
Fuck pvpers they have ruined the game.
Yeah, it's sorta the same for me.
I realized early on in WoW that in order to really get the most out of it you have to be able to set aside time to do things with a group...PvP, raid, etc.
I'm married, work full time, go to school, and I have a 3 year old. Spare time just doesn't happen very often, and when it does, it's never guaranteed to be uninterrupted.
I could never commit to anything so I spent most of my time solo grinding. I can do that in any number of free Korean games, so I just kinda dropped it.
Seriously though, WoW, when played by itself, is mediocre at best. If you don't have a group to play this game with, don't play it. It's not worth your $15 - especially if you're not even 70 and you're already bored.
I think lvl 1-70, one time on your first time ever playing the game, even without other people is massive amounts of fun. I certainly didn't group that much from 1-60 the first time around and I couldn't be pried away.
But any sort of longer term enjoyment, does I think, require group play.
If you get a figureprint of your character wearing all epic gear its like growing a second penis.
Except that someone in TF2 who has no coordination or cant aim will die. A lot.
In WoW its a matter of having "l2p" and being "uber pro" at chatting. Thats why its more of a burnout, IMHO.
i loled.
I can wholeheartedly assure you that people with no co-ordination die quite often in WoW as well.
Hooooleeeeee shit, how do you people stand in fire still.
Anyways I disagree entirely, there is a difference beyond gear in "skilled" wow players. In PVP especially, thought it i noticable in pve. To say otherwise is ridiculous. Is it the same as games which have a higher "twitch" requirement? No, far from it. But it's defintely noticable and it defintely affects the success you ahve in the game.
Below level 60, you haven't even played Eye of the Storm yet. Its hilarious.
If you do drop out though, probably best to do it at about level 55-59...then if you decide to jump back for the exp, you'll have 2789479 death knights to group and level with.
Although to be fair, it's a very fun hamster wheel when played correctly and is quite rewarding (sadly). I was pretty hardcore into raiding pre-BC and when BC was first released, and I had a blast. Serious arena play is also fun, though grows wearisome vastly quicker.
If you don't have time to dedicate yourself to advancing your character for a guild or group of friends, however, it loses its sparkle quite quickly. WTS 70 priest and hunter!
i never even got to 40 in the months of having the game
i realized it just wasn't for me
And of course, if the way there isn't fun, it's not a very good idea to continue, imho. The game CAN BE vastly different at max level, way more about min/max-ing than about "just killing some dudes" for most people. But the core game is of course still the same
edit: and of course, with the recent leveling changes, 1-70 is so fast compared to earlier.
You get to make transexual furries kill themselves over their interney spacegold.
When solo grinding I get terribly bored unless I have chat to read. I also like to turn on an internet radio and listen.
I basically got full season 3 on my lolret pally, realized there's nothing I could obtain in the game that would be signifigant until the expansion, and sputtered out. (I'm mostly a pvper, though I had a good raiding guild... just not much sweet Ret gear in raids, really)
Anyways, achievements look good.
I started as a casual, I hated the PvPers and Raiders for being able to get all sorts of shiny purples that I couldn't get. Then they'd just stand around flaunting them in front of the IF bank! Bunch of elitist pricks.. I wished there were more purple scraps like [Hide of the Wild] that I could get crafted eventually after farming mats for days and days.
Then I eventually became a PvPer, the stupid raiders and their T2/3 could just come in and 2 shot me in their ezmode bosskill epics. Casuals were irrelevant as they had nothing then. (lol Krol Blade)
Now I'm an elitist raider, purples rain from the sky for everyone, and altogether I don't care as long as mine are better than theirs and I can look slick in front of the Aldor bank.
Psshh everyone knows Scryer bank is the place to be. Even the Aldors in my guild hang out there!
When I started playing WoW, two RL friends picked it up at the same time, and they got bored pretty quickly but I kept playing. When I was about level 50 on my first character, one of them logged on again at level 13 or so. He asked me something like "So when do I get to do something besides Kill Ten Bears?" and I laughed because there I was in Felwood killing ten plagued bears.
Upon reaching Northrend, if you take the zep from Org, you talk to a few dudes about what they're doing in Northrend, and then go outside and someone asks you to kill ten nerubians. This sort of made me sad. But there's so much fun stuff included too that it averages out, for me at least.