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I <3 the guy in the skirt.

SuperFlyTNTSuperFlyTNT Registered User regular
edited August 2006 in PAX Archive
I really liked the enforcer in the sun hat and the skirt. He seemed like a very nice man. He is serious about fire safety. I salute you!

"Contact with alien races always renews one's faith in humanity. It is my belief that foreign travel narrows the mind wonderfully"
-Helem Boesch-
SuperFlyTNT on


  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I think I know who you're talking about. I applaud his efforts.

    QuizMaster on
  • MoonVydeoMoonVydeo Lord Moon Enforcer at Large Istanbul (Not Constantinople)Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    That was Father Fletch. And yes he's very cool.

    MoonVydeo on
  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Was it a kilt, or a hard-on 100% honest-to-goodness skirt?

    Yes. Hard-on and skirt. Same sentence. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?

    PotatoNinja on
    Two goats enter, one car leaves
  • ~PAX Girl~~PAX Girl~ Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Was it a kilt, or a hard-on 100% honest-to-goodness skirt?

    Yes. Hard-on and skirt. Same sentence. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?

    wanna know what im gonna do? Im just gonna smile and laugh :)

    ~PAX Girl~ on
    <insert sig, that i don't want to find, here>
  • MoonVydeoMoonVydeo Lord Moon Enforcer at Large Istanbul (Not Constantinople)Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Actually it was a Utilikilt.

    MoonVydeo on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2006
    This is the guy I think you were mentioning. I am serious about fire safety, and especially about my enforcers being treated properly by the guests. If you were in the hallway at the Red Lion waiting to get into the Turbine party, I think I know why you know my feelings about fire safety. Your kind words are appreciated. BTW Moon is right, it is a utilikilt.
    CFK "Father Fletch"
    Table Top in 2007

    Unknown User on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Oh you're the guy that stopped me as I was walking in with a display diorama for warhammer40k...a spiral of small stone monoliths? Yeah the kilts are cool, but I didn't hear anything on the values of fire safety!

    leaf on
  • hardcorecombhardcorecomb Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    what about the guy that looked exactly like gabe, only a lot chubbier
    he was wearing a kilt too

    hardcorecomb on
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    what about the guy that looked exactly like gabe, only a lot chubbier
    he was wearing a kilt too
    Do you mean Tycho? There was a near twin there, yes. And I think he was there at least once before, either in 04 or 05. He throws me off.

    DJBreslin on
  • hardcorecombhardcorecomb Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Yeah i meant tycho... i feel as though i should be sacrificed now. : (

    hardcorecomb on
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    It was this guy (cropped to hell from an aerial shot):

    DJBreslin on
  • hardcorecombhardcorecomb Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    YES thats him!
    I had to argue with my friend for about an hour to trying to explain that that wasnt the real him.

    hardcorecomb on
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I bet that guy would tell you he's real.

    He's just not Tycho. ;)

    DJBreslin on
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