And here's the deal: I need character names. Both cheesy AND good. I know that probably sounds confusing but that's what I need. Bad/cheesy superhero names and then really clever ones. I'll post what my co-writer wrote in her ad for help below. That should help.
They're teenage rookie superheroes and their powers don't work right. They need somewhat geeky names but also cool names. Like a geeky name to start with then a cool one for when they mature. Also the name should reflect their powers. example: if they have super sound powers they should have a name like Decibel or Screech. Here's the list.
1.) Male, has super sound powers but can't talk without using those powers
2.) male, has time traveling powers but can't control where or when he goes
3.) male, has X-Ray vision but can never turn it off, only sees through things
4.) female, power of flight but can never touch the ground
5.) male or female, has the power of absorbing things into skin. skin turns into whatever they touched (example wood, metal, water)
6.) male or female, has power to shape shift into whatever animal he/she touches but can never return to human shape. Also is only able to communicate in Morse Code by tapping.
I already have a few names for some of the characters but I really need more (plus some of mine honestly suck)
For the Time Kid I have the name Catbox (a reference to Schrodinger's Cat)
For the Screaming Kid I have the names Decibel and Accoustic
For the X Ray kid I have Ion and Pure Vision (and let's face it those REALLY SUCK)
And for the Flying Kid all I have is Cloudkicker
So if anyone has any names or even ideas for our comic let us know. Thanks.
Secondly, only you know their characters well enough to give them an appropriate name. Just don't necessarily tie them to the characters' powers.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Most superhero names succinctly sum up what a character does in a word or two. Your hero name needs to tell your reader pretty much everything about them, power-wise. The flying girl who can't touch ground could be named Hover for instance. It's not blazing any trails, but I have a pretty good idea what her power does by reading her name.
What is The Flash's power? Superman? Batman?
The Flash certainly isn't a photographer, "super" wouldn't tell you anything about his powers, and batman doesn't rely on echolocation to thwart his foes.
Think outside of what they do.
The Flash runs by you "in a flash" and furthermore received his powers from a Flash of Lightning, Superman has all his normal traits enhanced by the earth's yellow sun, making him super, and in the most recent Batman movie
But I wasn't trying to contend that it was a hard-and-fast rule. Just that no one is going to complain about a Superhero name which is apt. You don't have to have a name which is "amazing" in some way for a Superhero. There is nothing that special about the names of The Flash, Superman or Batman. It's the stories that make those characters popular.
And there are loads of examples of super heroes and villains whose names reflect their powers/personality Spider-man, Killer Croc, Dr. Octopus, most of the mutants in the marvel universe, pretty much everyone in the legion of Super-Heroes, etc.
That's great, but the OP looked like he could use more angles. It looks like he already tried the power-based name approach with no success.
Ker-limed. Nobody's story has ever been hurt because they forced themselves to write it. Every time you abdicate creative control to someone else, you're saying "there is some portion of what I am writing that I cannot in fact write. Pick up the slack for me." This works about as well as getting a job and then farming stuff off to your coworkers when you're not able to do it: technically the work might get done, but are you really doing the job?
2) Trip
3) Far-Sight
4) Free-Fall
5) Osmos
6) Taps
Thanks for the names Sir Red. I appreciate it. And as for everyone else. I appreciate the constructive criticism.
1) If this guy can't talk without using his powers I'm thinking he's like Black Bolt in that he really can't talk without bad shit happening. I think the other characters would give him some kind of ironic name like Chatty Cathy or something more accurate like the Mime. It could be really fun if he was also illiterate, so he couldn't even convey accurately what his normal name is. You could have him get a rather stupid name from the other characters misinterpreting his "sounds like" gestures.
3) Perv.
6) It might be fun if the only way you can tell if a given animal is this character is a collar with a nametag. You could have the nametag change whenever the character does.
Those are all really bad ideas, but maybe they will inspire you to come up with something better.
- Screech (Is this taken)
2.) male, has time traveling powers but can't control where or when he goes
- Blackout
3.) male, has X-Ray vision but can never turn it off, only sees through things
- Peeping Tom
4.) female, power of flight but can never touch the ground
- Cassandra Cloud - The Angel or something like that.
