my favoritest fish, the Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker
check that dude out! isn't he just aces? aside from having a ludicrous name, he's cute as motherfuck
he's even cuter than you're goddamn cat (even cwunchews)
he's conveniently sized so you can take him with you wherever you go! try that with a cat or dog!
so what is your favorite fish fellow forumers?
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
i thought we had an open relationship!
dolphins aren't fish just like homosexuals aren't human
My favorite fish is totally the cuttlefish
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Dolphin Olympics is the best flash game
but still not as rad as pacific spiny lumpsuckers
almost, but not
what were they thinking
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
this fish gets a little heavy on the lipstick in the mornings
Wow, haven't seen that before. It gets even funnier after the 100th time someone's posted it really.
Dru, that fish is pretty hard to beat.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
That was glorious.
I love how it looks like he's showing off his O face in the second picture.
teeth man
tiny squids with teeth
Im going to have nightmares now
No kidding, what the hell.
That thing looked like it was trying to speak to me.
Its latin name is Vampyroteuthis infernalis which means vampire squid from hell
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
But that is awesome looking.
all squids do, in fact
I must have been attacked and devoured by kraken in an earlier life
Seriously. If it wouldn't be so out of context I would report it for awesome.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
pretty tasty though
Squid rings?