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[D&D 4E - OOC] zephyr : words

tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
edited November 2011 in Critical Failures
OOC Thread (v3)

This is the zephyr campaign OOC thread. OOC things go here.

So, this game is now over a year old. Yay. During this time I've learned a lot about pbp. Made a lot of mistakes and spent some time seeing what I can do better and all. It's still a work in progress, but bear with me. Anyway, what you'll find here on this post is nearly everything related to the game that makes sense to put here as a quick reference.

1. The game in less than 250 words.
The world of Zephyr is split between Highborne and Lowborne, a distinction made by ones place of birth. The Highborne are of the drifts, flying islands, the Lowborne are of the surface lands. At times united and at times at war, there was never any factor that tipped the balance in either side's favor. Until now… (Cue music and raspy baritone voice)

The Lowborne nation of Merkaba has in its possession artifacts of immense power, and has undergone a campaign of destruction. This bloody war culminated in the destruction of one of the drifts. Things could have gone further south if not for the intervention of the Caretakers. Feigning the return of its divine owner, their gambit has at least bought the world some time for action.

That’s where YOU come in. As many heroic legends tell, the deeds of five heroic men/women can often change the world. You are those five. It is up to you to wreck the the Merkaban war machine, and bring an end to the chaos. With the aid of foreigner and what is pretty much an armored personnel carrier.

Without the rose-tint — You're a group of terrorists doing the dirty work of a neutral faction to save the world.
2. Some sentences that describe how the game is run.
Note: The campaign's site is down as I fail at remembering to back up my pages. It will be up again eventually, once I get around to rebuilding the tables, uploading the db, and coding the php oncemore.

Current title: "the zephyr campaign." (lowercase, with a period. dammit.)
Time Zone: I live in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, so the play time will kind of be more favorable to that zone. (0800 - 1800) or something similar to that, assuming RL doesn't kick my ass.
Starting Level: 2 - See PHB for information on starting a second level character.)
Creation rules: 24 Point Buy
Target start: Active currently.
Medium: PBP only
Maptool version: N/A
Maptools Session Length: N/A
The Table - Rules: Not too serious. The 4th wall may be broken. I'm not really serious at all. Seriously.
The Table - Content: I'd imagine this is its a serious adventure that doesn't take itself seriously or something?
Difficulty: Adaptive. Most changes will be made known to you when they happen. I'd love to finish telling the story [strike]for a change[/strike]. :U
Experience Required: As it seems likely that you'll be able to participate in the game somewhat regularly you should be ok.
Books Required: Any 4E content is allowed, at my discretion. Don't be a dick?

The Archetypes
Put here mostly for reference at this point. All characters identify with either of these demographics.
Highborne wrote:
Highborne are any individuals whose place of birth or upbringing are of the drifts, the Lands Above. Though there are cultures of every sort in the Lands Above, most Highborne societies favor Victorianized culture and nature. Some Highborne tend to look down on Lowborne as a result, viewing them and their nations as uncivilized.

A Highborne race is any phb race that would favor such societies and areas. These characters favor arcane, martial and divine classes. (IE: A Goliath Shaman is an unlikely Highborne.)
Lowborne wrote:
Lowborne are any individuals whose place of birth or upbringing are of the islands on the surface of Zephyr. Given that surface is over 85% water, and many of the islands on the surface aren't habitable, Lowborne tend to favor tight communities an cultures. Lowborne in many areas live off scrap materials that Highborne drop from the sky. This fuels some of the conflict between Low and Highborne nations and peoples.

A Lowborne race is any phb race that would favor such societies and areas. These characters favor arcane, martial and divine classes. (IE: An Eladrin Invoker is an unlikely Lowborne.)

Insertion Point

Any player that comes into the game will come into it as a part of one of these groups, for the most part. Your personal background can be just about anything you want within reason, these are just generalized groups that represent where you come into the story itself. All characters should come in with the intent to well, be a part of the group of course.

The Survivor is a person who has served in some capacity within any Highborne military unit. With this background, you will have seen the artifacts used by the Merkaban firsthand. You have lived to survive the tale, however many of your friends have not. How this plays into your character's being is up to you.

Suggested Races: Any.

The Upperclass Highborne comes from an affluent family or background. When the many material possessions that you either enjoyed or secretly despised were taken from by the Merkaban invasion forces, you're put into a situation entirely new to you.

Maybe your family died, or perhaps you view this as your calling to a higher purpose. Either way you're going to do whatever it takes to save your homelands.

