Throughout the past several months we've had maybe three or four PSP homebrew threads spread throughout G&T, and all of them basically short question threads that, while giving us a few select releases for the system, pretty much leave it at that. I've gone to websites like PSPBrew, browsed their directories and thought, "How do I know which is the best there is?"
Welp, I'm gonna throw out some. These were found through a combination of heavy searching and tedious downloading/installing/testing and I'd love to get my hands on some fine games with less hassle. It's worth noting that lists of "best homebrew games" on other sites are largely dominated by emulators, UT clones and games I've already tried. I run Firmware 1.5, and don't really know how to upgrade to a custom firmware from there or even if it's really worth it. So anyone knowledgable, convince me.
--The Games--
Purple Motion
Purple Motion is an arcade game for Sony PSP published by realtech VR & Vertex Origin. Welcome to the fastest competition of the galaxy. You will have to finish all the races before the dead line, and caution to all the traps placed on the road!
It's incredibly simplistic, but good if you have just a few minutes.
Chromium B.S.U. is a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter. This is a port of the excellent arcade game for the PSP.
I haven't gotten very far in this but it's fairly entertaining. Looks very similar to Tyrian, which oddly enough I couldn't get to run.
DownloadCave Story
Cave Story, or Doukutsu Monogatari, is a Japanese freeware PC side-scrolling platformer game developed by StudioPixel. It has been translated into English by Aeon Genesis Translations and will have an official translation script published sometime in the near future.
Does it play differently on the PC? Who cares?
It's fucking Cave Story! Download.Callisto
In the newest version many changes have been made. Callisto v0.2 has a whole new planet to raid, and with that comes new enemies and weapons to fight them with. There will also be new power-ups and new bullet and enemy patterns.
As expected from an update of this side scrolling space shooter, audio and visuals have been improved. Features such as online high scores and map statistics are also included in this latest version.
Callisto v0.2 currently works on firmware 1.0 and 1.5.
This is some fun shit. A must-try.
Trigonometry Wars
Trigonometry Wars is 71M's entry for the NEO Summer Coding Contest 2006 for PSP Games. Based on the Xbox 360 game Geometry Wars, this is one hell of an addictive game. It's also pretty hard. You have to move your little ship around by firing your thrusters (Left Trigger) and bumping into walls. The Right Trigger is used to shoot, and the analog stick is used to swing your ship to face the direction in which you wanna shoot. The Triangle button lets you fire a smart bomb for those times when you're swamped by enemies.
It's also uglier, but hey.
It's Snake, but in the style of fl0w. Self-explanatory but hella fun.
NetHack is a single player dungeon exploration game that runs on a wide variety of computer systems, with a variety of graphical and text interfaces all using the same game engine. Unlike many other Dungeons & Dragons-inspired games, the emphasis in NetHack is on discovering the detail of the dungeon and not simply killing everything in sight - in fact, killing everything in sight is a good way to die quickly. Each game presents a different landscape - the random number generator provides an essentially unlimited number of variations of the dungeon and its denizens to be discovered by the player in one of a number of characters: you can pick your race, your role, and your gender.
DownloadThe Apps
Yeah, the non-games.
Bookr - .pdf and .txt reader for 1.x and custom firmwares
PeP-Viewer - picture viewer
That is my list. It is not a very large list. It ought to be larger, and my memory stick fuller. Who will join me?