Instead of rambling on I'll get straight to the point.
Problem: I have a month(roughly) of downtime before college starts up again, and I need suggestions on things to occupy my time. Years of school based drudgery have killed any sense of initiative or satisfaction I get from things I once enjoyed, otherwise I would be doing them.
What I'm doing already
1) I work the night shift on fridays through sundays, so my weekends are shot(not that it matters).
2) On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays I spend about an hour at the gym. (I am losing interest in this due to frustration; the numbers on the scale go down, but I keep getting fatter? what?)
3) I walk, alot. I spend at least three hours daily just wandering around the block, as whenever I sit still for extended periods of time my brain does its best to try and kill me.
4) Those times I can manage to sit still, I meditate. This only amounts to 2-3 times a week for about 45 minutes each time.
Things I dont have
1) Friends, so group activities are generally a no go (Or I should say, easily accessible friends. I can't really fly out to afghanistahn once a week to get a game on).
2) The local area is shit for any sort of gaming related thing. I could spit and hit three churches, but it's an hours drive to the nears FLGS. [Not that it matters, as they all play warmachine, and I don't have the money to invest in it to participate]
What I don't/can't do(so please don't suggest them)
1) Computer games/video games/mmorpgs. These require(for me) a group to fun to play. I must have some sort of anti-group aura going, as whenever I have tried to get a group(even online) it has failed miserably. The grinding is also a drag, it bores me terribly quickly unless I'm part of a group.
2) The job market in the area is sub-average to say the least. It's either walmart(which wont hire unless i work saturdays), or a fast food joint(though really, I get depressed enough as it is, I don't need more outside factors).
3) I can't travel, as my job is very harsh on attendance.
Just so it doesn't seem like another "tell me what to do" thread, I have tried some things.
-) I've tried getting into writing. The problem with this is that I have no talent in it, and my writing is crap. I know it's an acquired skill, but I don't derive any satisfaction from it even though I want to. I had the idea of posting a thread in the writers block, but I doubt anyone wants to read shitty fantasy and piss poor cyberpunk.
-) I do have access to a fairly decent digital camera. My current 'project' is to take pictures of things in my vicinity and eventually make some sort of collage. My motivation on this is rather poor, as it would be crap anyway, and would serve not purpose other than to kill time(which I find hilarious, as that's what I'm looking for).
-) In the past I really enjoyed putting together campaigns and settings for rpg's(d&d, m&m, Nwod). I've tried getting back into that, but with no local player base, the motivation just isn't there. I know that there are online options, I've explored them and they are piss poor as fuck. I find I have to corral 10 people together to get 4 to actually participate in the game, and for niche settings, this is impossible.
-) I have access to an active netflix account. This offers some diversion, but isn't really a long term solution.
So. I need your help. Give me an assignment, it's the only thing I know how to do.
Some of the cardboard I provided via drinking the beer, alot of it I "harvested" from bottle redemption centers from other people taking bottles back (NY has a 5cent deposit on bottles and cans).
I took pics of the entire process, had them on my old website which reminds me I should put them up on my new site. It was fun to research the different types of armor in various cultures, trying to translate that into cardboard, harvesting enough quality cardboard to fabricate the armor, then finally cutting, taping, glueing it all together. The best part is the project can cost you very little if you want it to.
No man should have that kind of power.(Twitter)
I am not saying this is really going to help your root problem but if you want to play MMO's but can't find groups, well, you've come to the right place.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
I've tried that in EvE, and it didn't work out too well. That leaves WoW and CoX. Personally, I can't stand WoW anymore. I see it for the terribad hamster wheel it is, and it has become so very boring. My understanding is that in WoW the fun begins at 70, and I'm not going to grind through utter boredom just so I can maybe, sometimes, if the raid leader feels nice, participate in said fun.
I'm more open to CoX, but I burned out on that a while ago.
The cardboard armor thing has promise. I don't drink(maybe I should), but I'm sure I can get cardboard some other way. Maybe I'll get into papercrafts, origami some shit up, I dunno.
What do you mean? If the numbers on the scale are going down (i assume you are saying your weight is decreasing) then what makes you think you're getting fatter? Also, are your workouts intense enough? You should probably drop by the fitness thread and get some feedback on your current routine.