Suggested Races: Eladrin, Human, Half-Elf, Halfling.

Maybe your piece of the sky wasn't all that good. Your family had to choose between buying bread and buying water. But it beat being Lowborne. You didn't have much, and when the Merkaban attacked they left you with nothing. Now the Upperclass is looking to fill their depleted army ranks, and you've volunteered (or been volunteered to fight). The Highborne armies are even pulling criminals and brutes into their ranks.

Suggested Races: Human, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Elf

When the Merkabans assaulted their enemies in the Land Below, you were among the few to get to Teleportation Circles to the Lands Above before they were seized. You've come to find that those whom you've come to take refuge with have come to be refugees themselves.

You see how they watch you, they know you're not one of them. Yet, you've decided to fight for them, for their sake and your own.

Suggested Races: Any.
3. The Party
There are five player slots for this game. The party will have the option of picking up some allies, who at times can accompany them.

There are also 3 static NPCs too. It gives a little of the story away, it's pretty much a given within the first session or so. Green is like, confirmed or something (sheet is done). I don't know.

The Party

Ewan Stark
(TheMadjai) Half-Elf Ranger, Highborne, Survivor (Sheet)
A ranger serving under the Zephyr Knights Scouts division, Ewan has served the coalition for some time. His actions on the battlefield during Retribution Day saved many lives, and is what earned himself a place on garnered this Righteous Mission. Can be best described as passionate at times. Is a firm follower of the Scouts first strike doctrine.

Sponsored by the Knights.

Keegan Lyriao
(Denada) Halfling Rogue, Highborne, Upperclass (Sheet]
On his home drift, Keegan is known as something of philanthropist and art collector. The quirky halfling that never shut up. But in the underground circles, he goes by the name "Nightbird," a renowned thief. Post Retribution Day, he found himself aboard the Alabaster Citadel with his fence, who'd tasked him with stealing from the Caretakers. His success in this endeavor led to his "recruitment."

Sponsored by the Caretakers.

Eron Chastain
(Tofystedeth) Human Wizard, Highborne, Lowerclass (Sheet)
With most of the proper warmages either deployed or incapacitated post retribution day, Eron has found his career as a wizard has taken a surprising turn for the better. Older than most of his peers, and a Lowborne immigrant, Eron has had an eventful life. His treatment by Highborne in general has left him somewhat embittered. He can't help but think that he was been assigned to the Righteous Mission because the guild felt he was the most expendable mage, given their recent heavy losses. Has proven his worth.

Sponsored by the Knights, Mage's Guild.

Saurin Qigon
(Dajian) Half-elf Fighter/Warlord, Highborne, Lowerclass (Sheet)
The fronts of Highborne-Merkaban War were not just limited to Coalition drifts. Saurin fought with a mercenary troupe in defense of one of the less affluent nations. Without the backing of the Coalition, the drift was taken, and so he found himself drifting within the mass of refugees that ultimately found shelter on the Alabaster Citadel. When the call came for a fighter, he answered.

Sponsored by the Caretakers.

Vandel Lochleer
(streever) Eladrin Warlord, Highborne, Upperclass (Sheet)
Totally a yes-man!

Sponsored by the Knights.

SAW776 - Jairdan Faus (Highborne), Human, Bard (MC Warlock) Sheet.
kuhlmeye - Lothril Is'rin (Highborne), Eladrin Wizard Sheet.
Jebu - Quinn Stasi (Highborne), Human Cleric Sheet.
Lardalish - Brottor Ungart (Lowborne), - Dwarven Fighter Sheet.

Static NPCS
The Ranstead: For all intents, its an APC-type vehicle. The party gets around in this. It does not have weapons. It does not speak.

The Driver (NPC, Support): Drives the Ranstead. Will probably never leave it.

The Healer (NPC, Ally): Dedicated NPC to the task of healing and healing related feats and abilities.

They travel with you. You decide the destination(s) as you accomplish the ultimate goal of saving your homeland against odds that are against you! BECAUSE YOU ARE HEROES. Who knows, maybe you'll help other people too?
4. World in Brief
Really simplified explanation of the world and its appearance and tech and other things. More details may be available elsewhere, really. It doesn't come heavily into play for this campaign, but the following needs to be stated. To avoid confusion, since all NPCs know this.

Zephyr (The "World") is by no means the center of the universe. It's a planet. In a universe. The other planes Astral Sea/(Elemental+Abyss) run parallel to said universe. The only thing you really need to care about in this paragraph is that Zephyr is a planet... with floating islands.

