Pulsars at it again...

ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the swordhttp://youtu.be/G_sBOsh-vyIRegistered User regular
edited September 2008 in PAX Archive

Remember this guy? Well he is at it again. I found out he took 2nd in the guitar hero competition. I also know he picked up two special memory cards that had rainslick prescipie episode 1 with special cover artwork. He is going to get them signed and auctioned off for childs play.

Pulsar, I just want everyone to know how awesome you are.

Viscountalpha on


  • MrPulsarMrPulsar Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    thanks Vis. Unfortunately my plan to get Tycho and Gabe to sign them at the con was futile. But I did get some peeps from HotHead to sign one of them.

    Now I just need to get Gabe and Tycho to sign the other one, luckily they live here in Seattle so I could probably drop them off at their office or mail them. These things are precious, and I know they could get lots of money for Child's Play.

    MrPulsar on
  • xxhennersxxxxhennersxx Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    i salute you mr pulsar.

    For some reason, i still had your phone number from last PAX in my cell because i was trying to help you find tycho.

    xxhennersxx on
  • MrPulsarMrPulsar Registered User regular
    edited September 2008

    There they are. Two beautiful flashcards. The Tycho card is autographed by various Hot Head employees. The other one is lonely, it needs autographs. :(

    I'm hoping I can donate these to the Child's Play Dinner this year and get some big bucks for child's play off them. Or I may just put them on Ebay and give all the proceeds to the charity.

    Just wanted to show you them. :)

    MrPulsar on
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