OK we go the entire year with only a handful of good games to keep us going. Now look, WOW, Gears, Resistance, Little Big Planet... I don't have the money to keep up with all the great games coming out. Not to mention the time play them. Between, work, games, football, and life, how am I supposed to deal with this? O_o
That being said, it's a really good year for gaming, and it's allowed me to develop a good backlog of games for the future. It will be nice when the costs drop in the future, and I can grab some games I really wanted to play on the cheap.
Also, welcome to the forums. Might want to lurk a teensy bit more before you start new threads though.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
Undferstandable. My tactic was to pick up two of the games I was interested in (Far Cry 2 and Fable 2), play them raw; play some of the other things in my backlog, and pick up the other big titles later.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Even better, every single year you get people all over G&T insisting this is the best year for games ever.
It's just like the Presidential Election, each more historic than the last.
XBL: LiquidSnake2061
Sure, except uhh, this one actually WAS really historic.
They're all pretty much equally historic.
Making his point for him...
Anyway, to the OP. Yeah, it is a hard time on the old wallet. Because of all the good games coming out and out right now, Gears of War 2 is going to have to wait till the price drops. And I thought I was gonna get that day one.
But you have to do what JerikTelorian said. Pick the games you really want and play the hell out of them. I know that Fallout 3 and Fable 2 will keep me going long enough to get GOW2 when the price drops.
Oh! Oh ho ho ho! Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!! Ho ho ho ho!
You're lying to yourself if you think this election (where we fucking elected an African American into office) was equally as historic as Bush winning over Kerry.
This. If you actually think this election had the same historical value as Bush or Clinton getting elected...uhh, I'm not really sure what to say to that, except maybe go read some American history?
Which is a shame, because if you trade in your PS3 and 360 for a Wii you'll be left with a shitload of money.
Wow, yeah, we sure didn't get enough wii bashing in the wii thread. You are obviously secure in your choice of game console.
Just think - you don't have the funds to keep up with it right now, but in a few months when all the new releases dry up, you'll have plenty of time to catch up - and at a discout, assuming by then you can get them used for $5-10 cheaper. That oughtta tide you over until, maybe, NEXT holiday season, when we get to start up the same exact cycle again! :winky:
i see your 1998 and raise you 2004.
Now: "ZOMG too many good games can't afford them all ahhhhh no time to play them all aaahhh"
a few months later...
"gee I wish more good games would come out around now."
Use the former to alleviate the latter, and use the latter to alleviate the former. Simple
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
And in 2160, this one won't be a very big deal, either.
Fifty years ago, nobody could believe we elected a Catholic.