I'm a Seattle-ite (ok, Renton-ite, but I digress), who is going to PAX all three days. I have a futon + floor space for anyone who is desperate for a place to stay. I'll be going to PAX, so no worries on getting there, though if you want to stay after I want to go, get a taxi. :-p No charge for crashing at my place, since, well, as long as you dont blow anything up/break stuff, I'm all cool with it.
Anyway, contact me at kdesai85@gmail.com if you need floor space/a place to stay. Sorry for the late posting, but I didn't think about offering floor space/a place to stay through PAX till today.
I, actually will free floor space for ONE person too. I have two other friends of mine already crashing with me, but I think I can squeeze one more in, if anybody is desperate. I live like, a fifteen minute walk from downtown. Ya'll would have to keep similar schedules to mine though, cause I leave my keys with no one. Other than saying don't eat/drink/break/steal my stuff, as long as you're cool, we can talk. Send me a PM if need be.
Sweet. Most of my friends live in Renton or West Seattle, so been thinking about those two places primarily. Not a super crazy party place I live in renton, but the quiet can be nice. Living within walking distance of Coulon Park is also nice...
I have a new guy that has just decided to ride up to PAX with me. He needs a place to crash. I have given him this info. Expect an e-mail shortly. This is an awesome offer. Unless you are a serial killer of course. Are you? A serial killer that is?
Holy crap. A free place to stay during PAX, and it went a whole 5 hours before even a nibble. Remarkable. I guess most people have their sleeping arrangements taken care of by now.
I have no computer at home, so... no, no I won't be. I'll be the 5'4" asian chick wandering around in a lolita-esque goth outfit on Friday, and a school girl-esque outfit on Saturday, though. Sunday's outfit is undecided. Oh, and I've got a MegaTokyo messenger bag.
I am not a serial killer. Really. I am a cereal killer, though. Boxes of cereal do not last in my sight.
Eh, I didn't know whether I'd have space to offer or not till recently. I'll be checking my e-mail obsessively (ie, the usual amount) through PAX, so if things go south for people (which I suspect they will, by virtue of probabilities), don't hesitate to drop me a line.
Puc, I haven't received an e-mail from anyone as of currently, so make sure it didn't get eaten by GMail's spam filter.
Mee -- I approve of the MegaTokyo bag. If you (or anyone else) wants to get together at some point during PAX and grab overpriced food, I'd definitely be game for that. I have to visit a friend who moved to Capitol Hill recently, so I'll shoot you an e-mail when I'm in the area and left her apartment (if it isn't ungodly late at night)...
Me and my friends are coming down from Canada on Thursday night and we need a place to crash just for the night. I don't know what your floor layout is like, so the only concern for you for may be that there is seven of us in total. But heres the thing: We are desperate for a place to stay and we would totally be willing to pay you if you'd like. We're not worried about being cramped cause beggars can't be choosers and honestly, it's only one night.
If your not comfortable with the idea, totally cool. We would completely understand. Just let me know what you think and what you would like in compensation.
We might have to do some re-arranging in my apartment, since it isn't big (and I have a roommate), but thankfully I took Friday off, so I don't mind stayin up late. You guys'll probably also have to sit in on my D&D game for part of Thursday night as well.
Mee: Got a phone number/alternate means of communication you'd be comfortable giving out?
Hell yeah. I
Eh, I didn't know whether I'd have space to offer or not till recently. I'll be checking my e-mail obsessively (ie, the usual amount) through PAX, so if things go south for people (which I suspect they will, by virtue of probabilities), don't hesitate to drop me a line.
Puc, I haven't received an e-mail from anyone as of currently, so make sure it didn't get eaten by GMail's spam filter.
Mee -- I approve of the MegaTokyo bag.
Me and my friends are coming down from Canada on Thursday night and we need a place to crash just for the night. I don't know what your floor layout is like, so the only concern for you for may be that there is seven of us in total. But heres the thing: We are desperate for a place to stay and we would totally be willing to pay you if you'd like. We're not worried about being cramped cause beggars can't be choosers and honestly, it's only one night.
If your not comfortable with the idea, totally cool. We would completely understand. Just let me know what you think and what you would like in compensation.
Thanks for your time bro.
We might have to do some re-arranging in my apartment, since it isn't big (and I have a roommate), but thankfully I took Friday off, so I don't mind stayin up late. You guys'll probably also have to sit in on my D&D game for part of Thursday night as well.
Mee: Got a phone number/alternate means of communication you'd be comfortable giving out?