This thread is for fighting games.
But not normal 2D fighting games from the past or future.
Nor bad 3D games like Tekken.
Nor even Mascot brawl fests like...well...Brawl.
This is for that guiltiest of pleasures. The Anime/Manga fighting game.
This love of mine started with the various SFC Street Fighter Mecha ripoffs like G Gundam and Gundam Wing: Endless Duel and such Dragonball titles as Hyper Dimension and GT:Final Bout.
There's just something about the genre. From the awesome Yu Yu Hakusho all the way up to the modern Bleach and Naruto games.
I'm going to highlight a few coming up in the future. Feel free to include any of your favorites from any platform.
All that I ask is that you keep it to anime/manga fighting games. We already have plenty of threads for the other type. Games stylized in that genre are also good to go, so Arudoc can feel free to post whatever loli fighting game he wants! :P
The two games I'd like to bring some attention to are Naruto:Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 and Bleach DS 2.
When the Naruto:GNT series started years ago everyone thought that it would be your average cash in anime title. They were basically right. Made by the same folks who brought the other fighting game guilty pleasure Bloody Roar to us the first game was a solid experience marred by two few characters and no robust modes. GNT2, however, would change all that by adding in a ton of characters (Most of the important characters up through the Chunin arc) and a four player battle mode of much whoop ass.
GNT3 added more characters, a lot more. GNT 4 added more characters and modes, and is widely considered to be the GCN's second finest fighting game.
Only unfortunate thing about them is that they didn't start bringing the games stateside until the dub was out and going, and that was near the tail end of the GCN's life. The first game hit shelves in early 06. The second in late 06, right before the Wii came out. So while the Japanese were moving on to the time skip series with the first Wii game, the US branch decided to reimagine 3 for the Wii.
The result is a pretty decent hybrid of GNT2 and GNT3 and the first Naruto EX game on the Wii. Fewer characters than three, (They got rid of anyone dead, the joke characters, and Kiba for no reason) none of the slowdown of the EX game and decent waggle controls. It came out last summer to a lukewarm reception.
This fall we are getting a sequel to CoN:R. 35 characters, including a few never before seen in the GNT series. Tag team mode from 4, or a resonable replacement. Sounds good. 35 characters is still a bit low, so I bet they decided to keep some of the dead guys dead, much to my dismay.
Also sometime this summer we should be getting the second Bleach DS game in the states. The first is easily the best fighting game on the system, and this game just brings more to the table. I can't wait for more Treasure anime fighting awesome.
You know
Dragon Ball Z
Burst Limit is so goddamn good. My roommate and I bought it friday and played it something like 7 hours straight to unlock everything. It takes all the good of Budokai 3 and removes the stupid mini games for the super attacks. Also, it looks absolutely gorgeous, especially on an hdtv.
God that game is so much win, I bought it over Soul Calibur 4
I mean. I don't get it. I can't read moonspeak but that's ok, people have translated it for me.
It's basically smash brothers on ds with manga characters.
Tech Romancer?
Tech Romancer was so rad, me and my roommates in college played the shit out of that game.
I think it's the rarest SNES game I own by far.
Is that the Ranma game where you actually have to go into the options to change the jump command to up?
Actually, there are about 10 or so. Well, only three on the SNES.
Is it really that rare? I found it in a Goodwill for $1.50 and picked it up just because I thought it was odd that a Ranma game was released during the SNES period in America.
Anyways, I also loved Yu Yu Hakusho 2 for SNES, even though it was just a SF2 clone. I really need to finish YYH (the series) as well, I only got like 40-something episodes into it.
Not sure if it counts since it isn't base on an established one.
Still though, great fighter.
You're my hero. I loved those combo attacks in that game.
Also, Last Blade series was good, and so Japanese that it was not even really translated when released here.
Especially with the pink alternate colouring.
So far it has 5 playable characters, a simple "challenge everyone" single player mode and a two player mode. F4 to full screen/window, the second menu is the control config (the first option is gamepad config, the second keyboard config).
To be honest I found the second better. They tried to simplify the controls in the third one and it lost of lost of the control you had over your character. Hits didn't feel like they had any weight behind them when you smashed people either.
