My wife and I are thinking about going next year, but I don't want to feel like an old fogey compared to everyone else (I'm 30).
It's ironic in someways ... when you are young you don't have the cash to do all the super geeky things you've always wanted to do, when you're old and have lots of money people tell you to "act your age" if you DO do the super geeky things you've wanted to do.
I saw a 7 and 10 year old there, dragging their mother along behind them. She spoke to me briefly about how her sons lied to her in order to get into the Con, because they both loved games that much.
I saw a 7 and 10 year old there, dragging their mother along behind them. She spoke to me briefly about how her sons lied to her in order to get into the Con, because they both loved games that much.
I hope if I ever have children they're that cool.
There was a kid there that fragged two guys at once in a GRAW match.
He then yelled out "YOU GUYS GOT RAPED!!!"
I'm not sure if he's really 10, or if he's pulling a Gary Coleman.
I say you should go. I'm 31 and I've had a blast at all the PAXs. Gabe & Tycho are around our age, so it has to be OK.
But I won't lie... you'll definitely be older than most... and you'll notice it. But it just doesn't seem to be an issue for the most part, as long as you haven't forgotten what you were like at 15 or 20. And I'm not suggesting you have to "forgive" the adolescents. The vast majority of PAX attendees are quite mature despite their age.
I completely hear you on that last bit. Last night, after a few beers with friends, I felt like playing Guitar Hero so we walked over to the game store and picked up a PS2, Guitar Hero and one of those V shaped wireless guitars. $300. We had a blast all night! It's nice to be fortunate enough to afford that behavior and have friends who want to play as much as you do.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited September 2006
I'm 23 and I should say that there are youngers and elders at PAX, but I felt like I fit right in with everybody there regardless of age. Plus if you hit the after hours hotel parties, the great majority is 21+ (unless thier canadian and their 19+, but don't tell anybody).
I'm 23 and I should say that there are youngers and elders at PAX, but I felt like I fit right in with everybody there regardless of age. Plus if you hit the after hours hotel parties, the great majority is 21+ (unless thier canadian and their 19+, but don't tell anybody).
Yeah us over 21 types tend to be the minority, but a well accepted and not at all out of place one. And next year I am so bringing my kids too, my 8 year old daughter wants to see if theres a Soul Calibur tourney again next year so she can join.
It always bugs me when I see little kids around, especially when we're throwing around words like fuckface, cockthirsty, and shitsucker at a pretty high volume over friendly Mario Kart games. I guess if the kids are allowed to read PA, they'll be fine, though.
I'm on the dark side of 25, and didn't find a problem at all.
Samyel on
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
It always bugs me when I see little kids around, especially when we're throwing around words like fuckface, cockthirsty, and shitsucker at a pretty high volume over friendly Mario Kart games. I guess if the kids are allowed to read PA, they'll be fine, though.
Did the vibe change at PAX as teh hours waxed late into the night?
Ghost Rider 2099 on
I follow console news because it's fun, like tracking the rivalries in what was once called the World Wrestling Federation. There are larger than life characters. There are signature techniques.
Did the vibe change at PAX as teh hours waxed late into the night?
Personally, I didn't notice too much of a change as the hours disappeared. The only thing I noticed was less people, ages never registered. As far as I could see, all I saw were awesome PAX-goers, ageless, timeless, and with whom I knew would have many awesome things to say and do.
It always bugs me when I see little kids around, especially when we're throwing around words like fuckface, cockthirsty, and shitsucker at a pretty high volume over friendly Mario Kart games. I guess if the kids are allowed to read PA, they'll be fine, though.
Yeah. I wouldn't exactly call PAX a child-friendly environment, but most people who see a young'in tend to clean up their acts a little just out of politeness. In the end, as long as I don't have to look after them, I could care less.
We're twenty something, with nothing to loooooooosssseeeee...
Yeah, it was cool. I couldn't care less about age. I mean sure, it's creepy (and I heard a lot of stories) about the under-age girls getting hit on by guys a decade+ their senior. But there's creeps regardless of age, but I've had 9yr old girls in my cs clan before, and as long as you can pwnzor some bitches with the rest of us, you're more than welcome to join in whatever game we're playing.
Did the vibe change at PAX as teh hours waxed late into the night?
