So, my father has bad knees somehow. I'm not sure if it runs through the family (no one has it that I know of), or if he just destroyed them throughout his youth, but whatever. I can remember two separate occasions where he would be working (manual labor, lifting, etc.) and his knee would make a very audible *popping* noise, and he'd fall to the ground in pain. As far as I know, he never actually went to have this examined; don't ask me why. After one of these episodes, there was always a strong possibility it would happen a few more times just from the stress of everyday walking.
I have worked for UPS for the past two years, and have done my share of heavy lifting. Until this semester, I don't remember it being a problem. Lately, however, there have been times where I can hear what I think to be my tendons in my knee stretching, popping, something whenever I climb stairs in either direction, or twist my legs when I'm carrying something heavy. It doesn't hurt, but I can definitely feel it. Afterwords, it feels as if thought I have an air bubble behind my knee cap for about an hour. I will, of course, go talk to my physician about this asap, but I wanted to hear some thoughts from you fine people. What's going on? Am I destined to have my knees replaced before I'm thirty? Are there any exercises I could do to strengthen them to prevent such a disaster?
Thanks for any help.
Any standard quad exercises will help with knee stability. Leg extensions are probably the safest if you are worried that your knees are weak.