I'm asking for your recommendations on card/puzzle games that I can play on the PC.
Surely, there's some out there that I havent played, and i'm dying for a fix.
Here's what i've played already:
M:TG online beta/free trials (the king of card games, but expensive to get anywhere in)
Spectromancer (aka the "who got lucky enough to draw the astral guard" game)
PuzzleQuest (I can't wait for galactrix, I can't wait for galactrix, I can't wait for galactrix)
Etherlords I/II (very solid card game, mixed with some other RPG/Strat elements)
Here's what I like:
Card games.
The only reason I finished FF8 on the PSX was simply to keep collecting cards and playing tetra master.
M:TG is my fav by far - but i'm not in a place where I want to start dumping cash on building decks again, ugh.
Spectromancer was fun for almost two days, but lack of any deckbuilding and being at the total mercy of the random draw is very short-sighted.
Puzzle quest was awesome, splicing the RPG/story element with the puzzle game. Lots of fun.
Here's what I don't like:
Monthly fees/subscriptions.
Game mechanics based purely on random elements, no strategy.
Thanks in advance G&T, for any and all suggestions.
There's also Alteil, but it's been a while since I've played. If it's the same as it was, then randomness is a big factor. Only in that you can't choose who your units attack. It's completely random, and tends to screw you over a lot.
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Puzzle Pirates wasn't my cup of tea, the games seemed a little too "time limit/cartoony" and not enough "strategy/turn-based" for me.
Of the suggestions, Altiel seems closest to what I was shooting for - i'll give that a try first.
Please keep the ideas coming!
This also looks like a possible winner - the hex layout and subjects also remind me of Conflict for the NES.
Nostalgia +1!
It's a pity there doesn't seem to be a cross between M:TG and Spectromancer - M:TG is absolutely huge these days in terms of cards/costs/expansions/etc, and Spectromancer is just too small in almost every regard.
If only I was a game designer...
Last I heard it was Q1 2009, which was a disappointment after the original Oct 2008 date.
Hopefully, it doesn't get pushed again.
edit: one other great thing about poxnora that i've only seen rivaled by MTGO in its glory days is that it has a large, consistent community. There's pretty much always 80+ people playing in the ranked room, and more in the others so its always easy to get a game going
Yeppers. It's highly random and sometimes unforgiving, but it's always fun to wander around the desert and occasionally find a nuke that you can drop on radioactive zombies. Plus there have been 2 expansions, the most recent of which tweaked some of the combat mechanics and made infantry more viable.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
It's pretty neato.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
Oh man, I completely forgot Etherlords and EtherlordsII.
Played the both, and liked them a lot.
I enjoyed the fact that you had to re-work your deck for almost every battle, in that there wasn't simply an 'uber deck' of cards that won every fight it got in.
Great recommendation, i'll add it to the OP under games i've played.
I seem to remember that not long ago (last year or so) there was a hybrid card game/board game type schtick that took place in space.
It had a subscription fee and/or cards to buy, but also had free beginner's stuff.
I thought Pox Nora was very similar, but this was definitely space and I think more of a 'monopoly' type board game and less of a table-top RPG style.
So, name that mix of monopoly, space, and magic:the gathering please!