The islands float because of a magical physics defying rock present inside them called corestone. Corestone is used with limited effect to power things as well. The world is rife with anachronisms, as a result.

Transportation is possible by rigging corestone to contraptions creating what are the functional equivalent of zeppelins. There exist massive cannons, and flak guns for anti ground-to-air attacks. Ground transportation is woefully underdeveloped, given the abundance of easily available flight even horses are a rarity. Transit by sea is fairly good, provided the weather cooperates. Teleportation Circles and Gates are also used. Teleportation Circles are as per the DMG. Teleportation Gates are (usually) bi-directional and require nothing on the part of the user.

Highborne and lowborne generally get along, unless they're Merkaban. Racial dispersion is pretty much within the normal 4E standard. Dwarves tend to be Lowborne and Eladrin favor Highborne origins. Dragonborn and Tiefling are practically nonexistent. Dragonborn due to plague, Tiefling because... they just are.
5. "House" Notes
I'm pretty open to suggestion about things, and I prefer to keep the game going rather than deadlock over rules.

Given time, pretty much any and every NPC or place that you visit will have information posted about it on the [strike]site[/strike] (Site is down), info will be posted here or by request. To make things easier for everybody involved if it's on the site, and it's something that your character would reasonably know, he/she knows it. If it's something that's deeply detailed and you don't think your character would know it, you can knowledge check it. if you learn something in character that isn't on the site, it would be added and such.

The base requirements for playing would be that you participate in the IC thread - post a day, at least... hopefully more? I'm fairly active during the day with posting, barring any unusual RL circumstances. You don't have to live and breathe this, it's just a game ffs, but yea...

“I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
tastydonuts on


  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    The score so far... It's a nest of spoilers because it beats a wall of text any day, imo. I tried to be as to the point as possible. Let me know if I went too far/failed. Or if there are any massive fragments in there because of how I put this post together

    Just so you know I don't expect any of you to know/remember all of this, just as I didn't expect that from my RL players. Character knowledge is your judgment, but I don't think I've posted anything here that your character wouldn't know in any case. :P

    Drift: An island with a tract of active corestone in it. Floats at various altitudes depending on strength of stone within.
    Corestone: A magic rock. When 'active' it floats by pushing away from an unspecified anchor point. Has a top and bottom orientation. Generates heat. Excess energy can be used to power magical devices.
    Zephyr: The planet/world/place that the game takes place in. Hast he air dominant trait (n/a in 4E?)
    The Lands Above: The general title for all Drifts. Has three layers. Topmost is least habitable.
    The Lands Below: The surface, or what little there is. Over 90% of Zephyr's surface is covered by water.
    Highborne: Any inhabitant of the Lands Above.
    Lowborne: Any inhabitant of the Lands Below.
    Wonder: Ancient tech, generally powered by magic. Stabilizers on certain drifts and the levy systems that protects some oceanside cities from the massive storm systems on the surface.
    Gate Chamber: Teleportation chambers, generic term. Present all around Zephyr. Claimed as part of Ahzdidan infrastructure, but predates that civilization.
    Teleporation Circle: Large teleportation unit. Can send to most chambers.
    Teleportation Gate: Two way unit. Can only send to a target destination.
    Grand Gate: Can send across planes/extreme distances. Rare.

    Name - Status - Description
    Ahzdida - Defunct - An ancient Dragonborn empire that ruled over most of Zephyr after the Citadel's isolation. Decline came with the plague.
    Zephyr Coalition - Active - The collective government that represents most of the Lands Above. It has its origins in the decline of the Ahzdidan empire.
    Zephyr Knights - Active - Coalition's Army.
    Merkaba - Active - A powerful Lowborne trading nation that has gained access to weapons of unusual power and scope. They despise Highborne.
    Etesia - Active - Lowborne nation of mercenaries. Recognizable by the glamer they wear.
    Alabaster Citadel / Caretakers - Active - The rumoured and home of a goddess and her chosen, the Caretakers.

    This is a list of the significant NPCs ingame, but not all of them. I'll limit their descriptions to who they are, and what they've done. Characters marked as (Support) are dudes that can go with you. Characters that aren't tagged that way can come too, but it'd take a considerable amount of convincing if thats what you wanted to do with them.

    Red is Hostile, Green is Friendly, Blue is neutral towards the party, Silver is defunct/dead, same as the combat posts.