I host a podcast about movies.
Shogun Streams Vidya
I'm not aware of any brazilian jiu-jitsu dojo/trainers etc near nowhere(otherwise known as lancaster, pennsylvania). There are a few martial arts schools, but they don't seem too active.
@ Shogun: It's a good suggestion, but I don't want to invest money into a computer game I'll more than likely lose interest in rather quickly. FPS's have never been able to hold my interest for very long, though I do hear good things about the heavy fortress 2.
@ Cryogen: The numbers are going down, but I feel like I'm just turning myself into blubber. It annoys the shit out of me. I just feel fatter. I don't know. There are times I just want to take a carving knife to the shit, just to get rid of it. I'm sick of it.
However TF2 is very different. You will not be sorry investing $30 on steam for this game. It is havok, mayhem, chaos, and hilarity all rolled into one. Combined with the people (most of them) from PA the end experience is the most delight I've ever had playing a FPS game. I would go so far as to say this really may be one of the best games I'll ever get to play.
Shogun Streams Vidya
I'm waiting for college to start back up again, and my only diversion seems to be upgrading my physical ability (and appearance). Also, I'm studying some Higher order differential equations and linear algebra (Matrices) for class.
So, If you're the studious type, you could try studying to get "ahead" or learn/read more about something you want to learn. Maybe you want to study more works of literature or some theory for the hell of it? Perhaps some philosophy to keep your brain entertained?
I recently got really into TF2, but i noticed the PA servers have passwords? how do i go about joining a server?
I already don't want my degree anymore("As a historian, you're best bet is to be a spin doctor and a paper monkey. Get to it."). But I do read philosophy from time to time, I'm currently working my way through The Undead and Philosophy.
I'll give TF2 a shot after I get my next paycheck. Do they offer it seperately from the orange bundle?
Check the TF2 thread. The OP always has the server info. Unless they were changed the passwords for all servers should be 'wang'.
Shogun Streams Vidya
Also, drinking + depression + boredom = NO
PA server passwords are almost universally 'wang'. Ask in the G&T forum TF2 thread (edit: so beat'd)
Slainbylich, if you're genuinely interested in seeing results from going to the gym, stop by the fitness thread and ask a lot of questions. Theres probably a good reason for your results. I'm not enough of an expert to go into it. It took me at least a few months before i started to really notice improvements though.
Yes they do. $30. It is the only game I have ever purchased on Steam and it is completely worth it. Have you ever tried Dance Dance Revolution? It is how I first lost weight and it resulted in 60 lbs in two months. Not to mention it is a lot of fun and can teach you basic dance steps and help you with rhythm. It did me anyway.
Shogun Streams Vidya
Ever read anything from Bertrand Russel?
You do live in a martial arts ghetto, man. But hey, maybe checking out the different schools would be something to do, at least.
Team Fortress 2 is pretty cool - it has a whole different tone compared to other FPSes and I don't find it nearly as frustrating. Bonking people as a scout is pretty much worth the price of admission.
I host a podcast about movies.
Mmm. DDR. I played that for a small stint in highschool. The only place that has the arcade machines is a near by mall. The only downside is that I have a crippling fear of making a fool of myself. The only levels that provide a "good workout" are the in the upper difficulty, so I'd end up spending a few weeks spazzing out. That and I think the machines are set for like 1$ to 1.25$ per play, so that would add up fast.
Could you recommend some books? The wiki isn't too helpful, but "why I am not a christian" does jump out at me.
It makes me sad, as I've recently wanted to get into something more physical, and MA seems to be the best thing. I'll call around and see whats up.
Side question: How does the training usually work? Do you pay X dollars a month/week for X amount of training, or do you pay per session, or what? Is it customary to have open access to the dojo for training purposes, or what? I'm totally new to this stuff, and I don't like being blind about it.
First off -- it doesn't matter if what you end up coming up with is crap. Either it's a learning experience, or at the very least it gave you something to do.
Second, if you're not having fun doing it, either don't do it or figure out some way for it to be fun. For your photo thing, maybe giving yourself challenges would help -- Tuesdays all your photos must be "yellow" or Fridays start with "P." Similar thing with the writing.
For the Netflix, take one of those top whatever lists and throw them all on your queue. Write reviews and post them online somewhere (remember that first rule again). Find a TV show or five you've always meant to watch.
