My friends and I have been developing a table top game a la Advanced Wars. We really haven't thought of a name, but we have a rule book, and a system that runs of tics and such.
Anyways, we have a board. We want to make a map. We want a program to randomly generate it, and not make it ourselves to be fair for everyone else.
The best I've come up with is Dwarf Fortress dumping the map, blurring it so the ASCII characters go away, and making the contrast higher so its less dark.
End result:
It looks like complete ass.
I pretty much need a program that's free, and can do simple terrain/water generation. It doesn't need to be SUPER detailed (it'd be better though). We are looking for pretty much mountains, desert, jungle, and lake/rivers.
TTG Forum, I need your help.
I mean, what could be better than the real thing?
That could possibly work, but that would be a last ditch effort.
We really want something that hasn't been seen before. It would just be better to generate a story and stuff off of.
Even photoshop will do. I put this together in a few minutes using the render/clouds and trace contour filters.
The roads and rivers are daft at the moment, but you could quite easily delete the ones that don't make sense, or actually.. draw some..
I like how some of the roads are just circles
At night, the ice weasels come."