The roof is on fire!
Or at least my dorm's friendly-neighborhood would-be arsonist wants it that way. Pretty damn bad.
So the story: Around mid-day yesterday I'm walking back from my class and I decide to get a drink, so I hit up the campus cyber-cafe and run into a couple of friends, and we just chat and mess around until I decide it's time to head back to the dorm. About a few minutes after I get to my room I get a text from that same friend, something to the tune of "Hey did you try to set the building on fire?" and I reply, something to the tune of "wut" and and then she explains "Well somebody on your floor tried to set the place on fire and the firetruck's outside now". So I look out the back window, and sure enough there's a fire truck.
Apparently a friend of mine was walking around the dorm all of us live in. Eventually he wanders to the kitchen area to discover a rag on the stove. On fire. With all the burners on. So he alerts the front desk, firefighters are contacted, fire's put out, disaster's averted, and everyone tries to move on with their lives. End of story, right?
WELL, fastforward a few hours. Yours truly is walking out of his night class, take-home test in hand. I decide that before I go to town on this thing I could use a snack so, once again I venture to the local cyber-cafe, where I run into yet another friend from the dorm, who then asks me if we were allowed back in. And naturally I'm like, "Why the hell weren't we allowed in the dorm? the fire was hours ago!"
And it turned out that whatever shitstain caused the first fire decided one wasn't good enough, so he lit up a burlap sack and put it in the stairwell. Fortunately it was discovered quickly and taken care of. So people are terrified, the smart people have left for elswhere for the night, and those of us that remain have made silent pacts to kill the perpetrator slowly should one of us find out whose responsible.
End of story, right?
WELL, fastforward to about a couple of hours ago, where I am awakened by the faint sound of a fire alarm (yes, the alarms here suck). Yes, the little fucker has tried to kill us all for a third time, and after I get a couple more hours of shuteye I'll see if I can fill in the details.
At this point you may be asking me "Clayton Bigsby, why are you even still on campus, let alone in the same building that someone on your floor has tried to have torched three times now?" And all I can say in return is that I'll be asking myself that all day long as I prepare to go home for the weekend.
SO, this is a thread about fire. Alternatively, this is a thread about dorm life. Whichever is the more dominate aspect of your life, I guess.
after like the third random piece of trash he immolated in one of the common areas, they kicked his ass out
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The freshman-only dorms were worse, so thank god I wasn't in those.
Dorms, on the whole, are horrible places because you can never escape those few, nasty, horrible, fucked-up people that think it's cool to live in filth or worse problems.
the alarm pissed off a whooooole bunch of neighbours and the whole hallway smelled like someone had died in their room
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
that's when an RA should key in and fix the shit
what the hell
SE++ Map Steam
A friend of mine married his buddy through the university so they could apply to cancel their dorm contract and move out. Three years later and I think they still haven't bothered to get the divorce.
I can't say I blame them for going that route. Part of me wishes I went to school much closer to home so I could stay there because I couldn't stand many of my dorm neighbors. Smelled horrible almost all the time and constant bass pounding from their stereos meant you couldn't study there.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
Almost no public universities require it, so unless you're a rich asshole or a really smart asshole and you're at a private college, you generally don't have to worry about that.
The other three years I lived in single-room off-campus dorm-style housing. The place was a dump but it was cheap and convenient and not all that bad.
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The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
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I go to a state university and it's required here. I really don't mind it though.
Maybe it's required for incoming freshman who are right outta highschool. I don't know exact rules of every place, but I don't know any going-back-to-school people who are in their 20s as a first year student that were required to even look at the dorms.
I got to live in a third floor three bedroom 2 bath condo, facing the river, with a brand new kitchen and awesome roommates, walking distance from a couple clubs, a strip mall which included a movie theatre. Also the condo complex had a pool/gym/recreation building.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
I did accidentally set a computer chair on fire once in the backyard of a place I was living. One of my friends, drunk as all hell, tried putting the fire out with his bare hands. He had blisters on his hands for months.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
Dorm prices are always shit
Right on, brother.
Last time we had a burn house training session I ended up transporting one of the firefighters for second degree circumferential burns on his wrist (his turnouts weren't properly fit)... he turned a fog nozzle on to a burning pile and created flashover. We still haven't let him live it down.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
yeah.... 10k a year at university of Colorado, not counting a meal plan. you're also required to stay on campus the first year
at least i'm not paying for it
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
are you thinking of going there(here)?
Thank god I don't live there.
(They close the internet at 10 pm every night)
Shit no, dude. As soon as I finish my internship and return to Alaska I'll be graduated. I'm going to attend via online to get my Bachelor's of Science in Emergency Services Management, though. Utah Valley University does these odd 6 week courses where you take one or two at a time. My paramedic classes will count toward my electives, so I should be done in about two years. Meanwhile I can go up on the slope and work this summer - I'm attending one more semester of college here (I'll probably do most of my GER's here).
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
I'm actually off interior attack since I moved. My good NFPA approved gear was reassigned to a noobie, and I've got some of that old white fireguard stuff. After I finish GSAR training this fall, we should be able to justify ordering me some fitted Nomex Coveralls for Vehicle Ex/GSAR/GrassFire/PumpOps use (but no interior structural work).
so you were just curious? and here i thought you were some wet behind the ears high school senior
for shame
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Immediately after getting to college he pawned off his new laptop for $500 to buy god knows what. And a couple weeks he took off during the middle of the week, giving me the instruction of "if anyone calls tell them I just left a bit ago and you don't know where I went."
Thank goodness that fucker moved out after the 1st semester
The highlights of my time there:
Putting a Volkswagen bug in the middle of a muddy field. The owner was an asshole and wouldn't walk
the 200 feet to practice his trumpet at the music building and instead played in the morning in his room.
We did an annual haunted house for charity. It was a blast.
We did an annual Hawaiian themed party. It was fun drinking from a coconut, but we were drinking jungle juice with a lot of Everclear.
And almost as many gay jokes as here, but with the added benefit of group showers.
I'm sick and doped up, but it sounds like your friend would have just gotten steam burns on his wrists. If it was an actual flash over I think we'd be talking about him in the past tense.
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