Basically I'd like something where I could keep fantasy cash running totals between friends, with the following abilities:
-Custom betting spreads, list odds on certain things, close bets and then flag a "winner" after the event is over so the fantasy pay-out is made automatically.
-Ability to display their total in something like a signature elsewhere, so functionality where their cash value can be read remotely.
-Administrative abilities where I can edit their running totals.
-"Games" like slots or cards that they can waste money on between events.
-Ability to spot other people some money.
Right now what we're currently doing is betting fake money on video game competitions with a leaderboard, and everything is done manually. The bets are taken down in a text file, calculations are applied afterwards, then the leaderboard is constructed off of that. They can "buy" prizes with these earnings but there's no material goods involved.
I don't really think there's going to be software that does all of this for me, but I'm just throwing this out there in case there is something that you already know about. I don't really want to solicit anyone into developing this for me, if you think it's super simple and you could bust it out then I'd appreciate it but I don't expect anyone to waste their time on it. In the end it's just "fantasy gambling" and nothing more important/relevant.
Er, with that confusion out of the way, does such an application already exist? Or at least some suggestions on how to make it easier? I think there are things like this for Invision message boards, I could start up one of those if needed.