So, for the past few months I've been intermittently having strange muscle-related symptoms. The worst of these was a case of 'super-acute spasms' in my upper arm and shoulder that I saw an orthopedic/emergency room for, and eventually just subsided on its own after about a week and a half of completely debilitating pain (literally helpless to do anything but lie in bed while on heavy painkillers).
More frequently, parts of my body (pretty much always upper body, upper arms, face, etc.) either become unreasonably sensitive to sensation (not that it causes actual pain, just utter
discomfort that can be so bad at times I'll strip clothing from the area, or I'll be unable to shower because of the water pinging the sensitive area). At about the same frequency, I'll experience tremors or spasms in muscle groups that are unaffected by activity (I can move the part between the spasm, though I'm fighting it), persistent for a day or so (intermittently throughout the day, but sometimes for more than over a minute), and visible at a distance (gross). The loci are also sometimes supersensitive to touch and painful.
Most recently, this became a problem when I had such a streak of spastic muscle running from below my lower lip to about the level of my upper lip on my right cheek. Because of the spasming, I was having a bit of a speech impediment for the duration, and when I wasn't talking, people thought I was mouthing words at them.
Aside from this, there's generalized fatigue, and I seem to get winded incredibly easy. I ran one block (couldn't have been more than two hundred feet) up a slight incline and
blacked out for a few seconds afterwards. I can jog for about 30 seconds before my entire body feels ready to shut down -- and this is just getting
worse with exercise and activity (and no, I'm not overexerting, I just try to jog a little on my walk to work each day, usually with disastrous results).
I had a friend recommend me a doctor, and he's in-network for my insurance, but I'm unsure if there's any point scheduling the appointment right now because
at this moment I'm not having any symptoms. As recently as yesterday morning, or the day before that? Pronounced symptoms!
Today? Nothing. That stuff with my arm and the emergency room (which was ultimately left undiagnosed)? Over a month ago now. I'm worried about showing up when there's nothing wrong
at this moment, and just having to come back when there's an actual symptom present.
Does what I'm describing sound serious enough that I should see a doctor even with no extant or gross symptoms? I met my insurance deductible for this year, so I'm concerned less about cost and more about if there's any point in requesting hours off at this point in the game to accommodate a visit.
I don't want you to freak out, but it could be something as serious as MS or something innocuous that can pass. I stress however that the earlier you seek attention from a specialist, the better the chances for treatment.