and I need some help on writing a few emails to my professors explaining why.
Missing class is somewhat of a problem because I'm going to be missing the very first day of my 3 hour freshmen english class. It's a small school, so if you don't show up on the first day of a class without a reason they will drop you to make room for students on a waiting list.
I'm definitely going to PAX, there's no question about that. However, I need to write an email to my professor explaining why I would be missing such an important day without sounding whiny or disrespectful.
Any ideas fellow PAX goers?
Here's the problem though, I'm missing the first day of my english class so I can't talk to them about it in person.
I start my third year of highschool 11 hours after I get home from PAX.
Check out T3h Awesome Blog of Awesomeness!
Hi5 Me too!
Umm there has to be someone you can talk to about it so they know not to bump you out of the class. Just say to that person your leaving town.
Anyway, as for the OP, contact the professor directly (if you don't know who the professor is, either check with your advisor to find out or get him or her to forward the message to the professor). Explain that you had arranged to be out of town that week before you knew which day that class was starting (hopefully this is at least plausible) and ask to still be marked as confirmed for the class even though you won't be physically present that day. If you have a confirmation of booking your hotel/PAX badge/travel arrangements that is dated prior to the class announcement (or at least your class enrollment) it will probably help you more than anything else, if help is something the school is willing to give you PERIOD. If it's a no-exceptions policy end of questions, then you may need to arrange to be put in a different class for the term or else miss PAX. Trust me, unless it doesn't get counted against you for being the first day, you do NOT want your "credits attempted" to be different from your "credits completed" for the term--it will seriously screw up your GPA and can also mess with your financial aid status, depending on the school and state.
Good luck!
PS: While it's probably too short of notice now, the above advice can also help if you need to get out of work for a trip in very limited cases, mostly if you're at a fairly new job. Just let the company know before accepting the job (either during the interviews or when the offer is made) that you have already booked airlines/hotels/etc and many companies will at least give you authorized unpaid time off, even if you don't qualify for vacation. I know my manager did it for the newest hire at our office when she started last year, and a friend coming to PAX with my group made the same arrangements with his job, which he interviewed for and started working at this past spring. Lucky for my friend I think his company has a relatively short qualifying period for paid time off; lucky for the girl at work her husband makes enough money that it didn't matter that she didn't get paid for two weeks.
I'm just going to tell my Prof. the truth; email him, let him know I will be out of town and unable to make the first class meeting. Don't drop me and I'll hit up a class mate for what I missed.
Easy. Gotta do the same for the rest of my classes ;_;
Obviously that is just a summary, but I think I laid the letter out fairly well.
yeah but you live in bellingham so you automatically lose
how's the weather up there at western, eh?!?!
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Couldn't you just go to class, then straight to PAX? It starts at like 10 right?
Thursday actually, and I'm taking the pax train up from LA
1. Chumps
2. People who are not old enough to be done with school
(OP is in group 2 btw...)
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
Oh, god, I'm sorry. I didn't realize this was a totalitarian society where we weren't able to make suggestions. My mistake.