Dungeons and Dragons 4E is out and so is a brand new RPGA Living Campaign set in the Forgotten Realms. Play alongside thousands of others in what will be the world's largest tabletop campaign.
For events at RPGA events at PAX sign up over on Warhorn.net.
Registration for RPGA role-playing events is free, but admission the PAX is not. You need a valid PAX badge to sit and play at RPGA events at the show.
Since this is a brand new campaign -- every event is new player friendly. Come and join us throughout the entire conventions from 10am-Midnight and jump into a 1 hour mini-dungeon to experience 4th Edition, and perhaps come back and play a full length (4 hour) adventure.
We are also running Star Wars Saga RPG events, and a classic standalone D&D adventure , "Return to the Moathouse", a 4th Edition return to Temple of Elemental evil.
Ask questions here -- I'll be happy to help you with anything you need to prep for the games at the convention.
-Robert Altomare
PAX RPGA Coordinator
You'll have plenty of time to schedule what you want to do. What you won't be able to do is do multiple things at once. It's entirely seemly that there will be at least two things you want to attend at any given time.
BTW, is there any other way to sign up for RPG's besides the Warhorn site?
I am a PAX virgin - can anyone give me an idea of what to expect. Do I bring old characters, or do we role up new ones or what?
I see you posted the following...
"If you plan to play Living Greyhawk (D&D), Xendrik (D&D/Eberron), or Undermountain (D&D/Forgotten Realms), please come with a D&D Players Handbook if possible. If you plan to play the Star Wars Event, bring the new Star Wars Saga rules if possible. Dice (D20, D10, D12, D8, D6, and D4), paper, and pencil will also be very useful."
-Robert Altomare
Is a 3.5 Players Handbook ok? I have not seen any of the new 4th edition stuff yet. I've heard it's pretty different.
To address your scheduling issues, I suggest signing up for any adventures you might want to play, and then removing yourself from sign-ups once you get to look at the actual PAX schedule and decide what you can make.