I know that at least some of you have been wondering this, so for those who were, Nerdcore for Life(NC4L), the documentary about Nerdcore Hip-hop, is going to be shown during PAX. Here's a link to a reputable source:
Or if you want text...
"While this year’s Penny Arcade Expo might not include a performance by mc chris, I’ve just been informed that it will feature a screening of the Nerdcore For Life documentary. Congrats to Dan Lamoureux and all the artists involved – many of whom will be in attendance – for pulling off such a coup! The showing will be at 10:00 PM on Saturday, August 30th at the Walrus Theater. PAX attendees are encouraged to attend and rock the fuck out."
I can say that I've already seem the film, and its awesome. I was actually at the San Francisco showing mentioned in that post, and hung out a bit with Dan. I really hope you guys pack the shit out of that theatre.
I cant url good so add me on steam anyways
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
yet another outlet of my creative goods
No, that would be Nerdcore Rising. Nerdcore for life is more about the history of the genre, or at least the beginnings, leading up until about 2007. It covers most of the first and second generation.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
If so count me out... unless someone I don't care about is on stage after 10
I don't really remember a PAX concert where they have ever been AT capacity and only let in people with wristbands... Every year I think "This is going to be the year," and every year there is tons of room
also the capicity thing happened at 06 afaik. I remember seeing people get turned away at the door.
Just didnt happen last year becuase the theater was so HUEG
Good question, I'd also be curious (although would somewhat understand if you can't tell us yet). I'm guessing the downstairs Exhibition Halls where the HUEG registration line was last year, and the Sakura Con/Comic Con exhibition halls usually are?
Oh yea, That's a nice big room and I don't remember it being used for anything else last year. If it was, I know I didn't go to those events.
Did they show the Wizard again last year? If they show it again this year they should just break down and fly Kevin Arnold in to introduce the movie....his schedule is probably pretty open these days.
Pretty sure it was shown last year again.