They're both coming to Kitchener, Ontairo on Oct 14!
We got this guy
Comin' to my town, on his Psychodrama Tour,to help us assuage our fears for the future, our dread that we made the wrong decision just hours earlier, and to ROCK THE FUCK OUT!
As for the elections, we get to choose (in a roundabout manner) which of these assholes gets to Prime Minister until they decide the polls are favourable enough to call another election.
Steven Harper
He's been accused, much like Al Gore, of being a robot. I think this video proves it.
Just look at that empty, soulless stare, as it attempts to replicate the thing we call "Emotion". He's also the current PM.
Stephan Dion
I admittedly don't know much about him, but what I've heard is that he's a little out of touch with the non-university professor crowd. I don't know, but here's a video Layton
He's the leader of the New Democratic Party, and still like to think he has any chance of actually making it to the office of PM. It's kind of cute, really.
See? Hopeless romantic.
Elizabeth May
The Green Party candidate. I know even less about her, but the Greens are apparently a more grassroots party (no sad pun intended).
This observation is based on the following video
All that said, don't vote for the leader, that's stupid. Figure out what your local MPs stand for, and vote accordingly.
But enough about all that political bullshit
Any of you seen this guy Live? I certainly haven't, and neither have the two guys I'm going with ((Treborias and Pony). I swear though, if anyone says word one about how he used to be better, I will come to your home and cut you.
So, Alice Cooper and/or the Canadian Elections. Discuss!
and also i am seeing alice cooper with caulk bite
life is good
But the conservatives will still win so my vote doesn't matter
h5 alberta!
we have two contested ridings in the entire province and they will both still go blue
no, it does matter, especially if it turn out to be another Minority Government. Those, oddly, seem to get the most done that favour the people.
Someone feel free to correct me, if I'm wrong.
i'm voting green anyway because even if they don't win their ridings votes for the green party get counted for the purposes of federal funding and i believe they should be taken seriously as a federal party
me being all pro-green is a pretty recent stance largely brought on by the green party lady in my riding personally speaking to me and explaining to me why i should vote for her.
your riding matters.
your member of parliament is your representative in federal government. he or she speaks for you, and is supposed to reflect your views and opinions.
even if the party that the MP you voted for doesn't become the ruling party, if they still win the riding then your vote does matter and you are properly represented in the parliamentary system.
if the MP you voted for doesn't win your riding, well... that sucks and you are not accurately represented in parliament.
BUT! the vote still gets counted for the purposes of federal funding so you are still supporting that party.
That is pretty funny even though I have no clue about Canadian politics at all. I bet it's downright hilarious if you actually understand the context.
it is wonderful
speaking to a crowd of folks outside, taking questions
and i was all "I'm a progressive conservative who feels alienated by the federal conservative party. What does the Green Party offer me?"
and she basically pitched her platform to me in a framework of eco-conservatism
i can dig that
i like saving money and helping the environment
we can do both
please kill me
The Shmaily Shmow with Smohn Shmewart.
Yeah, I got the same.
but i won't vote for him
i used to consider myself libertarian
now, not so much
Someone tell me what's his problem.
that said, he is probably the best pick and just did what any politician would do when they have a chance to make the other guy look bad
he's basically a political limp dick.
Also Dion wrote hells of policy in the Chretien years
And he went fishing and skinny dipping with Mercer.
so the only thing I get to judge him on is his voice and I judge him harshly
It's still kind of funny that Duceppe speaks better English than Dion.