Disappointment. It's probably one of the worst feelings one could possibly experience. Probably not up there with heartbreak, but still not a delightful feeling none the less. Just being completely excited to see someone, do something, or go somewhere, and having that taken from you. It fucking sucks. It doesn't even have to end with mere entertainment being taken away. You could be disappointed in a person, or with anything really.
Today, my boyfriend calls me up from drill telling me that 'family day' is tomorrow, and that he was going to drive down 2 hours to pick me up so we could stay in a hotel for FREE, and play paintball the next day, and rock climb, and do other really fun, really cool shit. Of course, this excites me, and I get completely psyched out for the adventure of 'family day.' He tells me to go home after work to pack my stuff up, and to be ready for when he arrives.
Since I have work the next day, I asked my boss if I could take the day off, and she arranges a replacement for my shift. So by then, I'm super excited because, well...hell, I'm going to be shooting the shit out of army dudes and their families with little balls of paint instead of cleaning out a nasty shitty cat sanctuary.
I go home, pack my stuff up, and then I receive a call.
My boyfriend then tells me he doesn't feel like driving down to pick me up to just drive back up again, and then back home the next day.
needless to say, I was completely bummed even though I understand that he wanted to save on gas.
Also, I can't have my shift back, so I'm not getting any money like I could have.
TLDR; Tell stories about how you were disappointed in some way.
Edit: kind of depressing, but hey.
Most of my disappointment stories involve sports teams of one sort or another.
Anyway, I'd have to go with Medopine and say most of my disappointments are sports-related.
Like the Rays managing to come back in the 9th, scoring three runs off the AL's best closer tonight, then giving up the game-winning grand slam after scoring the go-ahead run in the 13th. Ugh.
i.e., I agree with the topic of this thread. Disappointment sucks.
Mine would probably also have to be sports related (I had such high hopes for the 49ers last year, only to see them go like 5-11). That sort of stuff.
Biggest disappointment in my life was when my best friend since age 4 kicked me in the kneecap and continued kicking when I was on the ground. He never even told me why he did it, either. At least it got the point across, though. Some "friends" from high school just stopped talking to me the moment we got our diplomas.
The kicker? the hours are from fucking 9-6. so basically I wake up, go to work, have christmas dinner, and then pass out.
Oh, and my boyfriend made it up to me.... somewhat, cause he's making me origami. ....out of the little bible from the hotel because he lacks real paper. (I don't know if that's hilarious and awesome, or incredibly wrong and awful)
Kind of hard to when you don't have a car because your loan is still being processed after THREE MONTHS. But that's a whole 'nother disappointment in itself.
Check out my art! Buy some prints!
It's saddening how relationships can cause the most disappointment. I have too many to share.
King James only, of course
I saw a "NObama '08" bumpersticker on my way home from the store. I live in Florida. Pretty much unless I don't leave the house and manage to no see any news on TV, I am disappointment by the people here. More disappointed in myself for being too lazy to get out. Even my friends, at least those who were born here, are pretty much all racists, and I don't say anything.
Double disappointment points when I pass a mirror.
Triple if I walk past a mime.
I get disappointed all the time, but the worst is when I disappoint myself.
That's a shitty person. Who the fuck does that? I'd drop her like a bad habit.
Agreed. Fuck that. Her problem now.
My biggest dissapointment? The tax department mucking up my mailing address for the second time and sending me a surprise bill for $5000. Considering I live on 10k a year... Come on, tax department. I had a bit more faith in you than that. I loved you like a son.
This is the source of all my disappointment right now. What's the deal with loans?
at least the small stuff, like burning the pancakes doesn't bother me anymore compared to the big stuff
Then I got the follow up email telling me it was a mistake. And I was still a Basic member.
The director suggested that I switch to tuba. Let me tell you, being told you should switch over to tuba is the last thing any high school trumpeter wants to hear, nobody wants to play the goddamn tuba kdfjsfd
My mom just told me that she wants to divorce my dad.
and all my friends who I would go to at this moment of freaking out are at college. and I'm an only child. and my boyfriend is 2 hours away, and I don't have a car.
I think i'm about to puke. God damn it.
Check out my art! Buy some prints!
But no, not quite good enough. Damn group assessments. I never speak up enough in groups.
(I have landed a grad, spot, not my first or second preference but still quite decent, so, well, just take it as it comes I suppose...)
i got wicked [strike]good[/strike]mediocre sats
but no cash...
When the clerk casually asked, "Did you find everything alright?", without so much as looking up from his computer, I answered, "No sir. No I did not." I refused to pay my late fees for my inconvenience.
I felt as if I had been struck by Captain Chaos.
And I am also disappointed in Electronic Arts for having some kind of deal with FilePlanet, Planet of Shit, that all their betas are only available to download on their cretin-choked servers so instead of being able to use an official torrent to download the WAR open beta client super-fast like a sane company would have, I have to wait "in line" for god knows how many hours (at first it said I had to wait 288 minutes but now it says I have to wait 410) to even start downloading what is a 10 gigabyte file and I've no doubt FP will cap the download speed so it takes seven or eight hours to download that and then assuming that the file isn't somehow corrupted like it always seemed to be when I used FilePlanet back in the day, then I will have to spend another seven or eight hours patching the goddamned thing instead of being able to download the patch via a torrent like a sane person.
A week ago I had no idea how I was going to balance these two games on the same day and now it looks like I can't even try one of them.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I'm pretty disappointed with this post.
Are you trying to be ironic?
Because it isn't working.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Anyway, I had hoped we would start a discussion about how to cope with disappointment or something.
I'm disappointed in the word "disappointed." I want a better word than "disappointed" but that connotes the same exact feeling - no more, no less - than "disappointed." "Disgruntled" is disappointing to this end because it suggests a guttural to accompany the feeling of disappointment. Also disappointing is the word "discontented," which suggests a prior state of actual contentedness, and that is simply a false message to convey when claiming disappointedness about a specific thing (as disappointed feelings are often directed) because one can be disappointed about a specific thing without being either content or discontent given the sum total of all other things factoring into the disappointed individual's life. Along the same vein, "dissatisfied" is a disappointing replacement for "disappointed" because it exudes the concept of either being satisfied or unsatisfied prior to comprehending the nature of the thing that one is disappointed in and is also implies that if the subject of one's disappointed feelings were to change so as to not disappoint, it might thus satisfy the individual which is an incorrect connotation; one may be satisfied to the subject at hand, but not in general and when one expressed dissatisfaction, it is normally a commentary of their general mood while disappointment is necessarily focused at a particular person, place, thing, or, event, as it were. And thus I can only conclude that the word "disappointed" alone suffices for the feeling of being disappointed and as to that I am verily disappointed.
Coping with disappointment is really very easy. Lower your expectations. If you expect everything to be awful, being "disappointed" will be an occasion for celebration.