Its another addition of "Recommend Me"!
Hey, i know absolutely nothing about webcams, other than they make a good device to watch females from. I am looking for one to meet specific requirements, but i'm sure they are pretty standard. The List:
1. VERY good motion capture. I want to use this for my Rock Band drumming. I know that a video camera would probably be better suitable for a task like this, but i think they are far too expensive, and i dont want to have to take the time to convert the video, etc...maybe overtime, but for now, negatory.
2. Good sound -> video synch. Obviously, if this is for drumming, i want the viewer to hear me do a snare roll, while clearly watching me wail away on the red pad, and not hitting the green one. I dont want a delay.
3. Quality Zooming. my PC is pretty far away from my drum set, so if i want it to focus on the pads, i would prprobably need to zoom in some way.
If you guys can find me a webcam that can meet these specs, i would love it. Online is preferred (as prices are a lot lower), i frequent at, and, so those 2 sites would also be preferred, but its not mandatory.
OR, if you guys can explain what each of the specs are on webcams, i can find one myself. i just have no idea what they are advertising.
Chris Pirillo reviews the Flip
Secondly, don't zoom with a webcam, just buy a usb extention cord if you do use a webcam.
I would look at buying or borrowing a used video camera. If you live near some sort of higher education place they might have a digital media society or film club or something.