Im kind of in a dilemma, and its making me feel like an idiot, the last time i took a math class, was 4 years ago, in my junior year of high school, i didnt take a math class in my senior year, i worked for a year after highschool, and then went on a 2 year mission. So now I have come back and I'm finally starting University.
Im in probably one of the easier math classes that you could take, but i have to test into it, or take math 101 equivalent to highschool algebra, the thing is, I know this stuff, its just been 4 freaking years since i've used it. So i dont remember how to do all the basic stuff. If I dont pass this test, then I will have to go down to the 101 class, which is 1. stuff i already know, 2. would make me feel really stupid, and 3. would feel like a waste time since i'd been taking an entire semester class just to refresh on stuff I've already learned.
In short, i need a good source on refreshing me through the basic algebra equations and how to solve stuff..... this is the kind of things like (3x^2y^3)(-2x^4y) = ? or (16)^1/2(27)^2/3
soo yea, what would you suggest I do?
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