The good doctor

illicit242illicit242 Registered User new member
edited February 2009 in Penny Arcade Games
Ok ... so ....
I've gotten the release papers for Dr Crazoir ... but now I can't find him anywhere in the Sanitarium. Help?

illicit242 on


  • ReaganReagan Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Did you check outide on the pathway? Keep going it maybe on the second of third screen. If you already released him you'll see him again at the science symposium.

    Reagan on
  • krom23krom23 Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    I can't find him either. I've searched the entire sanitarium, clicking on everything clickable. Any advice would be helpful. I hope it's a bug and not just me being an idiot.

    krom23 on
  • AceOfSomethingOrOtherAceOfSomethingOrOther Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    If you haven't given him the release papers yet, he should be in the same place he was when you first talked to him, on the pathway outside the Sanitarium. Remember that you have to exit the building and kind of travel towards the foreground. Past the fountain, you know?

    If you have given Dr. Crazoir his release papers, he should be at the Symposium on the Future of Man in the main, er, lecture area? With the tables and the mime and such.

    I hope this helps!

    AceOfSomethingOrOther on
  • krom23krom23 Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    He's not there. I've checked numerous times.

    krom23 on
  • BryanS7BryanS7 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    When you go to the Sanitarium from the map, it takes you to the outside area at the fountain. Head down and you should be able to go to the next page. Then go down a bit more, where the Doctor will be waiting.

    If he's not there, I don't know what to tell you man. Game might be bugged.

    BryanS7 on
  • danieltooopdanieltooop __BANNED USERS new member
    edited February 2009
    Ya, my game too face the same problem. Even I can't find the doctor. I was very upset and thought my game got bugged. But, actually that is not the case. I stated it after 2 days, at that time I saw the doctor:P.

    So, I think this bug is temp, may be due to some code loop problem...

    danieltooop on
    With Regards,
    Drug Rehab
  • sk524sk524 Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    If you got it for computer you should probably check the file I will look for the URL that explained how to fix problems if it is for a comp.

    sk524 on
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