I love me some Ultimate Stars. I picked up 3 more copies for my mates and it makes for some awesome gaming when Smash or whatever we're playing gets a bit stale.
Half the characters I have no idea who they are, but constructing teams is a good way to waste a quarter of an hour alone. The online matches have amazingly low lag too, I play from Australia against what I presume are mostly Japanese people from their names with no lag at all.
My current thing at the moment though? The port of the second Gundam SEED vs game.
Rengou Vs ZAFT II
Skip to the three minute mark to see some actual gameplay footage.
Its got arcade mode, skirmish, a story mode that I have no idea what's happening and some others I've not touched yet. The two player co-op is the biggest drawcard it has, since all modes but the story allow you to play together. Now while Destiny was a trainwreck this game nails the combat perfectly, you can boost all over the place and you'll need some solid teamwork to actually finish some of the missions, especially the extra hard stages it dishes up to you if you did well on the previous level.
The arcade mode alone has 9 paths and I've not even touched them in hard yet and in the later stages you'll probably end up dying 5+ times before you can clear it.
You basically get a 1000 points to spend on giant robots. The better the robot, the more points its worth. So top tier units cost 500+ points, mid range are 400-450 and the grunt units from the shows are around 250-280. You've got the choice of both picking some of the stronger suits, but you'll each only be able to die once before getting a game over so picking a good mix seems to be fairly important. While initially in arcade mode you are just fighting grunt suits, the last few levels involve you and your teammate fighting at least 3-4000 points worth of enemies, usually against three or four at once.
Great game though, but you'll need to guide that translates all the menus, outside of that its fairly straightforward and won't take long to pick up.
I'm in sydney but don't have a wireless router. You got a wifi dongle, is that how you play with the japanese?
I love the game, but it's slightly annoying to play sometimes since I can't read it so need to constantly look up a faq if I want to make anything. This means if I take it with me, I can only play with decks I've already made. And I really enjoy making the new decks, possibly more than playing the game.
Really wish they'd translate this one, but I guess it'd be a real bitch to license in America/Oz with all the different companies having rights of release.
Yeah, I just play with the wifi dongle. It's suprisingly lag free, you occasionally hit a spot of lag for maybe 2-3 seconds every half a dozen games you play, but considering you're in different hemispheres it's not bad at all. There is a way to add friend codes and then play the people you choose to over wifi but I haven't tried that out yet, the menus are a tad intimidating. You can save one deck per person you play as well, so when you get your ass handed to you by someone you can save the deck to see what they're doing right. Plus you earn gems for unlocking stuff just from playing in matches and you can't unlock all the characters and support characters without playing multiplayer, there isn't enough points from the singleplayer game.
Have you unlocked everything yet? The missions in single player are the only part you really need a guide for since you need to know what to do to beat them. Once you've done that the menus are fairly straight forward for deck construction. I find this to be really handy for the one block support characters, since there is so many of them.
There are only two or three good healing komas, so once you've unlocked those and memorised them that should help with deck building. But yeah, I've spent way more time messing around with decks than I have actually playing against people.
Btw you can get like 400 white gems just from beating a super league match, which is beating all the different tournaments once then a fourth tournament. You get a ridiculous amount of gems. Since white is the most rare, I think you get the gist of how many other types of gems you get. I remember numbers like 2000.
So I've been working on that lately.
edit: Yeah it was like 2000 + or more all up here it is.
500 Red Gems, 500 Green gems, 500 Yellow Gems, 200 Blue Gems, 200 Purple Gems and
400 White Gems.
(BTW, I don't think there's driver support for Vista yet)
Which is this? I haven't really done much with the tournament mode.
It's like GNT3, only missing a few characters. It's dirt cheap now.
If you're talking about the two import titles well then...
EX 1 is a lot like GNT1. Few characters, but still pretty fun. Slowdown is a big problem.
EX 2 is much better.
I'm really liking the sprites, Link and X look nice, hopefully Crono will make it to the beta.
Here's the main page, they haven't updated in a month though. It's in Spanish.
The third one's better. It's actually a good fighting game. :P