Do not fuck with our referees.
Madden League Name - SE PLUSPLUS
Password - PM me and I'll send you the password if you're not a hyper-competitive jerk that'll stir up nonsense in a just-for-fun league.
ShimSham - Saints (ShimmitySham)
Balefuego - Jags (Balefuego)
Kuribo's Shoe - Panthers (ShoeVonDoom)
JohnHam - Browns (JHamilto)
zychi - Cowboys (zychi)
Goose - Giants (g0oseyourself)
CrackedLens - Packers (zombiekyle)
Auntie Shibby - Chargers (degjo)
Critical - Bengals (CriticalPA)
Butters - Colts (xLordButters)
tehcoolryan - Niners (Homer 4 Prez)
Talonious_monk - Bucs (Talonious Monk)
Wiley - Vikings (Wiley Jenkins)
NotACrook - Redskins (NotoriousBPG)
The Geebs that is a mod - Broncos (thegeebs)
LTM - Steelers - (Tiresias Mons)
Grundlestiltskin - Eagles (Smaug 66)
Games are 5:00 qtrs, All Pro difficulty (default I believe) and there is a playoff. Unfortunately there are no divisions so everyone has to play everyone else once.
So join up. Trades are allowed but only with players with a similar amount of games. Meaning if you've played 15 of your games, you can't trade a great player to a forumer who has only played 3 of his in order to help him out.
Ed Hoculi's Twenty-Favre Inches
I will do so in the next day or so.
Thanks for the patience.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
edit: madden league
My brother attended a midnight release at the same place last year, pretty much the reason I preordered it there. I called after making it and asking after seeing that they weren't on the list. They were not.
Now, now I pull my preorder out and do it at one that is this late in the game?
any time he makes a call, it is just another excuse for him to flex
kick is (fleeeexxxx) good
Paul Smash.
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
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7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
And then at midnight you just hand them the receipt, they scan the game and hand it to you, making everything go much much quicker.
I'd just get there and take care of that before like 11:30 and seems like it'd be fine.. at least at my store it is.
Though I am in a pink shirt and flipflops.
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Not too many pink shirts.
Now if it were a Kirby with a football helmet, it's the most bad-ass thing ever.
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
I have the next few days off work, and my girl is very busy. I've had nothing to do all today, I'm just ready for Madden.
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Edit: That site is busy as hell right now with Madden coming out in a few hours.
Though if the curse does work that way, anyone got a custom cover with all the NY Giants on it?
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Third row
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
So I totally just realized I have 0 access to a color printer anywhere in my general Vicinity.
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
way gay
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Except when I move next month I'm canceling it at my parents' house and putting it on the bill at my house. The sports package with Comcast plus the HD channels adds up though.
I really want DirecTV and Sunday Ticket but I can't afford that right now. I'm hoping next year.
Facebook: MeekinOnMovies
My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype