or, "Holy shit I have a ton of unassembled stuff!"
[spoiler:69d0435a5c]I hope this thread is kosher with the new board's rules, as it would be nice to be able to blog in this kind of thing[/spoiler:69d0435a5c]
I'm stealing a page from TDL in that this is something of a 'To-do list' for me. It essentially begins with a list of all of the things that I have that aren't
made yet, or have yet to be made. Hopefully, as the thread progresses, things
will be made and pictures of them will appear here! This will likely occur in my usual ponderously slow fashion as I tend to work in spurts and run out of motivation to finish a lot of things - hopefully this will help keep me a bit more on track. I expect to build a LOT of things and not paint them, and then go on a mass painting spree when it's all done, except for special exceptions where painting during a build (i.e. the interior of a vehicle) is the only practical option. I'm planning on doing this mostly because when I devote large periods of time to painting, I'm decent at it, but if I keep alternating between building/converting/painting, all suffer. This thread is also a reminder to me of my resolution -
not to buy another goddamned miniature, not one, until this list is done.
THE LIST! Everything below is stuff that I
have the parts or components for (usually on sprue), or bought in a boxed set, but have not gotten around to building or converting yet.
Red will indicate what I am presently working on
Warhammer 40k:ORKS
[*]The goddamned gargant - 90% built, 0% painted.[*]3 Trukks! - 0% built, 0% painted.
[*]Big Mek Booma - 20% built, 0% painted
[*]Mek assistants - 20% built, 0% painted
[*]Warboss on Warbike - 0% built, 0% painted
[*]Two full squads of individualized Slugga Boyz (30 per squad) - 0% built, 0% painted
[*]3 Nobz with Power Klaws and Choppas - 0% built, 0% painted.
[*]4 Warbikes - 0% built, 0% painted
- 3 full squads of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, including weapon options - 0% built, 0% painted
- One squad of Grey Knight Terminators, with Brother Captain - 0% built, 0% painted
- Two squads of Grey Knight Space Marines - 0% built, 0% painted
- Ordo Malleus Inquisitor and Retinue - 0% built, 0% painted
- Callidus Assassin - 0% built, 0% painted
- Vindicare Assassin - 0% built, 0% painted
- Eversor Assassin - 0% built, 0% painted
- Grey Knights Dreadnought with Lascannon and Missile Launcher and LEDs - 0% built, 0% painted
- 2 Inquisitorial-Converted Ordo Malleus Rhinos - 0% built, 0% painted
- Sisters of Battle Seraphim Ally Squad - 0% built, 0% painted
- Deathwing Terminators - 0% built, 0% painted
- Space Wolf Terminators - 0% built, 0% painted
- Gorten Grundback and Merenary Battlegroup - 0% built, 0% painted. (This may get cannibalized for 40k purposes)
Simple premise, right? It doesn't look like a lot on paper, but it is an assload of models, and will probably keep me tied up for
at least the rest of the year, if not longer. Motivational help is appreciated, as I tend to get running on projects and lose interest in them near to completion, which is simply a horrible habit I seem to have developed with no rational reasoning behind it.
I'm committed to finishing this thing off, possibly sometime tomorrow or the next day, because it has been staring me in the face for a long, long time and it's about goddamned time I finished this.
If you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, you can read through this - it's not a very good summary, being thirty-some pages long, but it is also comprehensive enough to bring anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about up to speed..
There's actually very little left to build. All I have to do is add the finishing details, in the form of rivets and glyphs to some spots and implement a proper grot bomb launching platform on it's back. I also need to fix and finish the plating on the back of the head, and maybe fix some faulty wiring in the eyes that seems to be causing an inadvertent flickering - though that may be left alone, as it seems oddly appropriate. The rest I am satisfied enough with to call done - mostly because this is the sort of project I could revise endlessly and forever, but in it's present form is more than adequate.
I will probably hold off on painting this for a while after being done simply because I want to learn to use my airbrush properly before mangling this, and would also like to take some proper pictures of it in it's unpainted state.
Pictures of the final build progress will come tomorrow. For now, I retreat to finish my Orky campaign in Dark Crusade.
You should totally make it so the Callidus assassin is mimicking an Ork.
Also: big metal eyebrows on the gargant.
Edit: No, wait, make the Eversor Batman.
That is wrong in so many ways.
I actually got to go out and play today, which is why I haven't built much today. I've also been eyeing up making my Daemonhunters Dreadnought early, as I needed one badly today but did not have one.
She's thinking of doing a Speed Freaks list with everyone in trukks or battlewagons.
Right now she runs a Warboss + 5 Nob bodyguard all in mega armor. In a trukk.
2 squads of 30 ork sluggas with 3 big shootas in each.
10 war bikes.
2 War Buggies.
2 Zap Guns
The Warboss + Nob bodyguard is the biggest problem I see there. A nob retinue to begin with is not worth the investment, nine times out of ten, as it eats up so many points that can be better utilized (especially in a KoS, where vehicles start to take up a lot of points). Putting them in a Trukk, while ideal to circumvent the mobility issue Mega Armor has, is also a terrible idea - why pack your superunits in a 10-armor exploding can? Mega Armor and Kult of Speed aren't entirely compatible.