5.) male or female, has the power of absorbing things into skin. skin turns into whatever they touched (example wood, metal, water)
- Chameliman..or woman
6.) male or female, has power to shape shift into whatever animal he/she touches but can never return to human shape. Also is only able to communicate in Morse Code by tapping.
- Fucked.
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I just want to remind everyone that sees this post that we are also accepting ANY ideas for this comic or characters you'd like to put in. We will credit you and even though this comic will never be published (then again you never know), it may find itself online and maybe you could get some recognition out of it. So if anyone has any ideas or ANYTHING let us know. :P
Go from there.
Instead of not being able to decide where he needs to go, it's almost subconcious, and that brings him to whatever time period he needs, like a reflex.
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We actually were going to start it with the X-Ray kid but then his opening story sorta ran itself into the ground. Head first. We realized we might have taken our attempts at humor a wee bit too far and it brought our story to a screeching halt. We're fixing it now but if we remain stuck in "writer's hell" as we call it we'll probably scrap his opening for a bit and try the time kid's.
Thanks again! :P
1.) Male, has super sound powers but can't talk without using those powers.
Wakes up next to a beautiful girl, and, like all people who wake up, begins to Yawn. Upon Yawning the girl he is with begins to bleed from the ears, all the windows break, and the house rumbles. He is terrified.
2.) male, has time traveling powers but can't control where or when he goes
Falls asleep on a plane, wakes up at the airport 20 minutes after the plane crashes, just long enough to see that it was his plane. Then zips back to 20 minutes before the plane takes off.
3.) male, has X-Ray vision but can never turn it off, only sees through things.
Wakes up at like, 6pm to see a sibling/parent doing some kind of hard drug in their room, he thinks he's dreaming, turns over in his bed, sees through to the basement, is freaked out. He closes his eyes, and sees through those as well.
4.) female, power of flight but can never touch the ground
Wakes up in her car, floating towards the ceiling. Freaked out, she can't get back down. Stupidly, she opens the door and begins to float higher and higher into the sky.
5.) male or female, has the power of absorbing things into skin. skin turns into whatever they touched (example wood, metal, water)
Guy wakes up after sleeping on a water bed that has sprung a leak. Hilarity ensues.
6.) male or female, has power to shape shift into whatever animal he/she touches but can never return to human shape. Also is only able to communicate in Morse Code by tapping.
This guy wakes up looking exactley their Ferret, who has escaped.
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These six people have been friends for their entire lives, sometimes estranged, but friends. Then, one night, after a going away party for the guy who eventually is able to time travel, they all go swimming in the local lake, leading to them drinking contaminated water (More on that later) that gives them there sort of powers.
Hero 1) SpeakerBoxx. (Voice Power Guy)
Powers: A BOOMING (har har) voice. When he talks it can shatter windows. Here's the problem. Things like burping, and sneezing can do fun things like level a house. He's not immune to his own power, so now he must perpetually carry around ear plugs just in case.
Bio: Reggie Smith has always wanted to make music. As a rapper, as a rock star, as anything. And everytime, he was told he never had it. Following a dip in the magical lake of awesome that gives him and his friends his powers, he realized that now he must his voice never, and gives up on his life long dream, depressing him. To communicate, he has a small chalk board he writes on.
Hero 2) The Love Below (The one all the furry fans will like)
Powers: The ability to turn into any animal she comes into contact with, but when touching humans, nothing happens.
Bio: Talia Halas, Given her super-hero name by her boyfriend, Speaker-boxx, she is given the name because as time progresses she gets into the habit of taking the form of various adorable animals like Hamsters, Kittens, and Puppies. As her father was a sailor in the Navy, she knows Morse Code from her Father, the legendary Hawk Halas.
Hero 3) Kite (Floaty lady)
Powers: The ability to fly, well, more accurately float, she is costantly floating up into the air, and the only way she can come down is via weights, or thinking really hard. But she is never able to touch the ground on her own, only with VERY heavy boots (That she can't lift on her own)
Bio: Katrina Burnside is in a rough place, and always has been. She wants to escape her life, her family, and sadly, her child, Bobby. Neglecting responsibility is her calling card. Eventually, like, believe it or not, Peter Pan, she needs a happy thought to be able to control her flight. This may be pyscho-sematic, but in any case, her happy thought is her son.
