Hi I'm new here, but I thought you guys could give me a few tips. My gaming group is starting to get burnt out on Gaming right now, and we're trying to find a fun new game to play. We usually play Shadowrun(3rd ed), Star wars, or D&D (2nd, 3.5, or 4E).
Anoyne know of some good tabletop games we could try out to reignite that gaming fire?
What style of games do tou do? Hack and slash/shoot 'em ups? Intrigue? That might help us direct you a little better.
Dark Heresy as an all-psyker party.
Sounds like hack 'n' slash by the examples given. They might like to try an RPG with a different sort of gameplay style. I'm an out-of-touch gaming grump, so the only thing I can honestly suggest is Star Wars D6. :P
Maybe boardgames would be a good change of pace and variety. Something light and liesurely-paced like Ticket to Ride or Carcassonne. Maybe Munchkin the cardgame. The Boardgame thread would be the place to go for recommendations.
What kind of comedy-style card games are out there? I've got a get-together coming up and could use something like this.
Comedy style card games - the best of the bunch is Munchkin. Grab the vanilla set, particularly with seasoned role-players. For me, it doesn't hold up to repeated plays over a long period of time, but it is a lot of fun to play a few times.
Other options:
- Fluxx (just released a Monty Python themed version, or the Zombie if that's more your style; there is also Family Fluxx or EcoFluxx if those themes don't excite you or you will be playing with more casuals)
- Killer Bunnies (but beware: the more expansions you add, the longer the game tends to take)
For a more intense play session, you could try a co-op game like Knizia's Lord of the Rings game, Arkham Horror, or A Touch of Evil. The just released Battleship Galactica board game (there's a play session on these forums if you search for it) would be a great choice if any of you are fans of the show. Pandemic is also being re-released this month (or maybe next?) and would be another good choice for a co-op, though it only handles 4 players at a time.
Beyond that, let us know what sort of thing you might be interested, and I'll see what else I can come up with.
Give them only the rules, not the books, they will ruin the surprise if they read anything except the rules, infact get rid of some of the text on the rules, because it gives away much more than it should.
Both DL:R and Necessary Evil use the Savage Worlds system, which is good, it also has the Adventure Deck, which is good, therefore it is doubleplus good.
Or Paranoia.
Yeah, just play Paranoia.
Also, Spycraft. It has a VERY different flavor than a traditional tabletop fantasy RPG, as the characters are basically spies going through whatever kind of spy-esque scenario you can imagine.
You can put them in a James Bond-esque scenario, or a "heist" kind of thing, or pretty much anything you can imagine. There's some neat rules for various traditional spy mechanics, and its setting allows for some modern-day era gameplay that you can make as realistic or fantastical as you want.
Not really trying to be funny (at all). But it ends up being hilarious 90% of the time when you keep hitting someone with a pipe and they have no block cards.
but honestly, if you're looking for something exciting and dramatic and different from the norm
why not try Exalted?
it's like anime kung fu with dice and really cool names.
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