Okay, so Alan Wake finally came out and it's really pretty good. Sure some reviews have said it doesn't have enough puzzles, but I suspect that
they don't have enough puzzles. It looks pretty, the story's confusing as hell, the style is perfect.
It also contains about a million references to Remedy's previous work.
Each new copy of the game comes with a code for the first DLC episode, so you get it for no extra cost. Buy smart. Buy new
If I get more time I'll make a more detailed OP and post some pictures.
Rockin' it 2008-style
Brought to you by Wall Of Text Ltd.
Alan Wake is a bestselling horror writer. Early on in his career, his fiancée Alice was his muse. Just prior to meeting her, he had started to have strange dreams which he used as material for his first book. The book was a big success, a dream come true. But then Wake’s fiancée vanished without a trace. Wake was devastated. He couldn't write anymore, his dreams stopped and he began to suffer from insomnia. At the beginning of the game, Wake travels to a sleep clinic to seek treatment for his condition. The secluded clinic is located near the small town of Bright Falls, Washington, far away from the stressful urban lifestyle. Receiving treatment at the clinic, Wake is able to sleep again. At the clinic, he meets a mysterious woman who is the very image of his missing fiancée, uncannily so. At once, his dreams return, this time as terrible nightmares. Wake begins to write again: a new book based on those nightmares. But something is horribly, horribly wrong. Impossibly, the town of Bright Falls starts to change to something awful that bears a close resemblance to Wake’s new book. Wake ends up fighting for his life with a gun and a flashlight in his hands, trying to understand what’s happening.
Hasn't this been cancelled?
NO! Rumours from people who are stupid said that it had been, but if you believed them, you are also a stupid. Remedy themselves have stated that, while development has been bumpy, it is still in progress. Even better,
a trailer is set to come out on the 15th at the premiere of Max Payne. In Finland. There is reportedly new information coming up on Friday about the game.
I know this isn't the most full OP, but I'm expecting to get some new stuff to put in here very soon. No idea for an actual release date, and obviously there'll be people coming in here to say it's been cancelled. This is because they are stupid, so don't believe them.
I am
so excited for this game, whenever it comes out.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
At this rate, it'll be a nextbox launch title
Thar be pirates in them waters, yaarrrr.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
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edit: last we were told, it was definitely at least a hyperthreaded CPU, Dual Core for sensible performance, and would take advantage of quad cores.
Get it, because it's taking forever!
... but all went silent and it fell off the radar.
Which is a GOOD thing, I think. The two-year cycle of hype we get before a game's release these days more often than not results in backlash and broken hearts. I'd like to see more devs do what the Call of Duty 4 folks did. Shortly before the game be like, "Hey, check this out," then release it.
Could you imagine how different the reaction would have been to Spore if it wasn't set to be the Most Important Game Ever Released?
I will play this when it comes out. For now, all I need to know is that it's still coming out.
1 core for the base of the game, 1 core for the general item physics, and another core for the weather physics. The last core just chills out and takes care of OS background features.
That's why I think it may have been so delayed. They're probably trying to optimize it as much as they can, while waiting for PC hardware to catch up a little further.
This might be one of those 'time to upgrade lolz' games that comes out every few years, even more so than others.
Item physics take up a whole core? I'd hate to see these guys make an Oh Henry! bar.
"One core is for big crunchy peanuts, one core is for the creamy caramel, the third core is the chewy fudge, and the fourth core is for the delicious chocolatey coating. So yeah, you'll need a Quad Core for this snacky awesomeness."
The PS3 version will be better. Three more cores after all. So you can have sprinkles physics, realistic snack AI, and bacon.
To be fair, Spore was supposed to be this awesome game with all sorts of cool features that were demonstrated in videos for years before the game was released. Then when the game came out, it turned out a lot of that stuff was cut and the game was basically not at all like what we'd been told to expect (except for creating things that look way different but basically do the same things).
The disappointment is Spore was due to being shown features that the game didn't end up having and ending up with a dumbed-down version of what people could've had. That's not the hype machine's fault; that's the fault of Will Wright and EA.
Also, Ninja Snarl, I've got to admit, I hadn't looked at your avatar, just the sig, so I was a bit confused.
Confusion resolved, and nearly spilt my coffee.
I don't know what problems they've hit during development, I'm curious but I'm sure that'll come out in interviews nearer release. I'm just glad that it's still being worked on and we get to see more about it soon. I also hope that they've not had to make any big changes to things, and that these delays are so they can actually keep it the game they've intended, rather than having to cut it to pieces to accommodate issues.
They are doing some crazy shit with the Alan Wake engine. If you've seen any of the videos (very complex, whole buildings getting torn apart and spinning around in a maelstorm), I don't think you'd be so surprised how long it's taking. They have to squeeze some very impressive stuff onto the 360.
That said - goddamnit, Remedy! Make Max Payne 3! 2 was awesome, I don't care what anyone says!
And yeah, from the footage shown of this game, the physics are fucking ridiculous - Intel used a build of it to pimp the virtues of their quad-cores when they got released, IIRC.
Shitty YouTube of IDF:
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Right so its not design issues, but still, they've obviously reached beyond their capability here if its taking them so much longer, years longer, than they thought to realise it. If it turns out great, great, but they need to get this out the door before the design itself becomes dated.
I was only using Spore because it's a current and high profile example, one that would give people a sense for what I meant. I think there are many, many lower profile examples of games that, while maybe not being a total letdown compared to the hype ala Spore, were just way too exposed for way too long prior to release. Endless previews detailing every last featured, hundreds of screenshots, and on and on and on.
That seems like overkill to me. Do we really need that much coverage of a game before it's released, and more importantly, that far in advance of release? A trailer is good. Some indication of the game style or what sets it apart is good. But beyond that I'd rather go into a game pretty fresh.
I dunno, it just seems like the pre-release hype cycle is getting longer and longer, sometimes to a game's detriment, and it strikes me that the relatively quiet talk about Alan Wake may well work in its favor if it does, in fact, surprise people with what it does.
Just a theory. I could be wrong.
Max Payne 2 is probably my favorite action game, and the game that cemented in my mind that Havok physics was going to be "A big deal."
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
Such as? Admittedly I've not kept up to date on it since it was first delayed but from waht I remember it was a mixture of Silent Hill psychological trauma, alone in the dark and light hurts enemies and a bit of Stephen King.
Aye it did. It made for glorious amounts of objects flying around the environment in slow-mo goodness. And a full year before HL2!
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
What's Half-Life 2 other than a heaping pile of Doom, a splash of George Orwell, and a nifty physics engine?
What's World in Conflict do different than a rehash of Warcraft with modern units?
What's Braid other than Blinx the Time Sweeper with one of the dimensions cut out?
What's EA NFL 2009 aside from EA NFL 2008 with updated stats?
Okay, that last one might be true, but the rest is the same kind of lolovergeneralization.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I particularly remember the fact that you could tell the enemies you were currently killing were actually dead, due to the fact that when they died they started to ragdoll.
I always tried to pop them one extra time to make them backflip or other dumb ragdoll things.
Also Heavy Rain, that looks top notch too
Heavy Rain is by Quantic Dreams.... o_O
Nothing can be as cool as that.
I think that charts my reactions while reading
I mean, it's been so long I wouldn't be surprised to hear they rebooted the project (same tools, different direction). We'll see, I guess.