Hero 4) X-Ray (X-Ray Guy)
Powers: He can see through things. Like REALLY see through things. Where his eyes are focused he just see through the first three things in his way. So if a person was in front of a wall, he'd actually see through the person, know there was a wall there, and only see what was behind the wall.
Bio: Ray Jordan. After wishing he could see what was causing Katrina all her pain, he wakes up in his bed seeing through his ceiling, watching his mother take a hit of crystal meth. Scared, he turns over, sees through his bed. He closes his eyes, he can see through those, too. Hilarity ensues.
Hero 5) Punch Clock (Time Guy)
Powers: Travels through time sub-consciously, arriving where he needs to be to avert any danger or issues that may cause harm. The most time he spends in any one time period is roughly 2 hours. He subscribes to the "All Good Things" theory of Time Travel, where he can't quite control it, but if everything is working right, he knows what to do anyway, and yes, to fix the paradox, he CAN run into a pas version of himself.
Bio: Todd Simmulas was leaving. He was leaving for a new life in Chicago, Il, until the lake, until the plane crash, and until the time travel. He's a smart person, pretty good with technology, and has always (luckily) loved science fiction.
Hero 6) Stan Bush (The Touch Guy)
Powers: His body turns into whatever he touches, specifically his skin and any extremities. For example, if he places a finger inside of his mouth to grab a bit of chewed up chicken, his outside body becomes chewed up chicken. This works for him because if he touches a tooth or a filling he becomes medal, or gold. Wearing gloves turns him leather, and his powers only apply to his hands AND toes, leading to his perpetual need to wear short sandals that do not touch them.
Bio: Stan Bush. He's just your average joe with extraordinary power...and plans to use it to become rich as all hell, such as touching gold and cutting off strands of his hair....Until he realizes that when he turns gold he topples over from being to heavy.
These people don't really need to come together as a super-hero team to be compelling characters, just watching them deal with their day to day inconveniences would be awesome. However, I had some ideas if they did want to fight crime.
1) How hard it is to actually find crime to fight.
2) How none of them have any training on fighting, and routinely get their asses kicked.
3) SpeakerBoxx + The Love Below relationship would be fun.
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Secondly: Can I like adopt/commission you as a personal Muse? No seriously. o_O You seem to EASILY take our small ideas and push them to their limits and then laughing, cross those limits and smirk. or maybe I'm just trying to wax poetic to make myself seem less stupid after reading your amazing ideas. (I Art Teh Smooth Operator 8-) ) I don't know. Either way, you rock and I'm in awe. Keep those ideas coming. You've earned your name in the credits in BOLD print. If this comic goes to great places rest assured your name will be with it.
*runs off to write those ideas down*
Btw characters sketches are coming along nicely. Once their up I'll give everyone a link to our deviantart pages if anyone wants to see. We are still in "pre-production" as it were and have a while to go but like I said, keep the ideas coming. (Hopefully our internet won't KERPLODE as it oft does and leave us in the devastating wreck like it did with our first story )
Thanks guys!:P
(Really I didn't know)
...Aw poop.
Anyway, creator guy, hit me up on AIM, I'm online a lot and totally love brainstorming ideas, as I'm trying to do it for a living.
I'll work on the sound guy :-P
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@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
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While we were thinking that however it hit us both simultaneously that maybe we could have some sort of reverse Cyclops thing going for him. Being that he would need a very special pair of glasses or maybe even contact lenses to see normally like we would. Although if we did go with this idea it wouldn't show up until much later in the comic, we like to know what you guys think of this idea and the doctor one.
So he wears leaden glasses?
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
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We'll be smooth about it though and in our minds we're not as lame as we seem here 8-)
How long is a typical comic book? Do things need to be broken down in panels/words/pages or should I just go batshit nuts and send you what I have, and let the professionals see what they need to do with it?
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Point being that we'll take anything we can get and thank you for it. In fact if you wish we'd like to credit you once we have a site. What we credit you as (and if you'd like to continue working with the comic) is up to you.