I need some help. I've been reading about Electric Skateboards, and how they're pretty useful and fun, and It got me thinking that I may like to get one sometime, but I was trying to find out some info, and sadly, the Net is a bit lax on boards and forums for it. A few questions, and I would be greatly indebted if you would assist me
1. Are Electric Skateboards waterproof to any degree? Meaning, can i run them in the rain or through a puddle, or do i have to keep them totally dry all the time?
2. What's the range? I keep hearing 8-12 miles, but what does that mean, in say, New York? How long can you run it before you gotta pick it up and carry it?
3. Speaking of New York, what, or where can I find, the laws for running these things? I think I remember something with the Segway, how LA made it illegal to run it on the sidewalks. Is there a website or anything?
4. I've heard that the Lead-Acid batteries are the standard, as they're cheep, but they're also heavy, and don't last as long as Litihum-Ion Batteries. How much does the cost go up for the Lithium batteries, and can you get a Electric Skateboard with it, or will it have to be a custom job?
Thanks again, and any tips, websites, or anything would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again.
FTC: honk.
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