Just a reminder folks. PAX is not a dating service. It might seem like a keen idea to start hitting on that cute little something in the corner, but it is not. PAX is a place where everyone should feel welcome. We don't want to alienate people. Lets keep it respectful and fun.
EDIT: I thought this might be applicable.
Hey I think I know that guy (I think I used to buy brake pads and spark plugs from him (in seattle))
Hey baby, you wanna roll my THAC0?
Going out and drinking?
Going out and drinking.. and then returning to PAX to alternate between harassing and hitting on people?
A one-way ride down the escalators of shame to the door.
Or my Uber Micro!
or "quest with me and I'll show you my epic weapon"
In the trash bin where it belongs.
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
though saying "code monkey like you" might work but then again what do I know.
I wish there had been a camera there for that... or last that I could have been in the vicinity. That guy was beyond epic fail.
It's probably closer to this anyway.
Now that right there is just cruel man. :P
Escalators of shame ftw.
This may not be a popular point of view, but I figured I'd play Devil's Advocate here for a second. First off the guy that got drunk and hit on people and stuff... deserved to be kicked out for sure.
That being said, I think there is a point being missed here. PAX is definitely not a dating service. At least no more than the book store, a coffee shop, or your school. However, these are some of the most common places people meet the opposite sex and start dating. Because they are hostile pigs? Not usually: It's because they are visiting a place where they obviously have something in common with the other person, and it is a natural ice breaker.
My point is simple. Because PAX is a gaming festival with thousands of other people that are similar to you, it isn't a BAD place to meet people of the opposite sex. There is just a very BAD and TACTLESS way you can go about it, as in the aforementioned story.
So in short: PAX is not a dating service, but many people prefer NOT to use a dating service at all and just meet people in public where they have something in common.
I had only thought about this after making my first post, but then I figured there are probably legit people looking for dates out there, and they have a perfectly reasonable and respectful way of going about it.
Note: I guess this doesn't have to be the OPPOSITE sex. Nothing against people that bat the other way, so to speak.
You mean this one? :winky:
But... we did break up >.>
See what I mean? I think the OP didn't take into consideration that there are NORMAL people that like to go about this situation in a NORMAL way.
hey im not discouraged at all, cuz im lookin to at least try to do the same! except for the guy part being a girl. :winky:
question to the OP though... was it me that started this whole thing when i brought up WoW being a dating service in another thread? cuz seriously it is, and it makes me regret giving up the game. But not really, cuz then i would have no life if i still played it. XD
Plus this point is driven home mostly on the forums, becuase a lot of internet fuckwads (not an insult, see the jon gabriels greter internet fuckwad theroy) are all ZOMGAGURLONTEHINTERNETZ!MUSTHITONHER!IMIGHTGETBEWBS!
Serious? The chances of just randomly meeting a single girl that is your type and lives anywhere near you on your WOW server are pretty slim...
I smell an interesting story!!
hey that's why i said "try." :P
I don't expect anything, besides a friend of mine started talking with a girl in his guild, we live in WA, she lives in GA, and now she's flying over to go to PAX with us. Goes to show it doesn't have to be in the area. But the first one we met was... i'll spare those details though. :twisted:
...Is it sad that it took me nearly three minutes to figure out what the frack that said?? Or am I just out of the whole L33t (Is that what they still call it these days???) lingo???
And CaptainTapole, "L33t" speak, or more often typed 1337, is using numbers and other symbols to form letters/words, hehe. Although I don't know any official term for what BigRed used, I'd just call it internet lingo. Easier. And you don't know HOW many times I've heard that kind of stuff, being a girl on XBox Live o_O Gah. Sometimes it's funny, but sometimes they're just downright nasty. I do love me some D&D though. None of the nasty comments, because you're playing with people that like playing it too
Edit: Oh, and I read through it like nothing too, Moe. I think I'm on forums way too much!
lol, wanna see me try? I'm more than willing hahahaha
Oh, and I also read right through Big Red's crazyinternetguythoughttrain. XD
Comes to show that my online skills, though I RP on AOHell, are rather on the old school side. And I read the forums more than I do with my school-books.
I completely agree =D. To recap: drunken, creepy, douchebaggery is never good (not even in "meet market-y" type bars). Thus, it's common sense not to bring it to PAX. Friendliness and an open mind is good, so please bring that to PAX. Simple! =D
Plus PAX is in downtown Seattle, if I see a couple girls I reconize from PAX in Shorty's or the Taphouse then I'll see how the convention is going for them. And like someone said (sorry, forgot to quote) PAX is an icebreaker.