    Name - Status - Affiliation - Description
    Recurring Characters:
    Sveta - Alive - Caretakers - This young lady is known as the "Voice" of the Caretakers. She functions as a liason between the Caretakers and all Outsiders.
    Andrei Vaughn - Alive - Zephyr Knights - Leader of the Knights. Disgraced after Retribution Day, given the job of 'working' with Sveta.
    Els Aveli - Alive - Zephyr Knights - Former high ranking Knight, current "consultant" with Knights. Wife of Rueben Aveli.
    Naro Exposito - None - Provides exposition.
    Pharun Vacchana - Merkaba - The Merkaban Premier. He doesn't like Highborne, at all.

    Support Characters:
    Eisajor - Dead - Zephyr Knights - Knight, Scouts division. Was assigned to work with party. Talked funny, died on Ahzdida.

    Events so far...
    Chapter 01 - Introductory

    The Merkabans begin their assault against the Lands Above. The party is effected in various ways by this. Soldiers of the group engage in various parts of the Retribution Day assault on Merkaba, which was intended to reduce the city to rubble. The assault fails when the Knights are routed by a weapon of immeasurable destruction, known only by its sign in the heavens, 'Red Stars'.

    Forced to regroup at their base on Foehn, the Knights watch helplessly as their headquarters drift is obliterated by the stars. This attack is ended only by the reappearance of the Alabaster Citadel. Massive amounts of magical energy are released by this event.

    Amongst the Knights scattered in the ocean from Merkaba to Foehn, Ewan Stark struggles to survive. Keegan, under directions by his Fence steals from the Citadel, and is caught. The Caretakers and leadership of the Coalition opt to form a group to stop the Merkabans, as per the Caretakers design. The party is formed. Both as a test of their abilities and out of necessity, the party is sent to the Ahzdidan ruins to recover the "Driver", the only person who is able to operate the vehicle for their quest.

    A horrible environment greets them as they explore the drift searching for the driver. Unfortunately, they discover the corpse of the Driver and his journal. It details that one other person may be of assistance, and they head to find him, hoping that he is not dead as well.

    The party has since returned to the Citadel victorious, but having lost two of their number. Eisajor, the fast talking Fodric Scout and Quinn, their clerical leader. With Eisajor's death, it seems Quinn has retired from the Knights. Faced with this setback, Andrei has given the call and charge to another Knight. Meanwhile, Ewan plans to visit an old/new friend...

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • LardalishLardalish Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    I am most definitely still interested, leaning towards fighter unless someone else is just dying to play one.

    Lardalish on
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    If you are looking for more people I could be interested. Interested in playing a wizard if it fits with the group.

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2008
    I'd like to play in this campaign. I'm thinking of rolling a dual-wielding Ranger, race negotiable. The idea behind him would be that he's a scout (Survivor by your breakdown), volunteered for service to avoid being conscripted, promoted for his relatively thin frame (low profile), noticeable speed and ability to blend in to his environment. He's not a thief, he's not a war profiteer, he truly believes in the cause he's fighting for. At stake is the survival of his entire civilization, but he values the lives of his comrades above the mission. He believes there is always another way. In the end, he would sacrifice himself to secure the sanctity of his people, but there's no sense chancing a success at an objective if no one comes out alive to further the overall mission.

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    Well, I think I would want to play a Highborne wizard. He's always wanted to fight for his people, but his parents have always kept from the battle field to learn magic and whatnot. The moment he heard of this daring adventure, he signed right up(to both prove himself and experience battle).

    No clue yet on a name or race, but I'll get to work on that and hopefully have a char sheet up this weekend.

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • JebuJebu Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    I'm still interested, although I think I won't be around for the next three Sundays. But since we're not starting until mid to late August, that shouldn't be a problem.

    Still want to play a Cleric of some sort, probably lowerclass Highborne or Survivor, most likely human, although I think I needed to discuss a little more how that would work with tastydonuts. Anyway, count me in.

    Jebu on
  • LardalishLardalish Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    Ok, I'm just going to say I plan on playing a Lowborn Dwarven Fighter (or another slot if someone takes lowborn). I plan on being basically a grunt in the front-lines of the army, when the merkaban hit us I was able to get away therefore making me a refugee. Not sure on a personality yet, Ill have to think about it.

    Lardalish on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    @Jebu, Lardalish:

    Okies, I hadn't anticipated the namespace update actually taking so long to complete but I'm hoping it will propagate to other ISP properly within 2 business days. I can see the proper version now. >U

    The page itself had a part that fleshed out the character creation parts a little better, along with races for each role and junk. going to edit in the urls tomorrow, lol.

