I want to have a party in my hotel room at the red lion tonight consisting of like 15 people i'd say? that sounds like a good number... although... i haven't really invited anyone yet so that kinda of sucks... so i'm relying on you! PAX Forumers!
If you would like to come... text (don't call) me saying you want to come... it's going to be byob of course as i only have enough booze for me... also, my laptop doesn't have sound... so if someone would bring speakers or an ipod dock or thier laptop... that'd be cool as well.
my phone number is 248 709 8328 so text me if you're interested!
and edit... if you want video games here you'd have to bring your own console. I'll update this as soon as someone offers to bring a console. I flew in and didn't want to pack something i wasn't sure if i was going to use or not because i wasn't sure about the tv situation here and i just looked and there are the yellow and white inputs as well as a coax if you want to use an RF adapter.
Also, i'm not going to be staying for the concert tonight so i'll be coming back to the room after round 4 of the omegathon so anytime after that is when people could come up.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing