So last night I was apparently shifting around in bed and hit my head on the wall. No biggy, it hurt for a bit, I went back to sleep. I got in a comfortable postion, and fell back to sleep. Kinda worried, but I've hit my head worse, I even remember hitting my head while sleeping before, I'm a restless sleeper.
So I mention it to my roommate, and he says that I was kinda spazzin out last night. He used the word "seizure." But he said I then just kinda chilled out. I didn't think this was a problem, I remember jerking awake earlier as I was falling asleep, it happens, you know? Maybe I got restless and tried to fix my blanket or something, I've done it before.
But just thinking about it is worrying me, I just want everything to be fine with me, you know? I mean, if I was actually getting seizures at night, I'd know about it, right? Basically I do not want to die, as living is pretty sweet. Should I go to a doctor or something?
At this point, I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens again. But if you need peace of mind, I'd say drop by a clinic.
That's what I thought anyways. I know it's not a concussion, it wasn't that bad, and my pupils are fine. It's just, was I spazzin out and then hitting my head, knocking the sense back into me and stopping it, or did I hit my head by the accidently moving the wrong way, which lead to the squirming?
Certain types of epilepsy are only night onset. Did you feel really out of it this morning? Trouble remembering things? Slowed motor skills when you woke up? Slured speech?
edit: no you might not necessarily know you were having a seizure if it was the only sleeping kind. It may have just felt like waking up and going back to sleep a few times. Seizures mess with your memory too, so its hard to say for sure.
but they're listening to every word I say
What I remember is shifting around, and accidently hitting my head, like I was on my stomach, moved a little and hit it. Then I was all "Owies, this sucks" and then moved to a more comfortable place. I remember looking at the time, it was about 5 am. At this point I don't think it was a seizure, as it didn't feel weird or hazzy, other than me hurting and being really tired. I woke up in 2 hours about as tired as I usually feel, and if anything I felt more alert than usual during class.
But I'm definitely gonna call my parents about it tomorrow sometime, and go to the Health Center on campus and see what they say. Any other opinions would be great too.
I got night terrors when I was a kid, slight insomnia, and panic disorder as a teenager. So yeah, I've had a history of restless sleep. Thanks for easing my mind, but I'll still be aware of any other problems. But for now, sleepy time.
Do you ever get the shakes playing video games? Like twitchy hands?
I would just ask your roomate to clarify and to keep an eye on you. If it was just you rolling around a bit more than normal it is most likely nothing.
but they're listening to every word I say
It's a pain in the ass, and a shitty way to wake up, but nothing to really worry about.
If you'd had a seizure every single muscle in your body would ache, you'd probably have bite marks on your tongue and you would be incredibly tired for the next day or so. Basically, you'd know that your body just went through some extreme shit.
You'll be fine, we do/say some crazy stuff when we're disturbed from our sleep. You were probably confused and started wrestling about.
Epilepsy can vary a great deal. I've had it (child epilepsy that grew away when I went on medication; very lucky for me).
My seizures would be shaking some and being unable to control my body but still being completely aware of my surroundings and what people were saying etc.
Others can simply have a short time where they zone out and don't respond/react/understand anything. But they don't have seizures at all. It's a pretty varied disorder.
Yeah, there are two major types. Petite Mal and Grand Mal. There are is also considerable variance in these types. Even if you have Grand Mal seizures you wouldn't necissarily be sore.
I also had a juvenile form of sleep onset epilepsy that went away with medication. I would become aware of what was happening for a few seconds at a time, but not fully aware. More like now im in bed, now in a car, now in another bed. Its strange to wake up in the hospital not really knowing how you got there. Although technically there is no "cure" and a person can relapse. Horray!
Still, you are likely to notice or your roomate is likely to notice somthing more extreme than what happened.
but they're listening to every word I say