Hells Highway

Ukali.KulaUkali.Kula Registered User regular
edited October 2008 in PAX Archive
So i'm sure the game came out about 5 days ago. I was one of the people to stand in a ridiculous line and get my head shaved so i could get the game. Only it hasn't arrived... Anyone get there copy yet? If so where do you live and when did you get it?

Ukali.Kula on


  • marsh0marsh0 Registered User regular
    edited September 2008
    I havent got mine, but then again i released after about half my head was shaved it didnt ask for country and only asked for state.

    I live in canada... well see what happens.

    marsh0 on
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited September 2008
    I noticed this weekend that it was out. Still nothing in the mail.

    Edit: Khoo? You around? What say you? I never really got a timeline on when to expect the game. As the grand pooh-bah of PAX, have you heard anything?

    Bionic Monkey on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2008
    khoo & co are on vacation through this week.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • sarranadesarranade Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    D: I haven't received mine either dude. It blows~

    sarranade on
  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    edited October 2008
    Got an update from Ubisoft - they said the PS3 and 360 versions have been sent out. The PC version will ship once it hits the streets (it's not out yet).

    Robert Khoo on
    Some guy.
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2008
    Thank you, Khoo.

    Bionic Monkey on
  • AragornAragorn Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Thanks for the update/info Khoo. I was curious however I wasn't checking on it yet but the thread was here so I took a look.

    Aragorn on
  • AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Me and my hair thank you.

    AngelHedgie on
    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
  • Bionic MonkeyBionic Monkey Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2008
    Got my copy of the game in the mail today. They're out there.

    Bionic Monkey on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Clicked thread, expected it to be about horrific journeys to/from pax.

    (saw hells highway, left disappointed)

    leaf on
  • AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Got my copy of the game in the mail today. They're out there.

    Yep, got mine yesterday as well.

    AngelHedgie on
    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
  • FearfallFearfall Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    My copy arrived today!

    Fearfall on
    Max sig size 500x80px or 4 lines of text
    Over the mountains of the moon down the valley of shadow

  • Spectre45Spectre45 Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Got my copy of the game in the mail today. They're out there.

    Yep, got mine yesterday as well.

    Got my yesterday too. Too bad I'm still too stuck on Rock Band 2 to play anything else

    Spectre45 on

    Wii Code: Spectre45 - 3045 6435 9861 4101
  • marsh0marsh0 Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I got mine even though i live in canada put a province in state and they didnt ask for country.

    These guys are good !

    marsh0 on
  • MeeOkMeeOk Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I got mine too. I also keep getting compliments from people on my "hair cut".. when I explain it's just how my hair has naturally been growing out since I got it all shaved off for a video game, they look a trifle offended. Oh well.

    MeeOk on
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