Petesalzlvorpal blade in handRegistered Userregular
edited August 2008
no one can destroy the neck beard
the neckbeard will strike you down with a vicious blow
we are the vanquished foes of the neck beard
we tried to win, for why, we do not know
taken today
Petesalzl on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2008
That's not a neckbeard, that's just you being too lazy to shave today
Moe Fwacky on
Petesalzlvorpal blade in handRegistered Userregular
what an odd fellow
calling us smurfing stupid
...So, I got a call from the RLA (Refrigerator Liberal Association) about five minutes ago--right when they read the post above me--and they demand an apology from Bel.
"We do not find it amusing to be referred to as 'stupid'. We are rather intelligent. We do keep turning on and off the lights for you when you open and close our doors."
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
what an odd fellow
calling us smurfing stupid
...So, I got a call from the RLA (Refrigerator Liberal Association) about five minutes ago--right when they read the post above me--and they demand an apology from Bel.
"We do not find it amusing to be referred to as 'stupid'. We are rather intelligent. We do keep turning on and off the lights for you when you open and close our doors."
yeah! I almost fell over everything seem to fall in the same weekend i wanted to go that con in Portland but im like screw that pax is sooo much better
Soda241 on
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
what an odd fellow
calling us smurfing stupid
...So, I got a call from the RLA (Refrigerator Liberal Association) about five minutes ago--right when they read the post above me--and they demand an apology from Bel.
"We do not find it amusing to be referred to as 'stupid'. We are rather intelligent. We do keep turning on and off the lights for you when you open and close our doors."
maaaan i ain't doin shit!
refrigerators you are dumb also i hate you
...Great...RLA are calling their lawyers. ...Why am I the bloody mediator in all of this? I was only curious to way "smurfing" was used a curse-light word...
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
what an odd fellow
calling us smurfing stupid
...So, I got a call from the RLA (Refrigerator Liberal Association) about five minutes ago--right when they read the post above me--and they demand an apology from Bel.
"We do not find it amusing to be referred to as 'stupid'. We are rather intelligent. We do keep turning on and off the lights for you when you open and close our doors."
maaaan i ain't doin shit!
refrigerators you are dumb also i hate you
...Great...RLA are calling their lawyers. ...Why am I the bloody mediator in all of this? I was only curious to way "smurfing" was used a curse-light word...
Because I like to say smurf sometimes... YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH DAT BOY?!
what an odd fellow
calling us smurfing stupid
...So, I got a call from the RLA (Refrigerator Liberal Association) about five minutes ago--right when they read the post above me--and they demand an apology from Bel.
"We do not find it amusing to be referred to as 'stupid'. We are rather intelligent. We do keep turning on and off the lights for you when you open and close our doors."
maaaan i ain't doin shit!
refrigerators you are dumb also i hate you
...Great...RLA are calling their lawyers. ...Why am I the bloody mediator in all of this? I was only curious to way "smurfing" was used a curse-light word...
Because I like to say smurf sometimes... YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH DAT BOY?!
oh no no, of course he don't. you go right on have make sure you have a nice day meow.
he's probably only going to pax for one day so that he doesn't experience pax to it's greatest potential and then go to another con and then just be disappointed =P
Skinnay on
I'm Awesome!!!
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited August 2008
Too bad one day of PAX will outweigh three days at that other con. He's going to be disappointed either way.
That's okay, nothing wrong with some anime convention stuff! Admittedly though, I've never been to an anime convention... but I assume there's nothing wrong with it.
Two cons so close together
think of the neckbeards!
is there a outbreak of neckbeards at the cons that i am unaware of? has it becaome a bandwagon upon which i must jump? because, if i have to, i will.
neckbeard = bad
Shave your neck, for the good of humanity
(hangs his head in neckbeard shame 8-) )
the neckbeard will strike you down with a vicious blow
we are the vanquished foes of the neck beard
we tried to win, for why, we do not know
How about shaving that hair that crawls over some guy's shoulders that connects chest hair and back hair?
You people are smurfing stupid.
I mean.... no offense.
calling us smurfing stupid
*GASP!* What'd you call me?!
You know what I have to say to that.........
*Runs away crying* ME AND MY NECKBEARD HATE YOU!
...So, I got a call from the RLA (Refrigerator Liberal Association) about five minutes ago--right when they read the post above me--and they demand an apology from Bel.
would be the proper phrasing
have at you foul knave!
maaaan i ain't doin shit!
refrigerators you are dumb also i hate you
...Great...RLA are calling their lawyers. ...Why am I the bloody mediator in all of this? I was only curious to way "smurfing" was used a curse-light word...
Because I like to say smurf sometimes... YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH DAT BOY?!
oh no no, of course he don't. you go right on have make sure you have a nice day meow.
I understand PAX for 3 days then the other con for one...
That's basically it. Plus mixing in a little anime con into the fold is never a bad thing I would think.
until you left the room
shaving microsoft in your neckbeardjust happens to be one of them >.>
With the hoodie you sorta look like a ghetto lumberjack...