From Wikipedia
Mirror's Edge is a first person action-adventure video game being developed by EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE), due for world-wide release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in November 2008. A Windows version is in development, but its release has not been announced.
The game was announced on July 10, 2007 and will be powered by the Unreal Engine 3 with the addition of a new lighting solution, developed by DICE. The game has a realistic, brightly-colored style and differs from most other first-person perspective video games in allowing for a wider range of actions—such as sliding under barriers, tumbling, wall-running, and shimmying across ledges—and greater freedom of movement, in having no HUD, and in allowing the legs, arms, and torso of the character to be visible on-screen.
The game is set in a conformist dystopia in which communication is heavily monitored by a totalitarian regime, and so a network of runners, including the main character, Faith, are used to transmit messages while evading government surveillance.
Launch date [EDIT] 13 Nov 2008, this platformer/FPS is not about the guns, it's all about the graceful running and Parkour acrobatics.
You control Faith, a Runner, who serves the underground by transmitting information the only way it can be hidden from an oppressive government: on foot, running across the rooftops of the city.
Here's someone's video of Mirror's Edge beautiful theme song, Still Alive (no, not Portal. The city does look like something out of Aperture Science, doesn't it?) Sung by Swedish singer Lisa Miskovsky, it really is good, and there are some outstanding remixes available.
Still Alive (The resemblance is a lie)
A dangerous dude.
EDIT:spoiler-ed for redundancy
Pretty sure all the promos say November 13.
Also I haven't gotten the GameStop call yet.
Okay, I put it first. I'm still missing the remixes.
Yeah I'm pretty sure its the 13. My calendar woulden't lie to me.
November 20th for me
Demo will have to tide me over till then.
And then of course the sequel. Mirror's Edge: Hot Pursuit.
rofl, mine did too just a few days ago. damn pre-release red rings.
It was short, but it was sweet and has me wanting more.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I'm not just begging, I'd happily pay cost and then some.
The release date for the glorious PC-Gaming master race is "TBA"
Man, he basically spends two paragraphs of a one-page review jerking off over Faith.
Damnit, I need to study for a test tomorrow.
Faith is hot in this game. But that's because she is hot, and it's stupid to nancy around saying she gives his brain a boner just because she wears a halter top and cargo pants instead of a latex suit made of her own hair. All that "independent" talk is just incidental to that.
This game is really bringing out these reviewers' inner pretentious-expository-writing-douchebag. Next we're going to hear how the game is a parable for our time, and then I will go insane.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
This is like the sweetest post I've seen in a long time.
I would dare to call it a testament to the human spirit. Read this post and be glad you are alive.
To be fair, minimalist and utilitarian character designs like that aren't all that common in games these days, particularly for the ladies
I never asked for this!
Satans..... hints.....
Steam | XBL: Elazual |
I don't care one way or the other about her perceived hotness. I was actually commenting on the banality of the first portion of that review. I WISH I could get paid to write stuff like that.
I've only ever been interested in the gameplay and the world in which the game takes place. I saw Faith and thought "Cool, female main character that's pleasant-looking" and then quickly proceeded to not give a shit about her looks. It's not Tomb Raider.
The funny thing is the new Tomb Raider will come out, and all the reviewers will try their darndest to not mention anything about Lara Croft's assets for fear of being "obvious".
In any case, I can't wait to play this game.
XBL: QuazarX
Left 4 Dead anyone? I think the heroine in that game looks much more realistic and down to earth than Faith. When I see Faith, I see Asian pop star. Which, you know, I'm okay with since I like Asian pop and the game itself seems awesome, but it feels rather hypocritical to praise Mirror's Edge for avoiding the whole sex appeal approach to female characters when it didn't; it just replaced the typical Western ideal with an Asian one.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
go into EB right now
it's on the fucking shelf
I also have no money to buy it with
But it's more expensive at EB.....
Satans..... hints.....
do you want the game before the yanks or not
Now. :x
This won't be a day one purchase, sadly. I just bought Far Cry2, and I want to get Fallout 3, and I still got to play more of The Witcher. Plus, bills.... Damn I hate life sometimes. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME, ECONOMY!?