Ok so i need to decide by tomarrow morning and i am just so torn between the current releases!!
Dead space: I really wanted this game, and it looks extremely good,
but it has no multiplayer, and i hear the campaign is not terribly long, which means the game will not have lasting value for me, i made this mistake when i bought Force Unleashed, a great game but little to no replay value, and i cannot really justify buying a game with almost no replay value at $60, as much as i REALLY want to play it, i may have to settle for a rent, unless it is really so good that i will play it over again (Like i did with Mass Effect.).
Fable II: I really loved Fable I and its art direction, the choices, and it was very much a replayable game because you could go down the different paths or just kind of dick around in the game world and do whatever you wanted. How is the online co-op? Is it complete trash or is it worth while? I am very much considering this game in the limited edition format but i havn't followed the games development as closely as i have with Dead Space (I even have all the issues of the Dead Space comic.).
Far Cry 2: I really liked the original Far Cry, and this one looks like it is shaping up to be a killer shooter, i do enjoy my shooters and the open environments in this game and the map editor sound really awesome. I dont know much about this game or its multiplayer or how popular it is since the other games that have come out at the same time. The game looks gorgeous and i still cant decide if i want it on PC or 360 if i buy it (I'm sure i will probably side on the PC if i do though, who knows.). The open choices in this game and the replay value with the map editor and multiplayer are very appealing to me.
Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway: I have not played barely any brothers in arms in the past, and thought they were mostly just generic WW2 shooters. But i hear REALLY good things about this game, its supposedly the best in the series and its been getting reviews on par with Fable II and Far Cry 2, i love WW2 games and this one looks like its shaping up to be a sort of sleeper hit this holiday, and the limited edition of the game is a really nice package. Plus once again the multiplayer gives replay value.
So please!!! All you fellow gamers help me out in choosing, i just want to know what people think of these games and which one is really worth the $60 price tag, which for me right at this time in my life is a lot of money (I'm paying off a fairly hefty debt i accrued from my an unfortunate foray which ended badly since my lady of 5 years decided she didnt like me anymore.) i could really use some good entertainment though and distraction from my not so great real life.
I will come back on in the morning and see what people have said!! Keep in mind
i can only buy 1 of these so dont post responses like "Buy them all!" cuz that wont help me.
I have only played Far Cry 2 so far and that is awesome. Dead Space is meant to be fantastic as is Fable 2. Honestly all I can say is flip a three sided coin, because all would be good.
All my opinions of course. In the end they are all great titles on their own merits.
Fable will probably last you the longest of the 3, you could certainly beat Dead Space over a weekend as a rental.
If you're looking for one game to sustain you through multiple weeks of gaming, definitely Fable II.
Brothers in Arms takes a fantastic shooter that I am having a lot of fun playing. If you ave a PS3, pick up that version and we can play online
Also, the Collector's Edition is fucking awesome, I agree. That Baker action figure rocks.