Personally, I didn't notice too much of a change as the hours disappeared. The only thing I noticed was less people, ages never registered. As far as I could see, all I saw were awesome PAX-goers, ageless, timeless, and with whom I knew would have many awesome things to say and do.
Oh you sly dog you.
Trillian on
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
30 is not old anymore. I did not feel old or out of place at anytime at PAX. I'm 30 and a woman to boot. And Canadian as my last comment made glaringly clear.
Anyway, I found no issue with age at PAX. There didn't seem to be a generation gap due to the fact that everyone was on the same page. Gamer geeks aren't we all.
I'm not speaking from experience though. PAX'06 was my very first Con and it was a great one.
gates_apco on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
edited September 2006
22 here. i would guess the average age at about 20 though. plentya teens, quite a few older guys (though they mostly kept to the table top areas!). 20 sounds about right.
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
I think it depended partially on what activities you were involved in, as well as the kinds of people you ended up spending time with. Late night board gaming on Saturday seemed to have a lot more adults than late teens, maybe because a larger portion of the younger crowd were taking advantage of the party scene.
Samyel on
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
My wife and I are thinking about going next year, but I don't want to feel like an old fogey compared to everyone else (I'm 30).
It's ironic in someways ... when you are young you don't have the cash to do all the super geeky things you've always wanted to do, when you're old and have lots of money people tell you to "act your age" if you DO do the super geeky things you've wanted to do.
I'm 36 and I had a damn good time.
The only thing that really showed my age was my unwillingness to take the stairs and opt for waiting ten minutes for the elevator.
Pkmoutl on
LegacyStuck Somewhere In CyberspaceThe Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPAregular
My wife and I are thinking about going next year, but I don't want to feel like an old fogey compared to everyone else (I'm 30).
It's ironic in someways ... when you are young you don't have the cash to do all the super geeky things you've always wanted to do, when you're old and have lots of money people tell you to "act your age" if you DO do the super geeky things you've wanted to do.
I'm 36 and I had a damn good time.
The only thing that really showed my age was my unwillingness to take the stairs and opt for waiting ten minutes for the elevator.
And your walker.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
I hope if I ever have children they're that cool.
He then yelled out "YOU GUYS GOT RAPED!!!"
I'm not sure if he's really 10, or if he's pulling a Gary Coleman.
But I won't lie... you'll definitely be older than most... and you'll notice it. But it just doesn't seem to be an issue for the most part, as long as you haven't forgotten what you were like at 15 or 20. And I'm not suggesting you have to "forgive" the adolescents. The vast majority of PAX attendees are quite mature despite their age.
I completely hear you on that last bit. Last night, after a few beers with friends, I felt like playing Guitar Hero so we walked over to the game store and picked up a PS2, Guitar Hero and one of those V shaped wireless guitars. $300. We had a blast all night! It's nice to be fortunate enough to afford that behavior and have friends who want to play as much as you do.
jailbait ftw
Don't forget Meatstick.
Personally, I didn't notice too much of a change as the hours disappeared. The only thing I noticed was less people, ages never registered. As far as I could see, all I saw were awesome PAX-goers, ageless, timeless, and with whom I knew would have many awesome things to say and do.
Yeah. I wouldn't exactly call PAX a child-friendly environment, but most people who see a young'in tend to clean up their acts a little just out of politeness. In the end, as long as I don't have to look after them, I could care less.
Yeah, it was cool. I couldn't care less about age. I mean sure, it's creepy (and I heard a lot of stories) about the under-age girls getting hit on by guys a decade+ their senior. But there's creeps regardless of age, but I've had 9yr old girls in my cs clan before, and as long as you can pwnzor some bitches with the rest of us, you're more than welcome to join in whatever game we're playing.
Calculated it his head, he did. From all the data they accumulated... with the... age registration... thing...
Either that or he used his own age. :P
Oh you sly dog you.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Triiiiiicky. I'll play your game, you rogue.
Get on AIM you harlot!
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
Cool thanks.
Anyway, I found no issue with age at PAX. There didn't seem to be a generation gap due to the fact that everyone was on the same page. Gamer geeks aren't we all.
I'm not speaking from experience though. PAX'06 was my very first Con and it was a great one.
I'm 36 and I had a damn good time.
The only thing that really showed my age was my unwillingness to take the stairs and opt for waiting ten minutes for the elevator.
And your walker.