    SO FAR, SO GOOD... right? lol.

    @Madkjai: "Lowerclass Highborne / Ranger (Striker) / Race pending" for the one line overview then? Though, technically this whole affair has hints of "suicide mission", lol.

    @kuhlmeye: You don't have to rush the sheet. I want to get a party together that works on the flavor side before we hit the numerics.

    I'll be around-around to talk if you'd like in the IRC sometime after 9:00PM tonight, or you can just PM me with any other questions, too. the post assumed there was a site you could look at to flesh out things more. I'm idling there now though. need to do some other stuff atm. thanks for the support :U

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    edited July 2008
    I'm interested, with a few disclaimers:
    -I've never done an online game before. I've read PbP threads and peeked at maptools, and I'm pretty sure I get how to do it, but consider me a noob.

    -It's been years since I've played D&D. But since the new rules just came out, I don't feel so bad about that. I have the PHB and I am reading it.

    -I would only be able to make maptools sessions on Sundays, and possibly not every single Sunday. Most Sundays, but not all of them. I'm on the forums almost every day and post frequently, so the PbP portion isn't a problem.

    -Do these maptools sessions require a mic? I have one and can use it, I'm just more comfortable in text. Not a big deal really.

    If all those things are okay with you, then my character idea is:

    Upperclass Highborn / Halfling / Rogue
    He is a cat burglar who has lied and stolen his way into high society. He lived there quite comfortably until Merkaban forces destroyed his estate in a raid. Outraged at the loss of everything he stole fair and square, he has now made a promise to recoup his losses (and then some) from the enemy. He also sees this as an opportunity to further his standing amongst the Highborne, where he can come back a hero and gain access to wealthier friends and (more importantly) their loot.

    That's my first choice, obviously, but if that doesn't fit in well I could also swing a Survivor / Human / Warlord or an Upperclass / Half-Elf / Fighter, or anything else really.

    Denada on
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    @Madjai: "Lowerclass Highborne / Ranger (Striker) / Race pending" for the one line overview then? Though, technically this whole affair has hints of "suicide mission", lol.

    Yeah, that's the line overview. Also, as long as he doesn't know that it's a suicide mission, he'll be in. :lol:

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    @Jebu, flatline82: Ideally we'd have maptool sessions only if the situation requires them. like, if we need fast response turnaround for everybody... so in larger combat situations. pbp suits my schedule better too overall. frequency we'll have to see about. if it takes like 2 weeks of posting to resolve a fight between your group for equal level encounter, then yea... moar maptools. :P

    @Denada: I'm honestly not so much hung up on rules/mechanics than I am about characters and play, so not being familiar with 4E is fine by me. This would be the first game I'm dming on 4E rules anyhow. You don't need a mic for maptools, btw.

    Going back through the site's infos and I'll put the url up again later, heh.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Woo sign me up then. That is, if I fit the group. I won't be butthurt if I don't.

    Denada on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Denada wrote: »
    Woo sign me up then. That is, if I fit the group. I won't be butthurt if I don't.
    no. :P

    But seriously, you read enough of the first post to follow its directions so you should be ok. xD

    Here's the site. There's more information there than here, well for the most part. I turned off a lot of the content, since maybe some people care about spoilers. It does give a better framework for the world to bear in mind when fleshing out the chars though. It's a work in progress, but eh.

    I'll figure out the rest later today/over the weekend... first of the month means fun times with stats and junk. :|

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • Cosmic SombreroCosmic Sombrero Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Hey, while I would really like to play, I'm currently already in three games, and it's a bit time consuming. Sorry, but I don't think I can't make a decent contribution when I've got all those on my plate.

    Cosmic Sombrero on
  • LardalishLardalish Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Ok so I had some down time today and made a character with the rules on that site and the DMG rules for a higher level character.

    Seem alright?

    Lardalish on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Looks good, but I DEMAND BACKGROUND AND OTHER FLUFF. or something. :p

    just some notes:

    - You'd currently have 1000 xp total.

    - hop over to and roll the 3d3-5 using your your char's name and "zephyr 4E" as the campaign name.

    - send me a picture or whatever of your char, as a token. if you want a 300x400 (max) sized one if you want it to be on the site as well.

