I've always wanted to give the webcomic pinata a wack and just see what happens (and if it doesn't work then it'll be another statistic and dropped, so who cares, right? ; )
But the main problem is that I cannot draw. I could do stick figures but I personally think that's lame and an excuse . I want to actually try to make a good webcomic with, at least, decent art, characters and script.
So if anyone can give any advice as to how to draw simple, easy cartoons I would really appreciate it.
Also, here are the rough character profiles for the 'comic'
Guy 1- Psychotic, wants to establish a communist state so to put everyone to work so he would have enough resources to raise Cthulhu
Guy 2- Almost normal one, has no personal skills but with his friends. Agoraphobic (afraid to leave the house)
Guy 3- Schizophrenic, has multiple personalities brought on by playing different games
Girl 1- Guy 2s ex gf. Crazy, always trying to kill Guy 2 (think girl in Blues Brothers that is always firing guns)
Ferret- Tries to stop Guy 1 from succeeding in his world domination
(Please feel free to comment on this ↑ as well)
You have been warned.
That said, get your hands on Loomis' "Fun With a Pencil" that should give you a foot hold in the art basics. Also, your characters are...lacking. Crazy guy + crazy guy + crazy guy + crazy girl + sentient animal = done to death. I'm all for character quirks and flaws, but there is such a thing as too much. Dial back those characters and give them some real meat before proceeding.
If you can't draw, practice until you can or find an artist. If you can't draw or write, maybe Webcomics aren't for you.
Madness is only the pinnacle of reason