So I found out last Friday that I was accepted to an internship in Atlanta that I was hoping to get. Yay!
Since then, I've spent all of this week looking through Craigslist and other apartment websites for a place to stay, but every place I've emailed or called is either out of my price range, or simply won't respond. Fuck.
Is there anything specific I should be doing that might elicit more responses from the ads I see on Craigslist? Or should I just take the silence to mean they either already found someone or aren't interested?
Are there any other good places I should be looking for temp housing ads? A few others I found seemed a lot less active. On one of them, the newest ad listed was from early August for example.
The gritty details: Moving from NE Ohio to Atlanta. Looking to spend within $550/mo for rent, but I'll go higher if I have to. Hoping to find a place near the intersection of rout 400 and interstate 85, just north of midtown. The internship lasts 3 months starting in October, so if a lease is longer than that I'd have to find someone to sublet to for the remainder of the time.
tl;dr I need a place to stay in Atlanta for 3 months and Craigslist is sucking cock right now. Any ideas?