    I'll update the list by the end of the day.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    When do you want a character write-up? Can we have some more guidelines about the inciting event that brings us together so we can work backward from that? Also, who's playing? :)

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Well, if it works as I've thought it out, you all start at different points of time surrounding events that give an opening for your quest of doing what entire armies couldn't and such. :P

    I'll edit the "Interested people" post above to include what's below:

    Green is like, confirmed or something (sheet is done). I don't know.

    Survivors (1 of 3 max)
    TheMadjai - Ranger (Striker) / What race?

    Upperclass Highborne (2 of 2 max)
    kuhlmeye - Wizard (Controller) / ??
    Denada - Rogue (Striker) / Halfling

    Lowerclass Highborne (1 of 2 max)
    Jebu - Cleric (Leader) / ??

    Lowborne Refugee (1 of 1 max)
    Lardalish - Fighter (Defender) / Dwarf) Fleshed out personality/appearance/background would be great. :p

    That's 5 right there. Once we get confirmations from folk too, we'll be able to get the ball moving. If they don't confirm if they want to or not then it's still open for whoever to just say what they want.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • LardalishLardalish Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Looks good, but I DEMAND BACKGROUND AND OTHER FLUFF. or something. :p

    just some notes:

    - You'd currently have 1000 xp total.

    - hop over to and roll the 3d3-5 using your your char's name and "zephyr 4E" as the campaign name.

    - send me a picture or whatever of your char, as a token. if you want a 300x400 (max) sized one if you want it to be on the site as well.

    I'll update the list by the end of the day.

    Oh Ill definitely get some background and fluff up I just nt ahead and worked out the mechanics.

    random roll? (3d3-5=2) What was this roll for?

    For the token, do you want a map tool token? Or just a picture for you to use?

    Lardalish on
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Ewan Stark is a Half-Elf ranger, bred specifically for the benefits of both races, and given up to adoptive parents without his knowledge just after his birth. His birth parents agreed to give him up, having been compensated by the Highborne Nobility, knowing that he was being bred and raised specifically for military service. His adoptive parents have never revealed to him his origins, and Ewan still carries with him today a picture of he and his adoptive parents.

    Ewan was placed in Military service a year early. He was trained as a lethal scout, with the ability to sneak past enemy fortifications, reconnoiter, assassinate, and disappear without a trace. Ewan's training as a solo agent reflects his life, a distinction he tries to shed. He enjoys being part of a team, and works hard to make sure that his comrades can count on him as dependable and efficient.

    Of average intelligence, Ewan is however a masterful researcher and has an intuitive sense of his surroundings. He has studied flora and fauna of all three levels of his homeworld as well as the minerals and elements that compose it. Trained in the bestiary of Zephyr, Ewan knows what manner of beasts can be hunted for food, and which should be avoided lest the party become the meal.

    <Reserved for more later>

    3d3-5 roll (not using this as a stat add)

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    @everybody really.

    In character creation it is applied to determining the initial amount of points you have for point buy. You would start off with the default 22 and add the result, giving you a minimum of 20 points, or a max of +26 points as a budget for your character. In your case it would have been a 22+2 = 24... so no difference (the alternate is just 24 points).

    Later down the line, it factors in as a tiebreaker for deadlocks and other more subtle situations... not that often.

    For the others - If you're going to roll for it as part of point buy, inform me first. Then roll it.

    I just noticed that invisiblecastle's point buy calc uses 3.5's setup. Here is a 4E point-buy calculator. You don't have to use the calculator to roll your stats. It's just a help, btw. :p

    I will need a token for you, even if we don't do maptools often. I hope to include maps of areas pbp portion too. They won't be zomgs awesome looking maps, but maps nonetheless. :p

    If you want a picture of your character on the site in its information part, then you could just send it to me. that's entirely optional.


    oddly enough, photography exists! what you have there sounds good.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • DenadaDenada Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I'll get to work on a character sheet and write-up as soon as I can. Should have it up tomorrow.

    Denada on
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I've linked Ewan below in my character post. What's the ruling on Equipment? Still 100gp worth, or do we get the magical equipment and gold that would have been gained in that level?

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Choose whatever standard adventuring gear you want from the tables in the Player’s Handbook. For magic items, choose one item of your level + 1, one item of your level, and one item of your level – 1. In
    addition, you have gold pieces equal to the value of one magic item of your level – 1. You can spend this
    money on rituals, potions, or other magic items, or save it for later.

