So I was going to go to
this big yearly party, but headed out a little early, so I got to the general area before anybody else (that I could see). While I was just heading down after poking around, looking for some indication of where the party was (it seems that the organizers themselves were a little late as I saw neither guiding glow sticks nor tent), a campus police car appeared and went into the woods where I'd just checked (the trail was big enough). Okay, I thought, he's not going to find anything and now I know I'm at the right place. So I head down and see a crowd approaching, more proof that I'd gotten it right. So I'm approaching the crowd to see if they knew where ground zero was, when first I notice that the car had turned around to go back onto what could be considered road, then, when I'm almost to the group, a second car showed up and went to join the first.
I get to the group and the other groups right behind it and start heading back up, when yet a third car shows up and, as I soon learn, joined the other two in a little checkpoint to tell people to go away. The faster people get up there and, around the time the fourth car shows, reports back that they're making sure nobody goes past. So we go back down to the base of the hill and try to figure out what the plan is. On the way down a fifth car shows up, and while we try to get in contact with the guy in charge (I was with one of the lingering groups, others were trying to find alternate routs or parties) a sixth car and then an SUV joined the contingent.
So we finally go to check with a small group we see up in a different area, to learn from them that not only did they have campus-cops on the roofs of nearby buildings, but there were also cops hiding in the woods, waiting to see a flashlight or hear steps (the ground was rocky and gravely, so that wasn't hard), at which point the guy would turn on a huge flashlight/hand-held spotlight on the people and tell them to not even bother. They'd set up a fucking blockade large enough to require every campus cop and the deployment of the national guard!
We think that somebody snitched, as this was using the invite only facebook protocol.
So now some other students and I are planning a way to retaliate: do the same party runup, but have it be fake. I'm thinking that we might even put in a fake snitch (public phone?) just to be sure. Our plans include putting out some sixpacks with pretty ribbons on them, putting some smoke bombs (which someone in the party crowd told me weren't hard to make after I joked that we should make up some smokebombs and rush the blockade), possibly set off via remote control from a place that can see the site by binoculars (how do they do it with IEDs?), some fireworks in the surrounding area (the other headperson is heading up to New Hampshire in the near future), and perhaps have a person waiting at each accessway for the last of the cars to arrive before putting out caltrops or spike strips across the roads to make sure that the cars can't leave once they figure out what's going on. We're also planning to have real floor parties anywhere we can find a permissive CA at the same time.
Advice on what we can get away with, what we should do beyond what I've outlined and how to do what is outlined and what isn't, and general purpose tips would be greatly appreciated, as would info on any contacts you guys might have with MIT students interested in collaborating in a big Brandeis hack.
I want this to be big.Not just added to the wikipedia page alongside the Malcolm X University occupation big, or talking about it for years big, but copycats on campuses nationwide or even internationally big. I want campus police to know that just because they've been assigned guns after VTech doesn't mean they can go on a power trip and shut down campus life.
The rest of you, I fucking hate you for the fact that I now have a blue dot on this god awful thread.
That said, campus cops for most part are there to protect students, I think you're wasting your time, but wasting theirs and the college's time may not be a terrible idea considering they spent so much effort blocking out a stupid party. Planning a fake party and narcing it out is one thing, but I would stay away from the smoke bombs and caltrops, that's just asking for trouble.
Edit: I'm not trying to be the fun police here or piss on any rainbows, but haven't most MIT hacks been pretty harmless?
because they are police
and messing with police because they're doing their jobs isn't really a smart, clever, mature or funny thing to do
it just makes you an asshole and a criminal
do you realize how stupid this whole thing sounds?
also the link doesn't work. What exactly was going on at this little gettogether
They're not real police, though. They're just mall security with a power trip.
If you want to prank them and show that it's pointless to break up parties like this, then making up fake parties and publicly promoting them is the best way. Promote the same fake party as taking place at dozens and dozens of places. It will show them that they can't rely on that source of intel as valid anymore. Or y'know, you could have a party in an actual house or apartment and avoid this entirely stupid problem to begin with. Partying in an open/public place is just asking for trouble. Especially more so if it is a big party.
Steam ID - BewilderedRonin
Setting up a fake party is one thing, endangering people and vadalism is another.
Not much. Yearly mega party with free drinks. I wasmainly trying to link it so you could get an idea of the location:
What is the name of the department
if they're Private Security. And it sounds like it because they have guns, then they're a few steps up from "mall cops"
plus you know
anything else they'd care to name
oh no your illegal gathering has been stopped THIS IS A TRAVESTY
go rent a bar for a night
Yes, they are real police. They cannot call themselves Police unless they are REAL COPS. Otherwise the would have to be called Security.
^ source
Steam ID - BewilderedRonin
If it'll get you in trouble with the real cops, don't pull it with campus police. The chief of our campus police was also an ex-cop who'd lost his badge for how he handled suspects - just as authorized and with a history of overstepping his authority. You messed with him and the people he trained at your own peril.
Setting up a fake party is one thing. Don't lay prank traps or make it obvious it was a trick, just let the campus cops be the only ones to show up at the party. Smoke bombs are incendiary, and even if you can hold one in your hand safely, some laws don't make a distinction between a match a lit stick of dynamite, around law enforcement officers doubly so. Caltrops to damage their vehicles is a very serious crime as well.
If you want to embarrass them, have a small gathering (2-4 people at most, so as not to attract attention) and discreetly catch them wasting time on camera. Let them waste resources chasing false reports and maybe they'll stop listening to them so much.
Don't be the one to narc the party, either. Making a false complaint is actionable in some states, and while it's unlikely action will be taken (with nobody to arrest and no party to crash, the complaint may not be actionable at all - laws vary a lot on this, you can try looking it up or just hope for the best), you're already talking about multiple charges, something little like this can be tacked on and the judge won't even notice.
Embarrassing the campus cops is a good way to ensure they'll step up efforts to break up parties, not convince them to ease up. Going through with your plan as you write sounds like multiple serious crimes, including assaulting officers and damaging police vehicles. I'm pretty sure these are both felonies. Add this after an incident likely to have included underage drinking among other related violations, and you're just asking for a crackdown on just about any sort of fun.
chances are there dudes are real cops and you're looking to damage their property, endanger their safety, waste their time and just basically attack them
how old are you that you actually want to spend your time with this stupid highschool crap
I don't think the English language has the words to describe how mind numbingly cretinous the OP's idea is.
Spike strips? Are you fucking kidding me?
Brandeis University
these are REAL COPS
^ source
They are 100% completely, 100%, really official Police Officers.
-edit- beaten to it! drat... :P
Steam ID - BewilderedRonin
Are you completely fucking insane?!
Fun fact about IED remote detonation: The technology killing soldiers in Iraq today was given to the IRA by MI5, in collaboration with the FBI, to help stem the amount of civilian casualties. I'm not kidding.
Steam ID - BewilderedRonin
I'm more than halfway tempted to infract everyone who posted in this thread without reporting it.