What I would absolutely recommend is a Warboss on a Warbike for a Kult of Speed. There's almost no downsides to this at all. This makes his toughness higher, and enables him to better keep up with trukks and such. It also gives him a twin-linked big shoota in addition to whatever weaponry or wargear he would normally take, which is great. If you must, you can even take a nob biker squad with him.
Trukk + Warboss + 5 nobz (all w/ big shoota & power claw) = 410
*I did not give the boss a big shoota to compensate for the trucks big shoota
Positives: lower cost, vehicle protection, trukk can shoot while retinue is in CC
Negatives: entanglement, when the trukk is gone movement is limited
Warboss biker + 5 nobz biker (all w/ power claw only) = 480
Positives: +5 invulnerable save from shooting, +1 toughness, boss can leave retinue, twin-linked big shootas, bikes can give vehicles limited protection, & fearless
Negatives: high cost (+ 70 pnts),
Rules for this are here. It takes some converting, but it's completely worth it for the benefits. Especially in a Kult of Speed, where the smoke generated by warbikes can generate cover for things behind it, which I hope she has been utilizing.
Warbike-centric armies are a bit difficult to play with - even with that said, I would DEFINITELY take the boss on the bike in a KoS. You will rape on the charge, but after that you are going to get destroyed. I would lighten up on the bikes a little bit (10 is a lot) and instead take more trukk or burna boyz - use those to soften your targets up a bit before running the bikes in if possible, so that you will reliably be able to win combat and get the bikes out of assault and back on the move.
As for buggies:
This would depend on the opponent, but the general rule is "Buggies are Good, Zap Buggies are Better, Skorcha/Burna Buggies are Best!". Use the buggies as cover to move your troop-carrying vehicles up behind, as well - few people remember they can do this.
Lastly, for the orks in the wagons:
Battlewagons are fun. There are going to be times when you're better served dropping it and dividing those orks up into 3 trukk boy squads with individual trukks, namely for the extra special weapons you'll be able to carry. Also, remember Kult of Speed falls back to trukks - the more trukks you have out there, the safer you'll be. I am a huge fan of burnas, and not so much of big shootas, as the ork's 2 BS doesn't make it a reliable investment. The biggest limiting feature of the burna is range, and when you're driving up in a trukk and unloading on the enemy, you circumvent the disadvantage - and will generally destroy whatever you're going after.
Ask anything else you want.
Do it, man. I'd love to watch. I copied TDL, anyway.
As to my progress:
I might have lied a bit. I haven't worked on the gargant. Instead, I've been smacking together an Inquisitor Lord, as I've been meaning to put one together for a while.
I went for Coteaz's body, as the badassness of his armor finally won me over. I dremeled out his head, and used Marneus Calgar's head instead - I was originally considering using one of the medieval-style marine helmeted heads, but I thought that might generate a bit of confusion when he was near Grey Knights, and felt it best to give him a face with some personality. The gun is actually great - I didn't have to do any real converting to it, and it fit like a glove. It was made for some Dark Angels model, and it's a combiweapon of bolter and plasma gun. However, I figure that it's ambiguous and unique-looking enough that I can realistically pass it off as whatever ranged weapon I want - namely, a Psycannon, which I like to give my inquisitor lord for his shooty retinue.
I figured to offset the Psycannon, I should at least give him a basic CCW. I'm trying to decide on what that will be, exactly - I am trying to choose between a sword, a halberd, and a hammer.
As he's an inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, a hammer would make the most sense, but it'd be the stock hammer that came with Cortez and I don't know how I feel about that. The hammer's advantages, however, is that I would be able to use it to represent a few separate weapons - a normal CCW, a Daemonhammer, or a Thunder Hammer, for example, depending on what I decided upon that game for WYSIWYG rules.
I also have a halberd from a Grey Knight I've been considering, but it looks a bit daft.
Lastly, I've been contemplating sticking a sword from the Grey Knight Brother-Captain Stern on there, but I'm not sure. It sits at a weird angle because of the way the hand is, and I'm not entirely sold on it.
I could always just give him a different gun - say, plasma - in that hand, I guess.
The model that the inquisitor is based on, actually.
Inquisitor Lord Coteaz
You should go ahead and put it up as a general project thread for everyone to use. I was thinking of doing one since TDL's has been dead for two weeks, but if you've got an OP ready to go, well...
I need a place to put some in-progress photos of my recent crap. I've got 9/10 Black Templars basically assembled now.
I'll probably add a purity seal or two to the hammer, as I don't see much room for improvement on it without actually remaking the head, which I don't feel interested in doing right now. I've pinned the hand on for the moment, but it's not attached so I can easily paint everything, which I think I'm going to do fairly soon to try out this new gray primer I have.
Anything else I should add to this, aside from a few finishing details? At the moment, I think this model can pretty much represent every piece of potential wargear in the daemonhunters armory.
I've gotta make his base, but I have midterms in five hours that need work.
The rest of it is going to be mounted in trukks, per the Kult of Speed. We don't like the size of the normal trukks, so we're scratch building them from various Tamiya Tank sets. Basically they are going to look like the old WWII ducks.
The zzap guns are going to get mounted in the battle wagons I'm sure.
And yes, she's been using the bikes to cover her currently foot slogging orks. On the initial charge with those Psycho Blasters, she can generally annihilate an entire unit second turn and then move around with impunity.