Alright n00bz, I've made some mention of this a few times and with the schedule out I've decided on a time.
Transparent, atiari, redhalo, and CaptainTapole have all expressed an interest in sampling the local
dim sum with me and my wife. I think 10 is good round number for a group, so the first additional four people to want to go will get it.
We will be going to either China Gate, Honey Court, or House of Hong (decided at random day of by a process I will contrive) at 10 am on 8/31/08. Everything should wrap up about 11:30 in time for the Wil Wheaton panel.
a) You must be willing to split the bill evenly regardless of what or how much you eat.
b) You must be there and on time. Seriously. I hate no-shows, and with a group this small any such behavior will land you on my permanent shit list. At the very least I will be expecting somebody who can't make it to have the decency to call with an explanation.
c) You must not make an ass of yourself and embarrass me by association. I go to these places with a fair amount of frequency and I don't want to be remembered negatively by the staff.
I will PM those who get on board with my phone number. If there is more than a small amount of interest I may think about asking my wife to run a seperate group of 10.
Acknowledged, which puts open slots down to two, but a two group option may yet materialize.
10 to 13 bucks depending on how much people eat. The place we usually go to is around 12 bucks per person with groups of 10 or less.
I'd love to be part of this, but I will defer to others since I regularly eat good Dim Sum in San Francisco and LA, and I believe that others should be educated! =D
...Unfortunately, The Boyfriend has more sensitive stomach than anyone else in the Worlds. So, just me!
...Plus, he'll be sleeping until Wil comes around anywho.
By the by, I will have NO CLUE where any of the places are, so I am totally gonna be a follower.
EDIT--to add on more shtuff for Redy is a genius of thinking it.
Ditto with the bum-riding or the walking distance thing. Will be at the Sheraton--with nearly everyone else.
And yes, this does have an exclusive feel to it. I feel so warm inside.
I myself will probably walk.
Hmm, 30 minute walk seems long. especially if we want to get back for Wil. I'll probably just cab it.
...Also true. I will contemplate on this.
(does a happy dance)
If anybody else is interested, say so, and we might go for another ten, but I'll leave that up to my wife.
Meh. This is more of your thing than mine, so I'm good with the group we have now. Besides, I don't want to plan yet another event. So, I think we're done here. Yup.
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
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