I'm suffering from some delayed sleep phase syndrome, so I need something to help put me to sleep at night. I figure, hey, I fall asleep all the time reading books assigned for class, so I might as well use this for my own good. Problem is I hate rereading books, so I have to find new ones. I know many of the people on the PA forums are very well read (it's well known), so I come to you for help. I'd prefer reading some good literature, rather than trying to just read a biology textbook or something.
So I'm looking for books that are considered really high class must-reads by academic society, but not a page turner that has a very enthralling plot. I want that Nobel Prize stuff (well it doesn't actually need to have won a Nobel prize), the books you'd discuss while sipping tea with your pinky lifted. Most of that stuff I can't bring myself to read for leisure, so I figure I might as well enlighten myself while getting some sleep help out of it too.
I don't really like books dealing with spirituality, though, like Steppenwolf, for example. Does Steppenwolf have lots of spirituality? I don't remember. All I remember is I didn't like it.
edit: I've heard Ayn Rand is good, but also very long and boring, so her books are already on the list.
by Amanda Vickery
I'm looking for that sweet spot between so good that I want to keep reading and so bad that I don't want to read it at all. Mainly I'm looking for books that are good literature, but not very exciting.
For example, The Time Machine is a good book, but it's pretty exciting.
100 Years of Solitude, on the other hand, is also a good book, but it's not very exciting and put me to sleep a lot. I'm looking for books like that.
edit: War and Peace too. I've heard that one is not very exciting, but it's "one of the world's greatest novels". I should put that on the list.
As for books themselves, Classic stuff like Divine Comedy - Dante, Paradise Lost - Milton, Illiad/Odyseey - Homer, Aeniad - Virgil, The Histories - Horodotus. Otherwise a lot of russian literature - Anna Karenina - Tolstoy, Crime and Punishment - Doskoyevsky, Dead Souls - Gogol, The Dual - Chekov.
Dickens can somehow make the French fucking revolution slow
Grapes is pretty much a classic in this genre as well.
Oh man, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man made me want to bored-ily cry bored tears of boredom.
In fact, James Joyce might be a good way to go in general here. Everyone tells me how wonderful his books are, but hell if I can get through them.
Bleak House, by Dickens.
Reading engages your brain much more then watching TV in general so I'm going to suggest you read good books when you want to stay awake and watch bad TV (99% of the stuff) when you want to sleep.
only person that could make a 6 ft. cockroach/human a huge snooze fest.
Sexy fun time (:winky:) is the exception to this rule, but most people don't have any trouble falling asleep after that.
Dickens will usually put me to sleep. I actually thoroughly enjoyed all of Rand's work, but your experience may vary.
Ethan Frome. Pick that sucker up, and read it, if you can.
Those few books after Genesis are just dull as fuck.
Any Russian lit book will put you to sleep. Add any Nobokov book to the list and you have a guaranteed snoozefest.
And don't listen to bobmyknob re: Nabokov. If you fall asleep during Lolita you probably shouldn't be allowed to read books. The mere suggestion that he is boring is so outrageous, my beret fell off my head and into my tea.
OK, I misremembered my Russian authors. My bad, I meant Gogol - don't ask how I got those two confused.
It makes my brain melt.
I think he's just looking for a good nights sleep, not a 6 month coma.
Well played, sir, well played.
Other than that, I'm gonna go to the library tomorrow and pick up a shitload of these suggestions. Thanks for reminding me about Ulysses; I had originally planned to go get that one, but I'd forgotten.
Russians, russians-
Fathers and Sons by Turgenev- that's put me to sleep a few times. Anything by Dostoyevesky's good. The Brothers Karamozov in particular, has some nice looooonnnngggg super dense chapters.
Nah, go ahead and read it if you're depressed. Just follow it up with Ethan Frome. It'll make you rethink any thoughts on suicide you'll ever have, while putting you to sleep.
Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier. I've made it through once. The last time I tried reading it I couldn't get past page 20. Soooooo sloooooow ...
I put myself to sleep reading it so many times. The language is so thick and requires so much concentration that you read a page, lose focus, and then read the words of the next page and a half while not taking in any of the meaning, or alternatively, fall asleep.
And honestly, its amazingly well written.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
It's every bit as amazing as its reputation suggests, but it's easy to fall asleep to.
I am actueally useing this to fall asleep right now. Works pretty well.