You wanna know a dirty secret about smoking that nobody ever tells you when you start?
When you quit, one of the most common side effects is increased dreaming. It's reported second only to "headaches" by quitters. Only it's not like normal dreaming where there's that 50/50 shot of it being so obscure that it just doesn't make sense or it might even be fucking awesome. No no, these are all very intense scary dreams (at least for me they are.)
But seriously, every single fucking time that i've come crawling back to nicotine, this has been the catalyst. Nights where i wake up after 5 hours of sleep shaking or screaming or crying and being completely unable to go back to sleep. I'm unemployed right now, but when you have a job, trying to maintain stability through all this is tricky, taxing, and it really makes you just wanna smoke a fucking cigarette.
And this is one of those unavoidable problems. No matter WHICH method you use to quit this happens eventually. The gum/patch method puts it off until you stop using the gum/patch. Nicotine alternatives and herbal supplements, and acupuncture don't stop you from dreaming. I've tried nyquil, and that helps me sleep through the night, but the dreams are still VERY present and almost worse when they're allowed to run their course uninterrupted by my body thinking it's about to die and going into panic mode.
tl;dr: don't smoke cigarettes.
As Always
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
edit: But srsly that whole nicotine addiction thing is one reason why I will never smoke... addiction's not really my thing.
That's gonna suck.
i've been smoking cigarettes in halves all summer, and i'm down to about 2-3 full cigarettes a day. So i just had a half... but it hasn't done much to calm me down. I considered finishing it, but that's just backtracking from my whole "trying to quit" thing.
second only to buying some wet naps to wipe the sand out of your vagina.
Wet naps are startlingly effective.
no side effects other than "wanting to get high"
although, if you do quit and then start exercising like 2 weeks later, you'll get high because your body is burning the fat that has THC stored in it. True story.
Terrifying dreams are the best.
Hahahaha that is so crazy, omg I want to try it except I don't do the weed.
yeah i always told myself that.
And i picked a reason that was dumb as hell to start smoking- i was working retail and the smokers got like 10x the number of breaks non-smokers did. That combined with christmas season where you want to spend as little time working as possible and a coworker who "wanted a smoking buddy" eventually got me started.
it's a different high than from smoking it.
it's more like if you ate some pot brownies.
Man, I was joking, but that is some good stuff to know right there
i don't want to be mister "my problems are bigger than your problems" thing
alright i'm going
i just spent a week getting off of hydromorphone
an opiate painkiller three times the power of heroin
i had night terrors so vivid and real that millions of spiders were crawling inside my skin, biting me, laying eggs, and bursting into more spiders and i woke up with dozens of scratchmarks on my chest, groin, back, and abdomen only to realize they were my own nailmarks from trying to get the spiders out.
and the pain from the scratches was still less than the constant nerve pain i am in from what is quite possibly permanent damage
watch me playing the world's tiniest violin for a guy who sucked on cancerdicks so he could look cool
Hey, that's a better reason than "my friend in high school told me to." I mean, retail + christmas = it's pretty understandable to decide your lungs need a little more black on em if it means you get to stay out of that whole business for 5 more minutes.
i need to be a prick more often
makes me feel like a big strong man
can it be yours
Seriously, that whole rant post makes me laugh cause it reeks of being weak. Not the stuff your dealing with but the whole my sob story beats yours.
When he isn't even trying to be a fuckin contest.
That is the only reason? Measly addiction?
What about the myriad medically proven diseases that inhaling chemicals into your body causes?
"Oh ho, I've got emphysema and throat cancer, but at least I'm not addicted to the stuff!"
today i am making an appointment with my doctor
to talk to him about pain medication
medicinal marijuana is in fact going to be one of my suggestions
as are various anti-convulsives and anti-depressants
there's like a million ways to treat postherpetic neuralgia
i need one that will let me go back to work
i wasn't really posting it for him
i was really just being the old man yelling at the cloud
Totally beat, but i can almost relate.
One summer i broke my arm and the doctor wrote me a perscription for codine that was supposed to say "refill once a week for 3 weeks" but he wrote "refill once a week for 3 months" So i spent the summer fucked up on codine, and when i had to quit cold turkey, i went through all the junkie symptoms. Headaches, rage, vomiting, etc etc etc.
I learned my lesson with opiates then.
Also, who said i was seeking out sympathy? I don't need a bunch of internet strangers saying "awwwwwwwwww mikal! it's gonna be okay bubba! we still love you!" I'd much rather see people saying "one more reason i'll never start smoking"
Yeah I'm probably going to get cancer.
maybe not
maybe you'll just give your girlfriend cancer instead
look on the bright side!
what then?
oh yeah man. When i first tried to quit and i got a headache i was all like "wtf" and then i got pissy for like 3 days straight but i wasn't on my period and i was so confused that i had to call my mom and get her to explain it all to me.
I was SHOCKED!!!
Maybe just your kids though. Haha who knows right!?!
Buh? Sneh?
Oh wait. I forgot about my policy of feeding my girlfriend tar whenever I have a cigarette. Carry on!
I think goth kids deserve lung cancer.
and i turned my head from my video games and was like "don't worry mom, i saw a thing on TV and it's more likely that i will get cancer from your smoking than you will"
and then she cried and i didn't understand what i did
i have no recollection of this ever happening, but it's a story my mother likes to bring up
I laughed at that. I'm sorry, Pony. Seriously.