"A police SWAT team raided the home of the mayor in the Prince George's County town of Berwyn Heights on Tuesday, shooting and killing his two dogs, after he brought in a 32-pound package of marijuana that had been delivered to his doorstep, police said.
As the police came in, Calvo said, they shot his 7-year-old black Labrador retriever, Payton, near the front door and then his 4-year-old dog, Chase, also a black Lab, as the dog ran into a back room. Walking through his house yesterday, Calvo pointed out a bullet hole in the drywall where the younger dog had been shot.
"You can't tell me the chief of police of a municipality wouldn't have been able to knock on the door of the mayor of that municipality, gain his confidence and enter the residence," Murphy said. "It would not have been a necessity to shoot and kill this man's dogs.""
Just some snippets from the article. Really fucked up stuff there, pretty sure there's some laws broken as well, and shooting his dog as it ran away? really?
Whole thing is here
that's a shitload of weed. and he doesn't know how they got there? i don't think people just throw away that much drugs. my question is how did the cops know what was in the unopened package?
They had drug dogs checking packages and they had an officer deliver it to his house is what I heard on the news earlier.
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Maybe they got an inside man that told them there was going to be a drop-off at the mayor's house. Maybe the guy who shot them is scared of dogs and was startled when he saw them in the house. Anyway, I don't really buy the mayor's wide-eyed innocent act. Poor dogs
It begs the question: if they were staking out the house waiting for him to come home and pick up the package, why didn't they just stop him before he went inside? They were obviously there, watching, so why wait for the guy to go in just so you can bust the door down? It appears that they shouldn't have done this in the first place.
It was actually addressed to him? If so, that sounds monumentally retarded.
Of PG county, which is a laughing stock.
Anyways, it seems overboard to SWAT the place when they knew who lived there and could be assured that a couple of cops showing up with a warrant would be fine. Did they SWAT raid the other houses that got the packages?
Well like stated above he wasn't the only one that got these packages, it was probably a dropoff and they planned on picking them up later.
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That's possible. Though it still sounds kinda dumb on the part of the drug dealers. Don't you want your random dropoffs at more isolated locations? And clustering them all together in one neighborhood makes it way too obvious if you're trying to be discreet about the transportation of drugs.
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When you're dealing with 32lbs of weed, you're going to end up with some heavy firepower. That's about $150,000 worth as a rough estimate. Wouldn't it make sense for the police to assume that if you've got that kind of stuff delivered to your door, you might have some heavy firepower of your own?
Not an unreasonable assumption. But if you live in the whitebread, rich part of town, and you're the mayor? Some discretion was warranted, for sure. As for the shooting of the dogs, I know SWAT teams do it when confronted by a big dog - say a mastiff, or by a breed with a reputation - Pitbulls, or German Shepards, etc., But a Lab isn't big or mean. It just don't make no sense.
plus it's only a town of 3000 people. it's so small he's a part-time mayor
And one of them dogs was running away, towards the back of the house to another room.
I support police work but not at the expense of stupidity.
I'm more worried about, what's to stop them from doing this to other people?
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It already happened and some 97 year old lady was shot, in Atlanta I think
Exactly, so you could get a package tomorrow and the police bust your down down and shoot your dogs and handcuff you to whatever for 4 hours.
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There's your motive.
The idea of a cartel (which I think it's fair to call an organization of that size) mailing huge sums of drugs to random houses in order to make pickups is a pretty big stretch.
Which is entirely irrational but I know how sentimental I am about my pets.
And no, I'd never actually get a shot off before police shot me down. I'm no Internet Tough Guy.
Let's not forget SWAT members getting killed. By innocent civilians.
But wasnt he upstairs getting changed at the time? Was there another witness to confirm the dog was in fact running away?
Well he could've asked the officers why they shot his dogs, or his wife/mother in law saw it.
What I want to know is why just the mayor? It's been confirmed other houses got similar packages.
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Edit: Or should I say... "Ow!"
That just makes everything worse really.
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It just keeps getting "better": it turns out that the deliveryman, in shades of the Corby trial, was actually using these as drops (as a LOT of people suspected), and has since been arrested.
Wow, just wow.
"Neither he nor Sheriff Michael A. Jackson apologized for the raid, which they said was conducted responsibly, given what deputies and officers knew at the time."
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