So i searched, and there have been no "recent" threads for this awesome and FREE browser game. The game link is...
If you like the game, and make a nation, drop by here...[url[/url]
That is my alliance, and we are looking for new members. We can help set up tech trades, give sign-up bonuses, and have a great community with tons of advice and helpful hints to offer new member nations.
For those who have tried the game, and didn't like it, or have heard that the game is boring, then you obviously didn't manage to find an interesting alliance, or to get involved in the diverse political aspect of the game.
Check out the game, check out the alliance, and have fun.
Feel free to ask questions here or in a pm.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
As for a PA alliance, its cool, but the one im in is great, and is actually composed of people from a game called Darkfall.
We are simply looking for new places to find like-minded people to enjoy our time online with.
I think I got elected as a senator then disappeared until my nation got auto-deleted for inactivity
also going by the messages i've received asking to me to join alliances or for trade, it seems like its active. a dedicated PA alliance could certainly shake this little online world up a bit.
WAT, the Wang Alliance Treaty?
Did Darkfall come out? I was following it for a couple years before I got tired of waiting.
same here, with more coming in. the offers do seem to come think and fast. but is it worth setting up an alliance worth it if no one is interested? so lets hear it? who signed up because of this thread? who is already a member? and how soon can we lay all others to waste togher?
Meh, if you guys are up for it, I'll join.
Edit: I guess I'm banned? I did sign up a year or so ago but was deleted I think. Though Maybe I should start a Kingdom of Loathing thread and clan, since I found that browser based game a lot more fun.
with such enthusiasm how can any of us resist. :P
And no, Darkfall has not released as of today. However, they have stated a beta this fall, possible release in Europe this fall as well.
I never asked for this!
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
Tell me if you guys make an alliance.
Much luck to the PA alliance if it gets going.