So long story short: There is this girl I work with who I want to ask out. I only work with her one day out of the week, which is on Fridays.
So on Friday I was like "Hell yeah I'm going to ask her out tonight after work" but, as fate would have it, she counted her till out faster than I did and before I got back to the staff room to sign out, she had already boogie'd on out of there for the night.
We're both cashiers, and we have these staff phone number lists in case one of us needs to get a sub for one of our shifts or something else. I really don't want to wait until Friday to ask her out, and I don't want to go to the store while she's working and ask her then, so I was thinking about getting her number from the staff phone list and calling her using that instead.
But some of my friends have raised the issue that using her number when she in fact never gave it to me to ask her out would be kind of weird and/or creepy. I really don't want to be that creepy guy and I really don't want to get that reputation at work either. But my gut says go for it. We get along fine and we both enjoy hanging out together while at work...we laugh at each others jokes, we have good conversations, and working with her is a blast. Besides, it's one phone call, and it's not like I'm actively following her or calling her up multiple times.
Normally, I'd just tell my friends that they're idiots and go with what my gut says. But my gut is fallible and has been known to err on occasion, and this is something I don't want to screw up on, so any third opinions would be more than welcome.
Yeah, but asking girls out via Facebook has always struck me as being a bit tacky.
I think the biggest thing about copying her number down is it will also come off as you being to interested. I know it sounds stupid, and it is, but but that doesnt make it not true.
Also, the "I really don't want to screw this up" notion. Lighten up. This suggests to me you've been working together for more than a couple weeks and you've been considering this for awhile now without actually doing it. Either ask her out, or don't. If you focus on what you think you have to lose, you'll lose.
PSN: TheScrublet
Let me clarify: We're all given a copy of the list to take home with us. It's not as if I'm copying her phone number off a grand master list at work. I've got my copy of the list hanging up on my wall next to my computer.
I don't know if that really changes anything though.
Don't ask her out via Facebook, ask for her number via Facebook. It's a perfectly good way to get in contact with someone. Right now, she definitely might see you as just a work friend, so using her phone number because you got it for work is very, very, very creepy.
I'm still wary on using Facebook though, even for getting her number. Right now I'm feeling that I'll head over to work tomorrow night, buy some stuff and ask her then.
A guy I know liked this girl who worked at a local supermarket, so he got one of her mates to give him a list of her shifts.
He then tracked her down on one of her shifts and asked her out there, while she was working.
In my opinion thats much more creepier, and 'stalker-ish' then you getting this girls phone number and ringing it.
Anyway, that was 8 years ago that my mate asked this girl out, and now they're living together.
She probably won't think so deeply about it as you are now.
Good luck regardless!
Perfect. Do this.