Find a craft that you get a kick out of. If that doesn't trigger anything, go wander around Hobby Lobby or Michaels (or failing that, the hobby section of Wal-Mart), pick up random things, and go "what can I make with this?" (This is particularly helpful to combine with movie/tv-watching in my experience, since a lot of crafts don't constantly demand your full attention. I taught myself to knit to keep from feeling completely lazy when my sister started marathon Buffy-watching sessions.)
Teach yourself to cook, or teach yourself some different recipes.
Hit up the library. A lot of the time they'll have a lot of neat stuff on top of the books you'd expect, particularly if you hit the main branch for your town. The downtown library where I used to live had a lot of great BBC and MST3K videos and a bunch of CDs from bands which are now some of my favorites.
I was pretty bored this summer until I started reading. You could always just go to Barnes and Noble and just read there too.
In regards to overtraining... you're probably not going to overtrain. If you feel a tight soreness, then pause. Otherwise, there's no reason to not go balls to the wall when you're at the gym. Doesn't matter if you spend an hour at the gym, its how intense your workout is more than anything else. Check out the Fitness Thread.
usually the gym-type places (MMA, BJJ, boxing, muaythai) let you have free run as long as they have space. Every one I've ever been to had pay-by-session, pay by month, and the year-long contract. Classes depend on the schools. Some have 3 hours 3x a week, some have more. the price ranged from $40 - $110 a month. They all also had a free class to try it out.
The 'traditional' martials arts I've been to (karate, aikido, TKD) usually only had 1 year contracts and a lot less access outside class hours. YMMV
Stop in and check them all out, ask questions about the school and trainers, don't sign anything. If they give you any flack about questions or pressure you to sign up right then, they're shit so leave. Ignore any school that doesn't train with 'aliveness' and then pick the ones you want to try out for the free class.
Aliveness in martial arts training explained. If you don't train with aliveness you're not doing 'martial arts', you're doing interpretive dance.
There are great gyms out there that are open morning to night, and there are gyms located in health clubs where you get memberships to both (there was one option like that in lancaster when I googled but it looked kind of pricey on the whole).
Typically, they have a free class or two for people trying it out, a single class rate for people who are say, guests of members or in town short term or something, a monthly rate, and them some discounts for signing up long term. Some places roll equipment costs into your tuition, some places charge less and make you buy your own.
My experiences have dovetailed with PJs as the MMA/Boxing places I've trained at tenced to have weight and cardio equipment you could use, more like the "walk in and train" boxing gyms you see in movies. The karate or kung fu places tended to have classes at a set time.
I host a podcast about movies.
If money is a concern, just get a simple USB dance pad, and go download Stepmania. It's basically an open source DDR, completely free.
- become more handy, fix a few things around the house, or choose a project to build something. I think everyone appreciates someone that can do the basics like change out a faucet, put in a new light fixture, replace a door handle, etc etc.
- on the same note, check out: for ideas of stuff to do/build.
- gardening (I hate it but each to their own) ... I have enjoyed starting a small vegetable garden in the past, and after day 1 its really not a huge time investment but will be a good days work. Some stuff doesn't even cost anything, you can just leave a couple of potatoes to grow a few sprouts then cut them off with a generous chunk of flesh and plant them.
- I would second reading like the others in the thread. I don't even know what genre(s) you enjoy, but generally my literary male friends enjoy Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King's Dark Tower (first 3 at least - not similar to his horror work IMO) or The Stand, George R. R. Martin. Thats probably enough material unless you read all the time.
- When I have a lot of spare time I enjoy just general maintenance, repairing tears in clothes, getting things tailored properly if something is too long or too big now, cleaning out my computer (maybe doing a format), spring cleaning my bookshelves, dvd shelves, clothes and bathroom to get rid of crap I don't need and trying to make something new in the kitchen once a week.
You could take up a hobby like urban exploration or something but I don't know much about those so... yeah.
The only people that play magic in the area are the ones that only play magic. I can't begin to invest the money required for it to be fun. I'm not going to get back into a game where by turn 2 I may as well not even be there anymore, unless I'm running a perfectly plotted net deck(which tends to get expensive).
I host a podcast about movies.