I played the hell out of the first two twisted metal games. In fact, I've probably played those two games more than any other game in my life. I still idly tap the infinite ammo/health cheat on my desk at work.
I never knew these existed until today, and it has totally changed my perspective on reality.
These are even better than the Warhawk FMVs that came out at the same time. The entire first year of the 32 bit generation was a host to glorious Live Action FMVs
Also: Twisted Metal 2 had the most ownage endings of any game.
Mr. Slamm is the God Tier of Twisted Metal 2 endings.
Man, I used to love Twisted Metal. My friend and I would play it on the gigantic projector at our church youth group, through the massive PA. It ruled.
That being said, I'm looking forward to the PS3 Twisted Metal.
But hey, no love for TM: Black?
The Troof.
Also, you forgot Warthog's ending.
Man, Calypso is really rocking (in a manner of speaking) that Michael Bolton hair in these vids.
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EDIT: Mr. Grimm's back story is just amazing...