    You (Madjai), Add to your inventory as well, @ no cost the following item:

    Core Grapple: A grappling "hook" whose designed to attract to an airship's core. Used for boarding, and/or affixing objects to the interior of an airship or warship. This has a 25 square reach, costs a standard action (ranged attack) to "fire" at a target, and a minor action to release. One end is (usually) connected to a harness of sorts. Standard equipment for all military forces on Zephyr.

    Everybody add the following item to their inventory as well:

    Featherfall Rune: It comes in handy when you're falling from great heights. You may only carry one of these.

    For simplicity's sake, we won't deviate any further beyond this.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • StivertonStiverton Registered User new member
    edited August 2008
    Hey, if you are still recruiting I'd like to play. I'd be going for one of the Survivor Slots, and I would like to try out a Dragonborn Paladin.

    I read your blurb about Dragonborn and the plague that nearly wiped them out, but I really like the race and I would be willing to make some concessions in order to play one.

    I'm not sure of the timeline you had in mind for how long ago Dragonborn were still in power, but I would probably go from the angle of a descendant of one of the once powerful Dragonborn clans who joined the military to try to uphold some semblance of his races former honor.

    Let me know what you are thinking and I will look over your campaign background to get a better feel for it before making anything concrete.

    Stiverton on
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    OK, working on my sheet now. I think I'm just gonna use the flat 24 points, unless you want me to roll anyway, in which case if it nets me more I'll use it.

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Ok, here is Lothril Is'rin.

    Kind of a weird combo of the two different builds for wizard. Will work on backstory fluff tomorrow, just wanted to get the sheet up to see if everyone will gel with this build. If not I can focus on power or control.

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    @Stiverton: I appreciate your interest in the game, but I was aiming for a party size of 5. If anybody drops or w/e then I'll let you know.

    @Madjai : Amulet of Stark is a flavored Amulet of Protection +1, correct?

    @kuhlmeye: Magical pantaloons? :P

    I'll post up the info on Merkaba when I get a chance today. Things aren't too busy here. I'll also aim to throw a little more info on your people out there too, outside of meta infos. nobody has had any problems with the site, right?

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    @Madjai : Amulet of Stark is a flavored Amulet of Protection +1, correct?


    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    TheMadjai wrote: »
    One other thing...

    You might want to train acrobatics... just saying. :U

    that's not foreshadowing at all. honest.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I thought about that, but I trained in Athletics. In my experience, most of the running/climbing/leaping stuff is Athletics checks, and not acrobatics. Would I train Acrobatics over Athletics? If I trained both, I'd need to remove my Perception training... which I don't know if I'd want to do...

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • JebuJebu Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    I'll be working up a character sheet today along with the background or whatever. I think I'd rather be a survivor than a lowerclass highborne, but I'm definitely making a human cleric, and I think I'll just stick with the flat 24 point buy for stats.

    Tasty, if you could let me know what kind of gods I can pick to worship and if there are any channel divinity feats I can take, that would be really helpful.

    Jebu on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    @Mad: Yea, you may be ok now that I think about it. I'd have suggested shifting the training off Dungeoneering if anything, as one of the other players may take that up.

    @Jebu: Ok to both. Still roll though, please.

    You can pick any gods that are in the PHB, or Tamerlaine. But most people don't worship Tamerlaine, or wouldn't... the abandonment thing and all. When she was present she discouraged it. When she left it was established because a group thought that the reason she left was because nobody worshiped her. The CD for her would be as follows. It may be changed though... but this is what I had in mind:

    Channel Divinity: Tamerlaine's Recompense [Divinity]
    Prerequisites: Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Tamerlaine.
    Benefit: You can invoke the power of your deity to use Tamerlaine's Recompense

    Channel Divinity: Tamerlaine's Recompense (Feat Power)
    Though she may be gone, she has not forgotten us.
    Encounter * Divine, Healing
    Free Action Ranged 10

    Trigger: You or target ally within range is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer.
    Effect: You or target ally within range may spend a healing surge.
    Special: You must take the Tamerlaine's Recompense feat to use this power.

    At the very least she would owe them that much.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Well, let's think about it. What would be acrobatical that wouldn't be Athletic? Would hanging from a ceiling by a rope be athletic or Acrobatic? Sliding down stairs on a shield would be acrobatic, but scaling a rock wall would be athletic. I'm thinking most of the things that a scout would want to do would be Athletic and slow, not so much flourishy and flashy.

    Maybe I'm wrong?

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Hanging would be athletics, but as you started to move it could easily transition into acrobatics. For our sakes we'll go with flashy grey area being acrobatics, and slower motions being athletics then.

