So I've bought my pass and arranged housing, but i didn't arrange for travel until i squared it away with my lab instructor that I was going to miss out, and now with this email i feel like i have no answer that will not make me seem like a total wanker
Each student can potentially make up one lab; the last week of the semester will be scheduled for this purpose. The decision if a lab can be made up depends on what the situation is. Sickness and emergencies are typically the reasons for missing labs. The student emails me about the situation and fills out a form at the Chemistry Center afterwards. What is the event you'll be attending?
I feel gaming festival would fall under the category of "sucks to be you, zeroesville, population: you!"
If anything I would mention that it's the largest game-related exposition in the Western Hemisphere, covering virtually all forms of the past, present and future of both the industry and the culture of its consumers. That should at least convey the unique importance of the event.
Edit: I agree with skarsol that you should try to talk about it in person, but I disagree that you should be vague.
While it does not qualify as an emergency it is a large festival I've already paid for and arranged housing, so backing out would be at considerable personal expense.
Now this post is not funny.
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
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How about: "While it does not qualify as an emergency, it is an event of primary importance that I have already dedicated my time and money to. Plans were finalized far before the class schedule was released, and backing out now would be at considerable personal expense."
It is sent, and i really hope he lets me make it up because this class is part of my major which I would oh so like to do well in. I wonder just how detrimental an unexcused lab is for the grade...
AWKward use of passive voice in the second sentence, but otherwise looks like you did good.
and it not going now?
Hope it works out for ya.