So, I just kind of stumbled across
Essentially it's an experimental doom/wolfenstein 3d like engine, at the moment it just seems to be the engine itself.
What's really impressive about this is it uses features of the browser itself. No plugins required.
Okay, yes.. it's pretty primitive but think how we don't have to rely on crappy plugins for certain things when the <canvas> tag takes off.
Canvex is written entirely in JavaScript, with the browser's canvas implementation doing the processing-intensive work of shuffling pixels around. The canvas is limited to 2D graphics, so all the 3D effects are built by Canvex using the 2D operations.
The engine is based on raycasting in a similar fashion to the Build engine. The world is split into sectors (convex polygons of constant floor/ceiling colour and lighting). The edges of the polygons are either solid textured walls, or portal walls leading into an attached sector. To compute a single column of pixels, a ray is cast out from the camera into the surrounding sector, and tracked through portal walls until it hits a solid wall.
It definitely shows how far we've come from using tables to help with the layout of a web page to this.
The funny thing is I think this is pretty old, since it mentions Firefox 1.5+, the only thing limiting this from wide scale adoption? Internet Explorer, it doesn't support HTML5 which is what the canvas tag is from.
Curiously enough Mozilla has released an
canvas plugin for Internet Explorer.
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
Actually, that's a good point. I did start typing this up for G&T, um..
Move please. Any mods around?
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
Although, there's not actually much to play there. It's just a tech demo.
Edit: Wait a fuck. Install Firefox on your work computer.
Web programming is the process of making something work well in reasonably standards-compliant browsers, then making a broken version for IE. Some people skip that last step.
Also: How did we ever get buy without mouselook and strafing.
If you can manage to download Firefox I bet you can install it. It mysteriously installs without requiring admin access.
This should help with getting through the last few hours of work.
Woah. They've got some free time on their hands.
You could install it to a USB key and then skin it to appear like IE?
Defender (the old arcade game) in favicon (those little images that show up next to the address bar in your browser) form.
Wow, a game so small you can't even play it.
It's purely down to the browser and its implementation of <canvas> and javascript. Yes, a faster processor will obviously play a big part.
You have to remember it's doing the rendering using a bit of HTML5 and javascript, this is very abstracted from native cpu code.
Also, has anyone seen the news about the seriously massive javascript speed boosts in Firefox 3.1?
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
Oh don't get me wrong, I love seeing people make crazy shit like this. I'm just making sure nobody around here starts thinking this is the wave of the future or something.
I want something like this to happen so much.
When I was about 10 years old (1996?), before I started using the Internet, I saw something on TV that showed the camera flying through a starry background moving to different websites and I thought the Internet was like that. I was quite disappointed when I was introduced to web browsers.
This idea here would be so cool. :shock:
EDIT: Also, the Olympic Games coverage on NBC here.