    It wouldn't be far fetched or rare for soldiers to say, have to board an enemy airship in the middle of a pitched fight though.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Hanging would be athletics, but as you started to move it could easily transition into acrobatics. For our sakes we'll go with flashy grey area being acrobatics, and slower motions being athletics then.

    It wouldn't be far fetched or rare for soldiers to say, have to board an enemy airship in the middle of a pitched fight though.

    That sounds just cool enough to convince me. :)

    Someone else take Dungeoneering. :P

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Lol, you don't have to! that's what the featherfall rune is for. though... it would take a while for the party to actually find you, and during that time you would be on your own, or just screwed if you happened to survive the fall and land in an ocean. =D

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Ok, updated my character sheet, spent some more money too. Got my background in there, I assume it matches up OK with the setting. Let me know if there is anything I'm missing.

    Also, Thursdays would work better for me.

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Ok. I'll check it out later today. I think I just finished typing up and editing the writeup on Merkaba [strike]I've already found mistakes[/strike]... bah. it's weird how you can read and reread something and just not catch things until you take a break. Between that and actual work, I'm kinda spent atm.

    I'll check it out later, and your Thursday preference has been noted now, thanks for letting me know.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • JebuJebu Registered User regular
    edited August 2008
    Here's my character sheet: Quinn Stasi. Here's the die roll as well: 3d3-5=1

    I'll add a little into the personality and appearance of Quinn later, but here's some background that I wrote up. If you need me to change anything to fit the adventure more, let me know Tasty.
    Quinn grew up in one of the less affluent Highborne communities, working from a young age in his father's tavern. His father was an overbearing man, frustrated by his lack of money and unhappy with the stress of running the tavern. He would often berate Quinn for not working harder and always telling him that he would never amount to anything important. Despite the sometimes harsh living conditions, Quinn was always an upbeat kid, eagerly talking to new people in the tavern and easily making friends around town. Quinn could sometimes act rashly, getting into trouble too easily or angering someone unwisely for insulting him. Still, the bar patrons grew used to the small child running around cleaning the tables and telling dirty jokes, and treated him as an unofficial mascot, teaching him how to fight and laughing at his antics. As soon as he was old enough, he left his family and his hometown to join the army and seek his fortune. Once again he found many friends in the army, and his martial skills grew quickly. Soon there was every indication that Quinn would quickly make his way up the ranks.

    That all changed when the Merkabans attacked.

    Quinn's unit was one of the first to clash with the Merkabans after the front lines crumbled. They faced volatile weapons with bizarre effects, and Quinn was forced to watch as many of his friends were cut down violently by the swath of firepower unleashed upon them. Some soldiers fled, but they were killed just as easily as those who charged forward into the enemy. Quinn's right leg was critically injured by a stray piece of shrapnel, and he fell to the ground, desperately clutching his weapon while trying to staunch the flow of blood. Eventually he passed out, resigned that he would die on the battlefield.

    While unconscious, Quinn could only see dim white light surrounding him. A dark spot appeared in the distance, growing closer and closer, until Quinn could see that it was a dark-robed pale figure with twining metal vines curling and writhing all over its body and black wings sprouting from its back. The creature opened its mouth, stretching it impossibly long as its thin black tongue snaked out and twisted in the air. Words resounded in Quinn's head in a deep rumbling tone.

    Live. Fight for the Queen. Be the herald of fate.

    Quinn awoke suddenly in a temple, startling the priest who had been tending to his wounds. In his right hand, he held a metal disc with the image of a raven's head stamped upon it. When asked, the priest told Quinn that they had found him on the battlefield, his leg mangled and his body covered in blood, clutching the disc so tightly that the priests could not remove it from his grasp.

    Now Quinn has dedicated himself to be a humble servant of his new goddess, spending his months of recovery at the temple devoting his life to her cause. His leg never fully healed, as the priests were not professional doctors, and so he still moves with a slight limp that will always impede his agility and health. He still trains with his morningstar every day to keep up his strength, but it would be clear to those who knew him before that he has changed profoundly. No longer is he as easygoing or quick with a joke, although his force of personality still makes him leave a lasting impression on people. He is more pensive, less rash, and is more concerned with doing what he believes his goddess wants than what he wants. He cannot help but fear the day that he will face the Merkabans again, remembering the horrors of the battle that changed his life, but he will not cower from his fate. One day there will be vengeance for the men that died, and Quinn fully intends to be a primary agent of that reckoning.

    Jebu on
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